A Hint of Pink

Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009

It's Pink Saturday again. Thanks to Beverly from How Sweet the Sound for
organizing the event. Click on the Pink Saturday button on the sidebar for details.

All of today's photos are of the New England sky and all have a hint of pink in them. The first is of Rye, New Hampshire taken from the patio at Saunders Restaurant.

Pink clouds settle over the village of Rockport, Massachusetts.

A view of Rockport Harbor on a beautiful Summer evening.

Nubble Light as seen from Nubble Cove in York, Maine. This was taken just after Labor Day. The crowds had left for the season and it was peaceful in the late afternoon.

A pastel sky and all is calm on the Atlantic Ocean in York, Maine.

After disembarking the ferry from Martha's Vineyard last August, we were greeted with a subtle pink sky. Gas prices were high at Woods Hole on Cape Cod. Thankfully, they are much lower today.

Thanks for joining me today. I hope you enjoyed your brief tour of New England.

The Salon

Selasa, 03 Maret 2009

On Saturday, I went to the hair salon for a much needed cut and color. My friend owns the Jean Brian Studio for Hair. I thought I'd take some photos there. It's so warm and welcoming. This is the view from the front door.
Jean has a flair for decorating and for finding bargains. She will pick up a piece at a flea market and paint it to make it look chic. This is the entrance to the sink area.

You can get a manicure or pedicure.

I love tin ceilings! Jean painted this one black. I think it's so cool.

A restful place to sit and read while waiting for services.

This is Jean's latest purchase. An end of season bargain. Think I'll just plant myself in front of the fire, have a cup of tea and catch up on what's new and exciting with Jean.

Are you kidding me?

Senin, 02 Maret 2009

Ugh! Winter just refuses to let go around these parts. Today we got 8 inches of the white stuff. Not enough to call off work but the schools were closed. See my neighbor and his snowblower clearing his driveway today. I think snowblowers are man's best friend!

Looks like we won't be eating outdoors anytime soon. And the worst news is that the snow won't even melt because the temps are in the 20's. The wind chill is supposed to make it feel like zero.

I can't believe the first day of Spring is this month!

I'm doing my part!

Kamis, 26 Februari 2009

Well, no one can say I'm not doing my part to stimulate the economy. I've made a few purchases and I thought I would share them with you. As most of you know I recently bought a condo and so of course, I needed some new "stuff".

I decided to invest in a new TV stand. My old monstrocity of an entertainment center went to a friend's basement. I was looking for something smaller. My friends Don and Mary went shopping with me. Don suggested that I could save money and get the look I wanted by going with a smallish bookcase. We found this one at the Mill Store. It is made of wood and the stain is called Carribean Rum. The moulding on the top looks like the moulding around the windows in my living room.

The Expo Center is closing in my area. I got this clock for 30% off. It reminds me of a railway station clock. I can't wait to see it hanging in my hallway.

Another find at the Expo Center. This bookshelf is metal and it fits my little corner perfectly.

While looking for another bookcase, I found this table. It's great because it's a drop leaf table and it expands to become a round table. It was quite the find at the Mill Store. It didn't come in Carribean Rum like the other bookcase but it's close enough. The stain is called Espresso.

I got some trivets at the Expo Center. I will use this as a trivet or as a candle holder or I can hang it too! I even use them to elevate the lamps in my home such as the one in the prior photo.

The last item is going to hold my soaps or maybe a sponge. I loved the scrollwork on it.
Now you've had a sneak peek at the condo. When the rooms are finished I'll post some photos.

Valentine's Tea Party

Selasa, 17 Februari 2009

I promised some photos from my Valentine's tea. Everything turned out really well!
I took this shot of the table before the guests arrived. Then I pretty much turned the photographic duties over to my friend Don.

I used one of my favorite pitchers. In the beginning I dressed it up with pearls. Later on it was filled with strawberry jam for the scones.

Don took this shot of the tablescape. It was later in the afternoon and the lighting
made the room look warm and inviting.

Harrod's No. 42 flowed freely. My friend Jan brought it back from London. No. 42 is
Harrod's brand of Earl Grey and it is fabulous. It's best in the loose leaf form, hence the strainer in the photo. Again, Don shot this one.

Another shot of the tablescape. The plates were a gift from Lisa.

No one was reading tea leaves on Saturday. This was my cup after I drank most of the Harney and Sons Valentine's Blend. It's a chocolate tea with rosebuds. Very pretty and a delightful fragrance!

Of course, Molly attended the tea! She posed for Don.

And her little brother Oscar was there too! He was interested in Don's camera.

Mary made a lemon cheesecake. We added blueberries to the top for color.

We had heart shaped petit fours for dessert. Now which one do I want?

Yet another shot of the petit fours. Don took this one from his side of the table.

My sister made chocolate panecotta. We thought it would look pretty in crystal glasses with a dollop of whipped cream. Decadent!

The tea tray held even more desserts. I made lemon squares and I also served Valentine
heart shortbread cookies.

Clara made an apple coffee cake. We added blackberries for a little color.
I should mention that we also had tea sandwiches, spinach puffs, and scones with
strawberry jam, lemon curd, and mock devonshire cream. Debbi brought a broccoli quiche and Ellie brought fruit salad with strawberry whipped topping.
It was a billion calorie day but no one seemed to mind too much. We can diet next week after all the leftovers are gone.

Steeped in Love*

Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009

Steeped in Love*

I hear him whistle

not a command, a come on

an invitation

Led by the scent of

forbidden fruit

infused by expectation

I breathe him in

caressed by steam

one taste an exultation

*an ode to Earl Grey

author- Sheila Foley (my sister)
To read other postings for the Romancing the Blog Valentine's Day Party click on the blog party button on the sidebar.

Valentine's Tea-Pink Saturday

I am having a Valentine's Day tea for a few close friends today. There will be 7 in all, a nice cozy size. This is not an official tea group event. This is my core group, my extended family if you will. Those closest to my heart. My dad didn't want to come- probably too dainty for him.

I'm not ready to host my entire tea group yet. My new condo still needs some tweaking to be tea group perfect. Although my friend Kim says people come to visit you not your house.

Anyway, I made favors and I used the idea I saw at Heather Bullard's Blog. I have to warn you hers came out much nicer. She used velvet millinery flowers. I got mine at Michael's.

I must apologize for the poor quality of the photos. Most of them were taken in natural light and it was kind of dark inside even with the lights on. So let's pretend they were shot in soft focus so they would look dreamy for Valentine's Day.

Here's a shot with the flash. I got the same jars Heather used. Ball jars from Target @ $4.59

for a set of 4. What a bargain!. I filled them with Hershey's caramel kisses and milk chocolate hearts.

I am using sheer burgundy wire edged ribbon.

Old skeleton keys will be attached to the ribbon to symbolize that these people

are the keys to my happiness.

Here's another "soft focus" photo of the flowers. I will attach the flowers to the top of the jar.

Silly me, I should have put the finished product photo here! Please scroll up to the top to see a completed favor.

I bought a second bouquet of flowers and put them in this teapot I got from Home Goods.

It's perfect for the proper English tea. The shelf it's on I just purchased yesterday. Expo, the HomeDepot design store is going out of business and everything is on sale. I got this shelf/bookcase for 25% off, yipee!

Well, I'm off to clean, rearrange the furniture, bake lemon squares, assemble my tea sandwiches

( chicken cranberry walnut salad, egg salad, cucumber, and carrot raisin) , put the petit fours on the platter, etc. Lots involved in putting on a good tea. Oh, by the way, I bought some of Harney and Sons Valentine's Blend tea, it's a chocolate tea with rosebuds. And my friend Jan went to London and she brought me back my absolute favorite tea, Harrod's No. 42 (Earl Gray). So I'll be serving both today along with a decaf tea.

Hopefully I can get some good shots from the tea for a later post.

Happy Valentine's to all and enjoy your Pink Saturday! To view other Pink Saturday postings click on the Pink Saturday button on the side bar.




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