Paris Party

Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

Today, I am linking to Anita's Blog, Castles, Crowns and Cottages.  She is hosting the Simply Irresistible Paris Party.

 I had my dressform Vivienne model the necklace and shawl I have selected for the Paris party. Vivienne always wears everything so well. I must say I am a little jealous!

 The necklace, a Sheila Foley original, was made for me by my sister in 2006. I was hosting a French themed afternoon tea and my sister thought this necklace might be a nice addition to my outfit.

 She used a tugua nut to resemble the ivory used in scrimshaw pieces. The beads are white, clear and blue.

Here's the back of the tugua nut.  This is what the front looked like before it was etched.

Here's the dress I've selected for the party.  It's by Chanel.  This neckline is perfect to showcase my necklace. 

I am ready to step out into the night ...

and trip the light fantastic!  (Photo credit- photomike07 at Flickeriver)

I'm thinking Rockport

Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Two people mentioned Rockport to me today and it got me to thinking.  It's definitely one of my favorite towns. My sister said, "Want to take a sister's trip there some night after work?" "Yes," I said.  I didn't hesitate because I can't wait to sit out on this deck and watch the sun go down.  If we arrive around 5:30, we'll have a couple hours of light and then a gorgeous sunset to view.

Or we could sit here and watch the boats and gulls from an oceanfront table.

We could got out to sea on one of these boats. Maybe a sunset cruise would be nice. There could be some great photo opportunities out at sea.

On land, there's lots to look at too.  The flora and fauna of this beautiful town.

Some cool window shopping or actual buying. Yeah those towels are calling to me.

Of course there is nothing better than just sitting and staring at the ocean at the end of the day.  Well maybe sitting and staring at the ocean from the deck of Helmut's Strudel shop with a warm apple strudel and an ice coffee in front of me would just be perfection.

Well I guess I am going to make plans to do just that next week.

A free Saturday

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

It's been a long time since I had what I call a free Saturday. You know a Saturday when
you don't have any obligations.  No work, no nursing home obligations, no photo shoots.

I was really excited about it.  The weather forecast looked great too.

I decided to sleep in. Molly decided to sleep in extra long. Before I went out, I opened some of the windows for the kitties to enjoy the warm air and sunshine.

I went to an estate sale in Reading and found a few things.  Afterwards, I went for breakfast at
Aroma Cafe and had my favorite Eggs in the Hearts with fruit and lacy potatoes. I caught up on my reading with a few British magazines.  Love them!

After leaving the estate sale, I spotted a house on the same road with beautiful flowers in front. I especially loved the wisteria hanging from the arbor.  Along this road there are so many lovely homes.

I love wisteria but it doesn't bloom for long, does it?

The flowers were so pretty I had to stop for some photos.

What a nice variety of flowers in this mini garden!

                                          Such delicate blooms with soft colors.

Here's the garden in full view. It does not look that impressive until
you really close in on it.

The wisteria was in full bloom and so gorgeous!

When I got home I unpacked my estate sale finds. I bought 2 teacups, a lacy tablecloth,
and 2 military trunks which are still in my car.

I really don't have many pink teacups so I picked this one up. It was too pretty
to leave on the table at the estate sale.

                    The other one is white with a pink saucer. The two cups make a nice set.

So the end of the world didn't happen and having thoroughly enjoyed my free Saturday, I am looking forward to many more.

It's the end of the world as we know it

Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

I was getting my morning coffee at a coffehouse in Melrose today and there was a long line.  A few of the women in line ahead of me were talking about the end of the world which is scheduled for tomorrow.

I joked that I hoped I wasn't having my last Mocha. This coffeehouse makes the best Mochas and they use Ghiardelli Dark Chocolate, yum!

One woman said she was going to Maine because that would be a good place to spend her last day on Earth.  Another asked if it was going to be Judgement Day for her since she is Jewish. And one of the guys said if all the dead rise up at one time it will be a Zombie World.

It was an interesting conversation with strangers and it seemed to shorten the wait for my Mocha.

So what are you doing tomorrow?

My blog anniversary

Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Wow, this almost got past me.  It's my blogaversary! Can you believe it?  It's been 3 years since my first post.  My very first post was about Oscar. He was just a stray cat I was feeding back then. Of course, now he's my happy middle child and I feel so lucky to have found him.

Looking over the past year's posts all I can say is ugh! Boring! Where did the fun go? And the humor?  Gone!

You know, blogging is tough. It's really hard to come up with fresh material every week or twice a week.  I really can't imagine posting every day. But some bloggers do and they always keep it interesting.  I wish I could do that but I can't.

I would like to post every other day but sometimes life gets in the way.  Some days I am posting very late in the evening and I wonder if my words even make sense. 

I think I would like to get back to telling stories of things that happen in my life and to bringing my camera with me everywhere. Those spontaneous shots are always the best.

So here's to 3 years of blogging and the promise of a more interesting blog in the coming year. I'm celebrating with a cup of tea.

First Communion Photo shoot

Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

So I attended the first communion of my friend's daughter on Saturday.  It was cloudy, windy and cool. I felt bad for the little girls in their lightweight dresses. Many of them were shivering during the outside procession.

This photo is not of my friend's daughter. I did not get her permission to post the photos yet.  I selected this shot because I thought it captured the most perfect moment of the day. Also, I found out that this little girl was wearing her mother's wedding dress.

All the children were so well behaved and they all looked so adorable. The boys in their white suits and the girls in their beautiful dresses and veils. They were a joy to photograph.

I hope to show more of the photos once I get the family's permission.

My next photography gig

Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

 Tomorrow I have a  photography gig. My friend's daughter will be receiving her first communion. These photos are from last year's photo shoot for another friend's daughter.

 I took some shots of the daughter with the priest and with her family. But I liked spying on the girls and boys for some candids.

It's fun to see them all dressed up in their finest dresses and veils.  All in white.

The best part is seeing them before or after the mass when they are just being themselves.

The boys are dressed up too and usually looking uncomfortable.  You know those ties are coming off the minute they leave the church.

The girls looked like little princesses. And there every move was photographed and videoed.

This is my friend's daughter, the fairest princess of them all with her lovely updo and stunning

I am hoping I  have a good vantage point inside the church. Wouldn't want to miss all those precious little moments.



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