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It's February and you know what that means!

Rabu, 01 Februari 2012

Yes, February is the month of love. The month when I'll post anything and everything about love. Crazy love, romantic love, young love. 

If you need your love fix before my next post, please read my February 2011 and 2010 posts. Check out the side bar to the right to access them.

About the kitty love photo, I do not know the actual photographer and I can't remember where I found it. So unfortunately, no photo credit.

Til next time, Chatelaine

Sweet Romance

Kamis, 04 Februari 2010

So my last post was a bit of a downer. As we all know, romance has it's ups and downs so tonight I am posting about the sweetness of romance.

My first romantic experience was when I was 8 years old. I was admiring a fellow student's ring. He had a Batman ring. It looked like a hologram and you could see different pictures on the face of the ring depending on how you held your hand. I told Donald I liked his ring and he promptly took it off and gave it to me. He said to me, "Now we're engaged." Not knowing what that meant I said ok. When I came home from school, I told my mother I was engaged and then I asked what it meant. I think she found it quite amusing.

My first job was at a movie theater. I sold popcorn and candy and I was 15 years old. I was still working there when I was 16 and I was particularly taken with one of the ushers who often worked with me. He was funny and smart and he had blue eyes that twinkled when he smiled.

We shared a wonderful friendship and in my mind I thought we were dating. One day he asked me to go to the Red Sox baseball game with him. I had never been to Fenway Park and I don't think I'd ever even ridden the subway. I was a little nervous and very excited about making the trip into the big city. We got on the crowded subway and we got separated. When we reached our subway stop, he looked for me in the crowd and he reached for my hand. He helped me off the subway and continued to hold my hand. "I don't want to lose you", he said. I was totally smitten (my Dad's word) with this boy.

Don't you love a man who makes you his first priority? One of my exes used to call me mid-week and ask me what plans I would like to make for the weekend. Whatever I wanted to do was fine with him, he just wanted to spend time with me.

Another ex-boyfriend did the sweetest thing for me on our first date. We were going to a Christmas party and he was driving me to the party in his pickup truck. I got in the truck and he handed me an afghan. He said, "Here, I brought this for you. My truck takes a long time to heat up and I figured you could throw this over your legs so you won't be cold."
Wasn't that sweet?

Ok, now it's your turn. Got a sweet romance story? Email me @ chatelaine08@gmail.com I'd love to hear from you.

Next post: Crazy love.

Romance: The Good, the bad, and the ugly

Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

Since February is the month of love I have decided to do a series of posts on Romance. First, please take a look and a listen to my new playlist featuring my favorite love and in some cases anti-love songs.

Today's post is about the ugly side of romance. The times that make women want to swear off men.

One of my first romantic experiences was early in my sophomore year of high school. The sophomore dance was called the Twirp Twirl and the girls asked the guys to the dance. The custom was for the girl to take the guy to the dance and then to dinner.

I was going to buy a new dress for the dance. I already had it picked out, but, if I didn't have a date then there would be no reason to buy the dress. I remember it to this day. It was velour, burgundy in color, a long dress with a white collar and it tied in the back. At this time, I was about 5'5" and all of 98 pounds. I am not kidding. My selections were limited as almost nothing looked good on me. Yes, I was a beanpole.

I asked Bob from my science class to the dance. He said "sure". Afterwards, I wondered if Sure meant yes I'll go, or was it a sarcastic comment as in no way I would be caught dead with you. I remained the optimist.

I bought the dress and anxiously awaited the night of the dance. I confirmed plans the day before.

The night of the dance my mother drove me to Bob's house and then the both of us to the dance. We were having a fairly nice time. Well there was punch and some dancing. Then Bob spied the very curvaeous, most popular girl in our class. She was wearing the same dress as mine! Well, except hers was blue and she was blonde and oh yeah, it looked much better on her. Bob said to me, doesn't Gail look pretty in her dress? Not once that evening had he even commented on my dress! I was heartbroken and as you can imagine both the dance and dinner were a bust!(No pun intended) I had lost my appetite and couldn't eat my dinner so he ate both of our dinners. He said he had been starving himself for two days. The silence at the table was deafening and I heard the couple in the next booth say, "Aw, poor kids they must have had a fight".

Today I laugh about that night and I bet Bob would not even remember it. Sure wish I had a photo to show you all. I know we took photos that night. I guess I must have burned it.

I promise the next post will be more upbeat and filled with sweet stories. I'll reminisce about the good romantic experiences.

The perfect Valentine

Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

Here's my man for Valentine's 2010. I know it's a little early to be thinking of Valentine's Day but the more I think about it the more I'm convinced that Oscar will be my best Valentine.

I mean just look at those soulful eyes! He is attentive. He knows how to relax. He's not a morning person and neither am I. He's a good cuddler.

He keeps himself in good shape, he's lean but muscular. And he's not afraid to show his sensitive side, I've heard him cry on occasion.

Oscar and I met on Valentine's night two years ago. So I think it was meant to be. He will be my perfect Valentine for 2010.



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