Afternoon Tea in New Hampshire

Senin, 17 Mei 2010

On Sunday, my tea group met at the Inn By The Bandstand in Exeter, New Hampshire for afternoon tea. There were eight of us in attendance.

As the tea hostess, I had to come up with the idea and make the arrangements. I gave everyone a favor as a thank you for attending. Orange tea cakes made by my friend Mary were wrapped in a cellophane bag and tagged with a vintage Victorian calling card. I just have to say that Mary's tea cakes are delicious and I am so excited that her recipe made extra cakes! There are six in my freezer as we speak.

We shopped before the tea. Although this shop, Portobello Road was permanently closed, the name remained attached to the building. If I could have pryed this sign off I would have. I want it!!

I guess you can tell where the Inn got it's name!

Most of the food items were set up on the buffet We had scones, tea sandwiches, and desserts.

Look a cloche!

Look two cloches. Those little lemon cakes were yummy! I do love a silver tea service.

Mmmm! Red velvet cupcakes. I think I trampled a few people to make sure I got one.

Another view of the buffet.

I think this photo could have been taken in another time. Deborah and Lori Lee look like they are from another era.

Lisa is deep in conversation. And why not? We usually see each other but once a month at the tea event.

Karen and Erica knew their photos would be posted on the blog.

I asked if we could also have a tour of the Inn and our hosts graciously obliged. So the following photos are from our tour. First stop, the dining room.

This is the Cambridge Room. I loved this room because of the black toile. Tres jolie!

But then I saw the softer shades in this room and I thought this was the room for me.

What a sweet desk. Yup! This room is the best.

This room was grand.

And just look at the handiwork on that canopy.

That's what's missing from my bedroom at home. A breakfast nook and a chandelier. I'm getting great ideas from this tour.

A four poster bed completes the scene. Beautiful!

A touch of whimsy. Cute!

This is a clever idea.

The dining room light was perfect and so was the weather.

An impressive staircase.

One last shot before departing. We had a wonderful, relaxing afternoon at the Inn. If you're in the neighborhood, check out the Inn By the Bandstand, 6 Front St, Exeter, New Hampshire.

Favorite Clothes

Jumat, 14 Mei 2010

Do you have a favorite jacket, sweater or dress? Well, this is my favorite jacket.
It isn't necessarily my most flattering article of clothing. In fact, to be honest, it's getting a little tight in the hip area. Well, of course it is, after all it is a men's suit jacket all gussied up to look girly and pretty.

I like the hankie in the pocket. It adds a splash of color.

I love the material on this lapel. I think I would like a purse made of this fabric.

The boring men's suit buttons were replaced with these pretty pearlized ones.

A doily on one pocket. Too cute!!

I think one of the reasons this jacket is my favorite is because I bought it in Ogunquit, Maine at my favorite shop, The Blue Willow. Also, it is one of a kind and a real conversation piece. I bought it at least ten years ago. I think it was the 90's. I also think my mom and sister were with me the day I bought it. I have fond memories of shopping and lunches with my mom.

So this jacket brings me to my happy place every time I wear it. How about you? Have you got a favorite?

Meet Stuart and Tucker

Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

Last week, I took Molly to the vet for her annual checkup and rabies shot. While we were waiting to see Dr. Ricketts at the Beverly Animal Natural Health Center, we met a beautiful black cat. I was introduced to Stuart. Isn't he sweet?

Stuart now resides at the vet's office because someone just left him on the bench in front of the building. Someone just dumped him there. Can you imagine that? It made me really angry. I am sure that Stuart will enjoy living at the vet's and probably it will be the best thing for him but really. Do people think vet's offices are safe havens for animals?

Anyway, I guess maybe the person who dropped him off thought they were doing him a favor. I shouldn't judge since I don't know their circumstances.

So Stuart joins Tucker, the other resident cat at the Beverly Animal Natural Health Center. Tucker was a great help to me recently. I thought I felt a lump on Molly around her chest area. I brought her in to see Dr Ricketts and she said it was nothing, it was normal. I thought how come I never noticed it before if it was normal. She explained that cats lose muscle mass as they age just like people do. She brought Tucker in and had me feel the same spot on him. It was much more pronounced on him. but he is a lot older than Molly. It put my fears to rest.

I really love the staff at the vet's office. I will continue to bring Molly and Oscar there as I know they will get good care. And I like seeing Tucker and Stuart.

Mosaic Monday- A Day in Boston

Minggu, 09 Mei 2010

I am participating in Mosaic Monday. Last Fall, I spent three lovely days in Boston and so I decided to use my photos from those daytrips for my mosaic.

I really love Autumn in New England. So enjoy your virtual trip to Boston as seen through my camera lens. You may click the image to enlarge.

For other Mosaic Monday posts,

Nothing Makes a House Cozier Than Cats

Jumat, 07 Mei 2010

"Nothing makes a house cozier than cats", this quote by Gladys Taber is so true. Well for me anyway. I love coming home to my two furbabies. They greet me at the door when I come home.

Molly will be purring so loudly I can hear her the minute I open the door before I even see her. Oscar will hang back a little. He's more cautious, probably from being a street kitty in his former life.

I'm home for the weekend, no big plans to take me away from home for any length of time. So we'll probably hang out on the sofa at some point. As you can see from the first photo, Oscar has already claimed his cushion.

Hoping you all have some cozy time this weekend.

Gryphon Studio, Melrose

Rabu, 05 Mei 2010

This weekend, I went shopping in Melrose. I checked out a new store called Gryphon Studio. Saturday was the first day of business and the sun was shining on the shop. The owner could not have asked for a better day. The weather was perfect and the downtown area was full of shoppers.

I really like what they've done with the outside of the building. Before the renovation, it was very shabby and not in a chic sort of way.

I've been watching the transformation of the building and eagerly anticipating the shop's opening.

Now, this store adds a touch of elegance to Essex Street.

Kim, the owner, had her family helping her on opening day.

Kim's husband, Mark, told me he bought this fountain from another store in Melrose that had gone out of business. He said it weighed a ton. It sure is a cool display for the tote bags. I think one can never have enough tote bags, I use them for everything.

Wish I had seen this mantel on Ebay before Mark did. I do have to admit it looks nice in the shop.

I couldn't decide if this was the tote bag I should purchase. I liked all of them.

This mirror was also nice.

Wonderful candles with interesting scents for sale.

I met Kim and Mark at Anthropologie one day and Kim said she loved the style of Anthro. I do too, so when I found out she was opening her own shop I knew I would love it.

Another cool display. I love the dog (even though I am more of a cat person).

So which tote bag did I purchase? Take a guess.

If you are in the Melrose area, check out Gryphon Studio on Essex St. Tell them Elaine sent you.

Giveaway Winner

Selasa, 04 Mei 2010

Thank you to the ladies who entered my 200th post giveaway. I enjoyed reading your comments, suggestions and compliments. I am inspired by all of your blogs so it means a lot to me when you tell me you enjoy reading Cafe Chatelaine.

So about the mystery giveaway, it has a New England flavor, of course! First, a jar of body butter in the scent of sea lavender. It was purchased from Martha's Vineyard.

Next, the winner will receive a package of vintage labels, all from New England. I bought these a few months ago at a church antique fair.

There are 8 labels in total.

Next, a Claire Murray La Vie Claire magazine. I love this magazine. When Victoria Magazine stopped publishing a while back I was so disappointed. I missed the wonderful photography. Well, La Vie Claire magazine is a close second. It is so visually beautiful. You need to find a copy and see for yourself.

The last item in the giveaway is Yankee Magazine. I always look for this magazine on the newsstand. It has interesting stories about New England and a great calendar of events.

The names were all tossed in a hat. Last time I used the random number generator my computer got a virus so I didn't want to chance it.

And now the mystery is over, the winner is.....

Nancy @ Fete et Fleur. Congratulations Nancy! Please send me your full name and address info so I can send out your gifts. And again thank you for your kind comments.



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