Special Reasons For Loving

Senin, 01 Oktober 2012

I am linking to the Inspired Room's 20 ways to love Fall party.  All of us who love Fall are listing our own special reasons for loving the season.

Here are mine:

1.   afternoons spent photographing the fabulous New England foliage
2.   the smell of wood stoves burning
3.   hot spiced apple cider
4.   the sound of leaves crunching underneath my feet
5.   apple and cinnamon scented candles
6.   seeing pumpkins on everyone's doorstep
7.   bringing out the cashmere sweaters
8.   pumpkin spice lattes
9.   corduroy jackets in Fall colors
10. caramel apples
11. cool crisp air
12. using browns, golds, and burgundies in my Fall decor
13. cozy scarves
14. plush throws
15. my annual Harvest dinner
16. warm apple crisp
17. driving up North to see the foliage
18. lit fireplaces
19. hot chocolate
20. flannel sheets and down comforters

I wish I could give a photo credit for the photo above but I don;t know who took it. I saved the photo  on my computer a while ago and there wasn't a credit attached.

An Autumn Walk in the Neighborhood

Sabtu, 29 September 2012

Today's weather was damp and raw. In the morning, I went to a yard sale in Winchester and an outdoor farmer's market. Too bad it wasn't nice out, it would have been a little more enjoyable. In the afternoon, I decided to take a walk around my neighborhood.

I could see that Autumn had arrived. Right outside my back door there was a smattering of colorful leaves on the ground.  I thought it was a little early in the season for such brilliant color but then I realized it is almost October! It seems like just yesterday I was standing by the lighthouse in Maine but it was nearly a month ago.

My upstairs neighbor put a new autumnal plant outside the front door of our condominium.

The neighbors next door but the requisite pumpkins on the back stairway. Their hydrangea bush has turned a beautiful mauve color.

Even the flowers/weeds growing by the street looked pretty under a cloudy sky.

I walked down the street and spied a magnificient rose in someone's yard. The color caught my eye and I walked right across their lawn to get a better look. Luckily, they weren't home.

The rose was such a lovely shade I just had to snap a photo of it. Look, it has a companion.

My favorite trees have multi color leaves. The colors look so much nicer when the reds and oranges have a green backdrop.

I can't wait for all the trees to turn. I haven't seen many yellows yet.

Just one more leafy shot for the day. I should have taken some of the fallen leaves home to press. Did you press leaves as a child? Or jump in the piles of leaves your father had just raked?

Many of the homes in the neighborhood had a mum plant and a pumpkin on the front steps, but, this one had to be my favorite. The homeowners definitely gave their display more thought. I like the cornstalks framing the doorway and the use of color.  Very pretty!

 My last stop and I found another rosebush in a neighbor's yard. These look more like Summer roses to me.  I guess Autumn hasn't totally arrived yet. Some of us are still hanging on to Summer.

Blood, Sweat and Tears- Jeanne's Home Renovation

Minggu, 23 September 2012

Remember my friend Jeanne's home renovation I blogged about here? The living room was ugly and scary and looked downright dangerous.

Now it is clean with a beautifully refinished hardwood floor. The filthy stained glass window was removed to be repaired and cleaned. The drop ceiling was removed. The whole room has come alive.

Again, the dingy floor and the nicotine stained walls and moulding needed TLC.

Here's a much prettier cleaned up version of the hallway. What a difference some 409 spray and a fresh coat of paint makes!

Jeanne bought this chandelier at a moving sale in her hometown. It is a nice addition to the entrance. I wish I had been at that sale but I think we would have fought over the chandelier!

A rather uninspring office or small bedroom.  Nothing terribly hideous in this room compared to the others but it still needs some attention.

Bright and sunny now.  Jeanne put some furniture in each room until she has tenants. I'm glad the old radiator is still prominent in the room. I love it.

The kitchen was stuck in a time warp and like all the rooms, it needed major cleaning and repair.

If I had seen this floor, I never would have bought the property. Jeanne is quite determined and handy and she also knows some good workmen.

Clean, shiny and bright. A lovely way to display some prized possessions. Who needs cabinet doors?

The floors are looking great now.  Love the kitchen chairs too. I think there is still work to be done here.

The bedroom- again damaged floors, dirty, old wallpaper from a chain smoker. In need of improvement for sure.

Very nice. I love the color of the floors.  They really turned out beautifully.  The room is ready for some finishing touches and ready for a tenant.

Even the outside is getting a facelift.  The house will be green with white trim.

Do you think Jeanne's job is finished?  Guess again and come upstairs with me.

And let the demo begin!!

A Harvest Tablescape

Selasa, 18 September 2012

Fall is almost here! My most favorite season of the year. I love everything about it and I love to create Fall tablescapes for my guests. These are photos from my last year's Harvest Dinner which is an annual event in my home.

I love Fall colors and I try to use a color scheme to mirror the palette outside my window on a Fall day. So you'll find greens, oranges, reds, and golds incorporated in my tablescape.

The burgundy turkey always makes an appearance in the Fall. He can hold gravy or sometimes cranberry sauce. My favorite green glasses purchased from Colleen at Brissonte of North Reading are a colorful addition to the tablescape.

I love the warm glow from my lighted table runner.  This one is a pumpkin color but I have them in many colors. I use little ceramic napkin holders with pumpkins, gourds, and apples on them and I mixed the patterns on the plates.

Sometimes the tablescape spills over onto the kitchen counter. Far be it for me to leave a surface undecorated!  I like to use antique pieces as cake stands and to display my first course.

Old silver trays and doilies are used to showcase dessert offerings. I am already planning this year's tablescape for my Harvest Dinner.  I like to change it up each Fall although I do have my favorite dishes and glasses that I use each year.

I am linking to the Lettered Cottage's blog party.  Click on the button to see other participant's tablescapes.

The Lettered Cottage

Melrose Victorian Fair

Rabu, 12 September 2012

It's September and that means it's time for the Melrose Victorian Fair. Each year the fair seems to get bigger and bigger.  Booth spaces numbered 187 at last check and then there were the artists and crafters at Artisan Alley. A large section of Main Street is closed every year to accomodate the crowds.  Some years, the attendance is over 10,000.

This year's fair was a wonderful blend of community organizations and the business sector. Students sold items as fundraisers for their sports teams.

I went clothes shopping at my favorite booths, hoping to achieve the Melrose chic look like this staffer at the Rada Boutique booth.

My co-workers were on hand to answer questions about banking and to give away some cool items.

The day started out cloudy and then the sun came out and the temperature was perfect.

In my opinion, the best giveaway at the fair was a Tshirt from Full Circle Design.

Some people brought their dogs. In fact, I saw almost as many dogs as babies.

Turner's Seafood did a brisk business.  They were serving mini lobster rolls and clam chowder.

Center stage had a variety of performers. One could see Irish step dancers, karate demonstrations, and choral groups.

A municipal parking lot served as a mini carnival with games and rides.

Another cute dog takes it all in from street level.  I hope he enjoyed himself.

I liked these costumes the best of all the center stage performers. Melrose chic, mais oui!

I was asked to take a photo of this man who is 90+ years old.  He rode his bike to the fair and then relaxed outside the local Starbucks at the heart of all the action.

I told you dogs were plentiful.

Center stage was not the only place for performers. There were clowns and living statues.

This man wanted to talk about free speech and the democracy amendment question on the November ballot.

Kudos to the Melrose Chamber for organizing another first class Victorian Fair. It was a perfect day.



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