Camera Critters #70- Alpaca Farm

Minggu, 09 Agustus 2009

Today I am participating in my first Camera Critters Meme. Since I love animals I thought this would be perfect for me. I have endless shots of my cats but I thought I would share some special vacation photos for my first post.

Last August I vacationed on Martha's Vineyard with some friends. A visit to an alpaca farm was on my to do list. These gentle animals stole my heart. I call these two The Gossip Girls.

I think this guy was on vacation too. Or maybe just having an afternoon siesta.

The baby was very inquisitive. She came right over to me. I love her knees.

An afternoon snack sounds good.

They all had different personalities. Do you think this one might have an ego?

This one is stuck in the 80's.

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Estate Sale Finds

Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2009

I saw the sign at Starbucks, Estate Sale 10-4 Friday and Saturday. Immediately, my antenna went up and I knew where I would be come 10AM the next morning.

I knew from the moment I hit the entrance. Oh, yeah this was gonna be good. My friend Kim and I were prepared. Sufficiently caffeinated? Check. Cash on hand after a trip to the ATM? Check. Ok, let the games begin.

I thought it would be intrusive to take photos inside the house but let me just say the homeowner definitely had my taste. Tiffany lamps, luxurious bedding, stylish furniture. I could have spent a fortune, but, I was quite controlled.

I bought this little bottle/vase. Very cute.

This sweet print is going to fit right in with some of my other artwork. I have some artwork at the frame shop as we speak, this one is already framed which is a bonus. Yes, I took the photo outside the house!

There were 3 floors and a basement full of items and a separate garage with even more items! I loved the yard and asked permission to take a photo of the swing. Wish I had a big tree to hang it from!

The neighbor who lived across the street decided to have a tag sale to piggyback off the estate sale. Her house looked exceptional so we decided to pay her a visit too. She was so sweet, she let us walk around her garden. It was spectacular. Love this gate!

She had lots of rabbits of stone and metal.

There was a koi pond in the back yard and a shed, a beautiful arch. It went on and on.

Pops of color added a touch of whimsy to the garden.

The woman is trying to sell her home and she said she had St Joseph buried in the front and backyard. Do you see the ray of light shining on her door? Maybe she'll get a little help with her home sale.

It really was a special property. She had some lovely things too. And she said she would be having a moving sale once the house was sold. So I think we'll be back to her neighborhood.

At the tag sale, I bought these mother of pearl handle knives. I put a few in a glass to show you but there were many more of them.

I got an entire bag full of pretty floral cloth napkins for $5. There were about 5 different sets of 4-6 napkins. Great find.

I bought 5 pillows at the estate sale. I put them on my living room to see how they looked. Oscar immediately wanted to investigate.

Here's a closeup of one of the pillows.

I hope Oscar doesn't find that fringe too interesting!

Well, he finished the investigation and it looks like they got his seal of approval.
Oscar thinks it's time for a nap. Me too, rummaging through estate sales is hard work!

Reminiscing about the Illumination Night Tea

Rabu, 05 Agustus 2009

Saturday's Illumination Night in Maine brought back memories to me. One memory of last year's trip to Martha's Vineyard and another of an Illumination Night Tea I hosted with my friend Kim back in 2007. At Kim's house we tried to recreate illumination night and the feeling of being on the Vineyard. I thought you'd enjoy reminiscing with me.

Here's a cottage on the Vineyard, all decorated and waiting for the evening's festivities.

And here's the illumination of the lanterns on the Vineyard.

Kim had never been to an illumination night so we decided that I would do the decorating for the party and she would handle the food. After all, she is the better cook.

Here's the tablescape. We served buffet style. Kim made a chicken dish with fruit compote and a dish with corn in it. Sorry, I forgot the details. We also had seafood salad rolls and a spinach salad with cranberries, goat cheese, and walnuts with a raspberry vinaigrette dressing. We used paper plates and napkins and a fishing net for a casual feel. The plastic flatware was housed in a Nantucket Basket. Faux hydrangeas were placed in a Pellegino water bottle which served as a vase.

A rice paper parasol was placed over the dining room light.

We made favors for everyone. I had seen an article in Martha Stewart magazine about making beach glass jewelry so I mentioned it to my artist sister. I was secretly hoping she would help us make the jewelry. My sister came through for us. She adapted Martha's idea into something more simple. Instead of drilling holes in the beach glass, we wrapped silver wire around the pieces and made a bale at the top. We then slipped a silk cord through the top and voila, beach glass necklace! We had assorted colors of beach glass and various colored cords.

Then we made little pyramid shaped boxes out of maps of Martha's Vineyard. We wrapped the necklaces in tissue paper, placed them in the boxes and tied the top of the box with raffia.

As soon as darkness arrived, we flicked on all the light switches and we had our own grand illumination. Earlier in the day, Kim's husband had hung those icicle Christmas lights all around the edge of the porch and I covered the bulbs with the lanterns.

I have to admit the lantern illumination came out much better than I expected and it looked pretty darn close to the illuminated cottages on the Vineyard.

The many hours of planning and preparation were all worth it when one of the guests told me the evening was "magical".

Ocean Park Illumination Night

Senin, 03 Agustus 2009

Saturday night a group of us attended the Ocean Park Illumination Night in Maine. It was a picture perfect evening. Not too warm and not too cool with wonderful moonlight reflecting on the ocean.

We walked the beach and listened to the sound of the waves. I just love the smell of the ocean/beach. The breeze was gentle Saturday night.

Before the beach walk and the illumination, we took in the sights of the town. The temple was so charming on the outside.

Some of us checked out the antiques store.

Of course, there had to be ice cream consumed at some point! Check out the Graham Central Station flavor. I was curious but I didn't order it.

He's making my sundae.

And there it is, peppermint stick ice cream with hot fudge sauce and whipped cream.

Some of the cottages just had lights, no lanterns. It was still very pretty.

Some of the streets were lined with scallop shells with tea lights inside them. So adorable!

The young man who owned this cottage came out to talk to us. The cottage had been in his family for generations. I'd love to see it in the daytime.

These were my favorite lanterns. Probably because I love animals. Or maybe because they were so unique. I consider myself a lantern conoisseur and I have never seen anything like them.

We spoke with the woman who owned the lanterns and she said she got them in Singapore! She lived there for 32 years.

The lanterns are made of cellophane.

Her name is Pam and she lives in Ocean Park. She posed with us for our group shot.

Luminarias lined this cottage's steps. The little candle jars were decorated with tissue paper on the outside. The homeowner's children had made them.

This cottage had more of the traditional type lanterns.

They were so pretty when illuminated.

A Highland band entertained the crowd and walked up and down the streets of the town.

A cross and lights along a fence leading to the beach.

A couple stood near the entrance to the beach and they gave free candles with a little card. Everyone lit their candles and put them in shallow holes in the sand.

We lit candles and said prayers for our friend's mom who had passed away a day earlier.

The candles stayed lit despite the seabreeze.

One of the homeowners opened up his garden to the public. It looked gorgeous even in the evening light.

Another evening garden shot.

This one gets the most whimsical and most labor intensive award.

Although, we arrived too late for the Strawberry Shortcake Festival, we had no regrets. We all had a wonderful evening.

I wish to thank Don for giving me permission to use some of his photos for this post.



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