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No chocolate left behind- Boston Strong Chocolate Tour

Senin, 27 Mei 2013

This weekend, my friends Karen, Kim and I went on the Boston Strong Back Bay Chocolate Tour. My sister and I went in on the ticket for Karen as a birthday present. My sister is not into chocolate that much so she elected to give her ticket to Kim.

We assembled at the first stop on this walking tour, Hotel Chocolat. They had prepared the tasting room just for our group of 18.

Our guide, Victoria, introduced herself and explained about the tour. She talked about the significance of this particular tour because all the proceeds from the tour would go to the One Fund. She has been a Bostonian for 11 years and she was clearly affected by the Marathon Bombings.

Victoria had us sign a poster which would later be placed at the Marathon Memorial. I loved what Victoria wrote.

Mine was not nearly as eloquent. I think I mentioned in a previous post that six people from my hometown were seriously injured in the bombings.

We all signed the poster and got to know each other. A couple from New York just in Boston for the weekend, a mother and daughter from Rhode Island, friends from Wisconsin, a couple celebrating their anniversary.

Before the first tasting, we received a goodie bag and were given the ground rules of the tour. "No chocolate left behind!" proclaimed Victoria. We had to eat all the samples or they were to be put into the ziploc bags we were given with the goodie bags. I knew this was one rule I could obey.

I forgot to mention we all received a Boston Strong T-shirt and we were asked to wear them on the tour. The T-shirt was designed by a young Melrose girl.

Let the sampling begin! First a little education about chocolate. That big red thing? A chocolate pod.

We didn't break it open and eat it. Instead, we had a milk chocolate disc and a pecan brownie chocolate. Yum, nothing went in my ziploc bag at this stop!

Having our appetite whetted for chocolate we were on to the next stop. Victoria led the group down the street to Ben and Jerry's.

A section of Ben & Jerry's was reserved for us. We learned a bit about Ben & Jerry and their Vermont based business.

We were educated about fair trade and the natural ingredients that Ben & Jerry use in their ice cream.

Then it was on to the ice cream! Vanilla with chocolate chip cookies, chocolate chocolate chip cookies and a third cookie as well. It was delicious!

Here's a better look at the Tshirt. Colors of the Boston Marathon, blue and gold. A gold heart and the city skyline with the words Boston Strong showing through.

I firmly believe that no matter what your age ice cream and chocolate will always bring a smile to your face!

Victoria and friend were happy too. They were making all of us happy and raising money for the One Fund. Win win!

Next stop, Teuscher Chocolatier. Swiss made chocolates, yes please! Bring on the ziploc bag!

The chocolates in this shop are flown in daily from Zurich. We had champagne truffles, yum!

This shop was so beautiful! Flowers and chocolate everywhere. Of course I found it appealing!

Karen took this shot of Kim and I. The only photo you will see of me as I am always the one behind the camera!

Time for a chocolate cupcake at Sweet on Newbury. This reminds of a shop you might see in Paris. Attention to detail on the inside and  out.

These cupcakes honored our Boston Bruins hockey team. Go Bruins, all the way to the Stanley Cup!

And of course, Boston Cream Pie cupcakes were for sale.

I told you this shop was cute inside too. Wouldn't this be heaven for a little girl's birthday party?

And I definitely need one of these for my next party!

You know I have a chalkboard obsession so I knew I would love the next stop, Robin's Candy.

A couple of samples of chocolate at Robin's. When I was asked if I wanted to try a chocolate covered cricket I thought it was a cricket shaped chocolate candy. I tried it and later found I had indeed eaten a cricket covered in chocolate. Eew! It was quite crunchy and leggy. Yuck!

Visual overstimulation and a sugar rush. Members of our group soaked up the festive atmosphere at this store.

Members of our group relaxed outside after the frivolity inside Robin's.

My friends enjoyed the sunshine after the downpours on Saturday.

Boston's beauty was certainly on display this Sunday afternoon.

We trekked onto the next destination, savoring the sunshine and near perfect temps.

Victoria told us to take 5 pieces of Lindt Chocolate Truffles- one of each kind.

We walked down Boylston Street and stopped at the Boston Marathon finish line. We held a moment of silence for the victims of the bombings. The sound of sirens and ambulances did not permit a true silence and I wept briefly thinking that this is the exact sounds so many victims heard after the bombs went off. Sirens.

We walked past the very ornate Copley T Station (that's the public transportation system for those of you who are non-Bostonians). 

And we passed in front of the Boston Public Library, one of my favorite buildings in the city.

We headed to the last chocolate stop Gourmet Boutique at Copley Place.

Taylor spoke about the different product lines at Gourmet Boutique. It is a teeny tiny shop but lovely. 18 of us squeezed into the shop to taste 3 kinds of chocolate.

Victoria wanted to place our poster at the Marathon Memorial so we walked with her. I had not seen it and I wanted to pay my respects.

I read many of the sentiments on cards, posters, running shoes and watched the people's faces. Emotions are still raw and shock and grief are still evident. It has been little more than a month.

Those who died were memoralized.

Others expressed their feelings of patriotism.

And of their resolve to keep on running.

Messages of strength.

And solidarity from those who know the pain from acts of terrorism.

We will all feel better in time but we can feel good about our small contribution to the One Fund Boston. 

If you would like to take a Boston Chocolate Tour click here for info.

To donate to the One Fund Boston click here.

A Chocolate Tea in Harvard Square

Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013

An invitation for a Chocolate Tea with friends?  Harvard Square? A warm, cozy eatery on a brutally cold day?  Yes, please!

So today I went to Harvard Square with my friend Kim to enjoy a chocolate tea. The location? Upstairs on the Square. We met our friend Jill there.

I liked the colors on the outside of the building. Purple is a favorite color of mine.

This was the scene when we entered the restaurant. How fun! I loved all the colors, the checkboard floor, and funky lights.

Zebra fabric on the benches, pink tables, a couple of fantastic fireplaces. What a feast for the eyes and the tummy!

These ladies were here for lunch, not afternoon tea.  Can you see the cool fireplace in the background and a balcony to the right? What an architectural wonder!

The tea was part of Harvard Square's Chocolate Festival.  Some of the businesses in Harvard Square were giving away free samples today. We did not go for the samples since we were going to the tea.

Isn't the zebra logo cute? The Winter Events include dinners as well. I might just have to make a return visit!

While Kim and Jill conversed, I got a better look at the place through my lens. It looks like lots of women were relaxing with their friends.

This mobile was interesting. Looked liked a collection of art works. And upon closer inspection....

it was a mobile made from children's drawings and handwritten notes. Too cute!

There were some very interesting light fixtures. Do these lightbulbs have wings? Yes, they do, they are angel lightbulbs.

Another interesting light. Bottles tied together and illuminated within. Fantastic!

That is one fabulous mirror! And yes, that is yours truly catching her reflection in this shot.

And it's teatime! Our tray was filled with so many delights! Gruyere cheese tarts, blue cheese crackers, a chocolate chip scone. Then egg salad, ham salad, chicken salad, and salmon tea sandwiches.  The lower tier was for desserts. Chocolate eclairs, chocolate cupcakes, fudge, date bread and chocolate dipped strawberries. All of it so delicious!

Did I say chocolate dipped strawberries? Yes! One of my personal favorites. I make 'em at home sometimes. I think it is a healthy snack if I have some strawberries with my dark chocolate.

The tea flowed freely. Jill and I shared a pot of earl grey. Make that two pots, we got a refill. And Kim went with English breakfast tea.

Here's a view from the upstairs. A better shot of the amazing fireplace. It would have been nice to sit in front of that fire.  Upstairs on the Square was a 10 minute walk from where we parked so we were chilled. Kim works at Harvard so we parked for free! Quite the coup. Parking in Cambridge and especially Harvard Square can be a challenge.

There's another room in the back that we haven't even explored! Let's see what's back there.

I do love that floor and the pinks in this room. A very festive vibe in this room.

It's adorable isn't it? And look at the zebras on the wall. They are too cute!

A closer look at the crowd. Young Harvard students no doubt!  Since Upstairs on the Square is within walking distance of Harvard University I would imagine this is a student hangout.

Tea was over and we walked down Winthrop Street. The light on the building ahead was fantastic! It was still freezing, well more than freezing. The high temperature was 22 degrees and the low was 10 but that was without the wind chill!

This is the other side of Upstairs on the Square. Another restaurant is downstairs.

We had a little snow this morning but most of it is gone now. Still pretty though.

And at 4:41 PM, the sun was starting to set on this bitter cold day. Light traffic, some runners out for a jog ( yikes!) and me standing there taking it all in through my lens. It was a great day!




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