10 Things you didn't know about Ireland

Rabu, 18 Maret 2009

I actually had to work the evening of St Patrick's Day so I think I can celebrate St Patrick's Day all week to make up for it!

Today I give you some interesting tidbits about Ireland that I found at http://www.irishcentral.com/

10 things you didn't know about Ireland
Conn Corrigan,
IrishCentral.com Staff Writer
Published Monday, March 16, 2009, 10:54 PM
Updated Monday, March 16, 2009, 6:19 PM

Check out our photo gallery of these surprising facts

1. Technically, it is an offense to be drunk in public in Ireland
Technically, it is an offense to be drunk in public in Ireland. Regulations introduced last year allow the police to issue on-the-spot fines for anyone caught being drunk in a public place in Ireland.

2. An Irishman founded the Argentinean Navy Irishman William Brown (known in Spanish as “Guillermo Brown”) is one of Argentina’s national heroes. He is commonly known as the “father of the Argentine navy” and was an important leader in the Argentinean struggle for independence from Spain.

Brown’s family left Foxford in Co. Mayo for Philadelphia in 1786 when he was aged 9 and his father died of yellow fever soon after they arrived in the U.S.

He led an adventurous early life: he fought in the Napoleonic wars, was taken prisoner-of-war, escaped to Germany, before somehow ending up in Uruguay, where he became a sea trader. He then founded the Argentinean navy, when it was at war with Spain.

Today there is a statute of Brown in his hometown of Foxford, Co. Mayo, which was unveiled in 2007, the 150th anniversary of his death. in Argentina, there are 1,200 streets, 500 statues, two towns, one city and a few football clubs named after him.

3. Only two members of U2 were born in Ireland

David Howell Evans, more commonly known as The Edge, was born in London, to Welsh parents. Garvin and Gwenda Evans moved to Malahide in Dublin when The Edge was aged 1. Adam Clayton, U2's bassist, was born in Oxfordshire, England. His family moved to Malahide in Dublin when he was 5, and he soon became friends with The Edge.

Only Bono and Larry Mullen Jr. were actually born in Ireland.

4. The British Embassy in Tehran is on a street named after an Irishman

In 1981, shortly after the death of IRA hunger-striker Bobby Sands, the Iranian government changed the name of the street where the British Embassy is located from "Churchill Boulevard" (after the British Prime Minister) to "Bobby Sands Street."

British Embassy Staff were then forced to route everything through a side door in the building to avoid showing their address as The British Embassy, Bobby Sands Street, Tehran.

5. Up until around the early 1990s, Ireland had a low per capita consumption of alcohol

When the word "Irish" comes up, "drinking" is never far behind. And today, Ireland alcohol's consumption is very high by international standards. A 2006 survey found that the Irish spend a higher proportion of their income on alcohol than anyone else in Europe. It also found that the Irish were the worst binge drinkers in Europe. So the recent evidence supports the old Irish drunkard stereotype.

But Ireland's alcohol consumption per population was moderate for much of the 20th century. There was a high level of alcohol abstinence in the country – something usually more associated with Protestantism – which was promoted by the Catholic Church.

As the Church's moral authority declined, however, and as the country became wealthier, the Irish started to drink a lot more - finally earning themselves that old heavy-drinking stereotype.

6. A Belfast hospital is a world leader in kneecap reconstruction

During the Troubles, the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast had one of the top trauma units in Europe. At one point as many as 100 victims of "limb executions" were being treated by the hospital every year, whose advances included external “limb scaffolding" that enables partial healing for bone damage too severe for reconstruction.

7. Ireland has the fourth largest stadium in Europe

Dublin's Croke Park, the headquarters of the Gaelic Athletic Association, is the fourth largest stadium in Europe. The 82,300-capacity stadium was redeveloped in 2005 and is now the fourth largest: only Camp Nou in Barcelona, Wembley in England, and Olimpiysky in the Ukraine, are bigger.

Rugby and soccer were banned from the stadium up until 2007 because of a long-standing rule banning “foreign” games. The rule was relaxed when the country’s main soccer and rugby stadium, Lansdowne Road, was closed for redevelopment.

8. In the summer of 2007, it rained in Ireland for 40 days straight

Even by Irish standards, 2007 was a wet summer. By August 24, it had rained in Ireland for 40 days - fulfilling an old Irish proverb that says it will rain for 40 days if it rains on St. Swithin's day (July 15). The rain usually takes a break in the summer for a couple of weeks and the rare sunshine sends the country pure mad!

9. Playboy was banned in Ireland until 1995

In 1995 you could get Playboy TV but you couldn't get the magazine, which was banned under the censorship laws.

10. More Guinness is sold in Nigeria than in Ireland

That's right: Ireland is the third largest market for Guinness. Nigeria is at second, and Britain is first.

Happy St Patrick's Day

Senin, 16 Maret 2009

Happy St Patrick's Day!

I thought I'd share a wee bit of Irish music and dance with my favorite scene from the movie Titanic.
Don't forget to shut off my playlist at the bottom of this page then turn up your speakers and enjoy!!

Click here

Pink Saturday at Essex Street Antiques

Jumat, 13 Maret 2009

It's Pink Saturday again. Today's post features some items I purchased yesterday at Essex Street Antiques. Where is it located? That's right Essex Street in Melrose, Massachusetts. This mantel was so springy I just had to take a photo. Don't worry there's a hint of pink there.

Don't you love this egg tree? Faux chocolate eggs, totally non-caloric.
I wanted this plate and egg to go home with me but I went in with a budget and I stuck to it.

Here's my new pink teacup. I put it on top of the tea chest I have in my dining room. It's calling out for some Harrod's No 42 Earl Grey.

Here's a view of the saucer. Isn't it perfect for an Easter tea or brunch?

I couldn't resist snapping a photo of the pink cup in the sunlight. It is almost illuminated. My new pink dish from France is also on the table. The tea chest covering is just a piece of lace I picked up a while ago.

A better view of the candy dish. It might become a potpourri dish or a guest soap dish at some point. I'm not sure yet. My pink items cost me $20 which was my limit for the day's shopping. But... while at the store they told me about a flea market in Melrose. You know I'll have to check that out!

The weekend's activities

Senin, 09 Maret 2009

This past Saturday, my friend Amanda was visiting from Maryland and our afternoon tea group got together. Amanda was the tea hostess (the person in charge of the event) and she made all the arrangements from long distance. She selected the Hallowed Herb Tea House in Quincy, Massachusetts for our group outing.

The owner of the tea house, Lisa, lives upstairs. Downstairs, there's a tea room and gift shop.
Lisa had a lovely collection of tea cups. This beauty was mine for the afternoon.

Here's a photo of Amanda and Lisa, another member of the tea group. Amanda is from England and when we met her she was living in Massachusetts. She's lived many places including Dubai!

Our meal included soup, tea sandwiches, a scone, and a variety of desserts. My soup preference was broccoli and cheddar. Yum!!

I wanted to take this cute little lustreware sugar and creamer home with me but it was not for sale.

I am thinking of doing a treatment like this in my new kitchen. Isn't it lovely?

Here's a view of the tea server. We had grand marnier brownies, an Irish teacake, and a pistachio cookie.

Our check was presented with caramel truffles. I couldn't eat mine right then.

Pretty display. I have a teapot like this one. I got it for free from a neighbor.

There were so many teas for sale in the gift shop. I bought an artisan tea called Awakening Spirit. It's a green tea with a floral scent. When the water hits the tea pod a flower unfolds. Well, you'll see, later in this post.

The powder room was so feminine and pretty.

A beautiful towel to wipe one's hands. No paper towels here.

Here's the group outside the tea house. It actually hit 60 degrees on Saturday. It was absolutely gorgeous out. Of course, today it snowed! Saturday's weather was such a tease!

Saturday night, my sister and I went to visit our friend's Mary and Don. Mary wanted to make dinner even though it was her birthday. We had turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, and rolls. Mary did a fabulous job! We brought the cake, a black and white cake. Chocolate cake with vanilla buttercream layers. So good!

We brewed the Awakening Spirit tea and drank it with dessert. The tea pod looks like a sea creature, don't you think? Actually the flower was quite beautiful and the scent was jasmine, I think.
All in all, it was a wonderful day. Great friends, great food, what more does one need?

A Hint of Pink

Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009

It's Pink Saturday again. Thanks to Beverly from How Sweet the Sound for
organizing the event. Click on the Pink Saturday button on the sidebar for details.

All of today's photos are of the New England sky and all have a hint of pink in them. The first is of Rye, New Hampshire taken from the patio at Saunders Restaurant.

Pink clouds settle over the village of Rockport, Massachusetts.

A view of Rockport Harbor on a beautiful Summer evening.

Nubble Light as seen from Nubble Cove in York, Maine. This was taken just after Labor Day. The crowds had left for the season and it was peaceful in the late afternoon.

A pastel sky and all is calm on the Atlantic Ocean in York, Maine.

After disembarking the ferry from Martha's Vineyard last August, we were greeted with a subtle pink sky. Gas prices were high at Woods Hole on Cape Cod. Thankfully, they are much lower today.

Thanks for joining me today. I hope you enjoyed your brief tour of New England.

The Salon

Selasa, 03 Maret 2009

On Saturday, I went to the hair salon for a much needed cut and color. My friend owns the Jean Brian Studio for Hair. I thought I'd take some photos there. It's so warm and welcoming. This is the view from the front door.
Jean has a flair for decorating and for finding bargains. She will pick up a piece at a flea market and paint it to make it look chic. This is the entrance to the sink area.

You can get a manicure or pedicure.

I love tin ceilings! Jean painted this one black. I think it's so cool.

A restful place to sit and read while waiting for services.

This is Jean's latest purchase. An end of season bargain. Think I'll just plant myself in front of the fire, have a cup of tea and catch up on what's new and exciting with Jean.

Are you kidding me?

Senin, 02 Maret 2009

Ugh! Winter just refuses to let go around these parts. Today we got 8 inches of the white stuff. Not enough to call off work but the schools were closed. See my neighbor and his snowblower clearing his driveway today. I think snowblowers are man's best friend!

Looks like we won't be eating outdoors anytime soon. And the worst news is that the snow won't even melt because the temps are in the 20's. The wind chill is supposed to make it feel like zero.

I can't believe the first day of Spring is this month!



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