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Tampilkan postingan dengan label crazy love. Tampilkan semua postingan

It's February and you know what that means!

Rabu, 01 Februari 2012

Yes, February is the month of love. The month when I'll post anything and everything about love. Crazy love, romantic love, young love. 

If you need your love fix before my next post, please read my February 2011 and 2010 posts. Check out the side bar to the right to access them.

About the kitty love photo, I do not know the actual photographer and I can't remember where I found it. So unfortunately, no photo credit.

Til next time, Chatelaine

Memories of past romances

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

Thanks to all of you who left such great comments on my last post. It's always nice to have your support. Wish I had known you all earlier in my life!

Tonight's post is about memories of past romances.

The first one is about a boyfriend I had in my teens. For our first date, he asked me if I wanted to go to the Red Sox home opener. Wow, I was very impressed! I asked him where our seats were located, thinking we would probably be in the bleachers. He said, "Oh, I don't have tickets! I thought we would climb the billboard and watch it from there. You can really see everything from up there". I politely declined but we did go out after that.

You might remember the subway guy from my Sweet Romance post from last February. We both worked at the movie theater. He was an usher and I was a candy girl. So on the first night we went out, he showed up at my house with masking tape down the sides of his jeans. He said he thought I might not recognize him without his usher's uniform. I cracked up, a great start to the evening. I love a man who makes me laugh!

Then there was the guy who only took me out to lunch. You guessed it! He was engaged, the snake!

Anything my readers would like to share? I'm listening!

I'm falling for you- Crazy Love Part 2

Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011

Those of you who were readers of my blog for some time may remember my crazy love post from last year. I wrote about the hunt or chase when trying to attract a guy. This time Crazy Love is about the crazy things that happen in a relationship.

One night, early in a relationship with this one guy, I had gone to his parents house to meet up with him. His parents were home. We had planned to go to a rather nice restaurant and I wore an ivory silk dress and high heels and a faux fur coat that looked like arctic fox. It was white and I thought the coat was really stunning.

Anyway, after we went to dinner we watched a little TV with his parents at their home. As the mother was saying good night to me, she turned and said to my boyfriend, "Don't forget to take the movie star home"! I was really insulted, it was not meant as a compliment. If you had heard her tone you would know it wasn't nice. She didn't know I had driven myself there.

I left shortly thereafter and I must admit I had an attitude towards my boyfriend after hearing his mother's comment.

As I was leaving, I expected my boyfriend to at least walk me to the car but no.
He said goodnight inside the house and I left to go home.

Well it had rained and gotten really cold while we were inside watching TV. I stepped onto the first step in my heels and did not realize the steps, and driveway were encased in ice. I slipped off the step and went sailing down the first set of stairs. I was airborne and missed several steps altogether and then when my feet hit the bottom of the stairs, of course I slid again. This time down a second set of stairs. I was sliding on my butt at such a fast pace that I slid under my car which was parked in the driveway. Really, I ended up under the car! I had to duck so I didn't smack my head on the bumper of the car.

Luckily, I escaped serious injury. Actually the only thing injured was my pride. I had plenty of bruises but no broken bones. I think the thickness of the coat saved me! And maybe the fact that I had taken figure skating lessons years earlier. Gosh I loved that coat!

I turned back to see if the beau was watching but the door was shut and the outside light was turned off. What a snake! Actually I would have been totally embarrassed if he had seen me, but still, my ego was bruised.

We did go out after that but I let him know that I was not impressed by his actions. As for his mother, we tolerated each other in those early days.

So, who's got some juicy or funny crazy love stories to share?

Crazy Love

Selasa, 09 Februari 2010

Today I'm posting about crazy love. You know, the crazy things we do or did in pursuit of love. It may have been years ago or maybe just yesterday, but, most likely you did something crazy to attract the opposite sex.

In conversation with my sister about the matter, I realize that anything I did pales in comparison to some of her stories. She has granted me permission to share a few.

Once upon a time, my sister was working at a bookstore. The assistant manager of the store was an extremely handsome, tall, blond, blue-eyed man. My sister found him very attractive and interesting. I shall call him "blond guy". They enjoyed a friendship, but, my sister liked him liked him and so she set out to be more than friends.

She knew two things about this man. He hated working in a mall. No windows and no way to see outside, he loved open spaces. She also knew he loved all things French. So she prepared a picnic lunch complete with french baguettes and cheeses and she invited him to join her outside in the mall parking lot. They ate their lunch on the median strip on the blacktop.

My sister told me a second story, actually I remembered most of this one. That same summer, my sister was interested in Errol Flynn movies. She had conversations with "blond guy" about old swashbuckling movies. She knew "blond guy" had a favorite movie theatre near where he lived and an Errol Flynn movie just happened to be playing at the theatre. So she had one of our guy friends call him up and say that he had won two movie passes to the Errol Flynn movie. He surely would ask my sister to go to the movie with him right? Wrong, he never mentioned it to my sister so finally she had to come clean and ask him about the phone call. He said he knew it was just Sheila being crazy! They never did have a romantic relationship but they were good friends amd he made work fun for her.

I tried to come up with some of my own crazy stories but I couldn't think of anything that interesting or creative. Once when I was working as a bank teller, I met a guy who was a welder. He came to the bank every Friday to cash his paycheck. If I didn't wait on him, I wouldn't get to talk to him and then he would never ask me out. So whenever I spied him crossing the bank parking lot, I would ask all the tellers to either close their windows or walk away from the teller area. Poor guy must have thought I did everything at that branch since I was the only one he ever saw. It took about three months but he did eventually ask me out. We went out for a while but I think the pursuit was more fun than the end result.

So how about you? Any crazy confessions? And do check out my playlist. I added some "crazy" songs including one by one of my sister's favorites, Paul Simon.



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