The Artsy Autumn Swap

Sabtu, 04 Oktober 2008

I recently participated in my first swap. It was called The Artsy Autumn Swap and it was created by Linda Smith.

The rules were easy. We were to send our swap partner items related to the Fall Season. Within the box there should be one handmade item and one vintage item. Everyone mailed their swaps on September 22nd , the first day of Autumn. Oh, and we were supposed to keep the cost to around $20. Yeah, right! Is that possible?

I want to share with you the items I received from Valerie my swap partner. Valerie is from Louisiana .Valerie had the good sense to send several emails asking about my likes and dislikes so I followed her lead and got some good information about her.

Anyway, here's what I got! This is really fun. She typed up her recipe for pumpkin bread and made it pretty. She actually found a brand of tea I had not tried. I am a tea connoisseur after all! She sent packets of spiced cider which is my favorite hot drink in Fall. She must have read my blog. I collect little "spreaders". Is that what they are called? Those little knives used to spread cream cheese or jam on scones or toast. How did she know that? Is she psychic? I swear I never mentioned it to her.

The kitchen towel is perfect and will go well with the colors of my new kitchen at the condo. She also included a box of leaves and berries for punching up the Fall decor in my home.

She included one of those 99% cocoa chocolate bars from Lindt. Premium chocolate!! Let me warn you. It is an acquired taste. For serious chocoholics only! And she found out I collect snowglobes so she sent a little one with a scarecrow on it. Adorable!

All of these wonderful goodies were packaged in a beautiful tote bag that Valerie made herself.I absolutely love it and I've used it every day since I received it.
The next swap is a mitten swap for Winter. I think I'm in again. It was really fun wrapping and putting together the swap. Plus I totally enjoyed receiving such wonderful and delicious gifts from Valerie. She did a wonderful job figuring me out.

Impromptu Day Off

Jumat, 03 Oktober 2008

I was off from work yesterday. It was sort of unplanned. My boss mentioned that I should start taking my remaining 14 days of vacation since I can't carry them over to next year. So I decided

that Thursday's forecast looked good for leaf peeping and I started to make plans. None of my friends could take a day off on such short notice so I was on my own. I went to Pier One to check out some chairs for my new condo. I don't need them yet so I inquired about layaway. Only 10 days of free storage and I need about 30. I will have to think on that. On to Russell Farms which is just down the street.

The pumpkins were displayed outside Russell Farm in Woburn. It's very picturesque with all the flowers and colorful produce. I took some photos (note the pumpkins above) and moved on.

I headed to the Whiffle Tree Candle Company in Billerica. The property is gorgeous and during peak foliage the colors are spectacular. Yesterday, there was some color but not peak. Before I arrived at the Whiffle Tree, I stopped for lunch at the cutest coffee shop/cafe called the Coffee Emporium. I ordered a half sandwich of chicken salad with cranberries and walnuts and an iced coffee. Did you see the size of that half sandwich? I wondered how many people thought I'd lost my marbles as I photographed my sandwich. Anyway, I brought some magazines, catalogs, and a book with me to read and I had a relaxing lunch. The book was the French-Inspired Home by Kaari Meng. I love that book. I'm getting some good ideas for the condo.

Here's the inside of the coffee shop. Isn't it cute?

And the outside of the Coffee Emporium. I like that word Emporium, don't you? It reminds me of gentler times. Did they have one in the movie, It's a Wonderful Life? Or was that a mercantile? I like that word too.

I finally made it to the Whiffle Tree. I took photos of everything. So much nature to capture through my lens- leaves, rocks, moss, light, water, quaint buildings, covered bridges. I took at least 100 photos. It was too much fun!

My last stop was at Mahoney's Garden Center and Farm Stand in Winchester. I bought some mini pumpkins, white ones and orange too. I also bought some desserts for later. Mahoney's has a very cool shop. They sell Christmas decorations all year round I found some really cute things but I did not buy them. Have to keep to that condo budget!

I have to say sometimes Impromptu Days Off can be quite satisfying. And I have 13 more days to go. Can't wait to schedule the next one! Don't worry, I'll take all of you with me!

Autumn Days

Selasa, 30 September 2008

As I mentioned in a prior post, I love Autumn. It is my favorite time of year. So I decided a lunchtime photoshoot was in order. I needed to document the beauty of the season.

Peak foliage does not usually hit the Boston area until Columbus Day weekend. So I was surprised to see such early color. These photos were taken in Melrose, Massachusetts not too far from where I work.

Earlier in the day, I passed by these trees on the way to work. In addition to the beauty of the trees, I noticed 7 turkeys nearby. We are not in the country so 7 turkeys congregated in one place is something to get excited about.

So on my lunch, I went back for a turkey shoot (don't get excited, I mean shoot with a camera)
and the turkeys must have been having lunch too because they were nowhere to be found.
But the trees were there in all their glory so I started snapping away. Personally, I prefer a little green to contrast with the reds, oranges, and yellows on the trees.

Soon after I shot these photos a rainstorm swept through the area. Surprisingly the leaves stayed on the trees! Isn't nature wonderful?

Fiona Rose

Sabtu, 27 September 2008

I just made my last car payment. Halleluia! In August 2004, I purchased a Toyota Highlander. I named her Fiona Rose. The loan payoff made me reflect over the last 4 years of our relationship, a girl and her car.
Fiona is such a good companion. She is so patient. She drops me off at home at night and patiently waits outside until I start her engine each morning. She puts up with my eclectic taste in music. Van Morrison today, Nickelback tomorrow, classical music in the Fall, Christmas songs
way before December.
She doesn't mind when I spill my coffee on her carpet. She didn't even get upset when an entire
Double Chocolate Frappucino spilled on the passenger side carpet. I saw it happen but since I was driving at the time I couldn't do much about it. She didn't flinch, probably liked the sugar rush.
When an agressive driver cuts us off and I utter some words I never use in front of another human being, she does not pass judgement. It's our little secret.
Fiona has been everywhere with me. She's been to Maine many times and pretty much all over New England. She willingly takes extra riders too and all my friends have commented on her smooth ride.
She keeps me warm in Winter and cool in Summer. Speaking of Winter, she plows through at least a foot of snow with no problem. Which is great because I detest shoveling snow!
We got rearended last October, a drunken idiot from out of state decided we were in his way and after I got out of his way he hit us for good measure, Fiona took the brunt of it. I was scared but physically fine. She got fixed up and now she's good as new.
Lastly, she was a safe haven for my cat Oscar. Last February, it was bitter cold and Oscar was homeless at the time. He would hide under Fiona and use her as shelter from the bitter cold that had hit the Northeast. I couldn't coax Oscar to come inside but Fiona took care of him until I was able to rescue him in June. I used to place bowls of food and water near her back left wheel every night and the food bowl was empty every morning. Fiona was Oscar's protector. Oscar is now an indoor kitty.
Well, that's enough reflecting. I am looking forward to making new memories with Fiona and hopefully hitting the 200,000 mile mark eventually.
(The photo at the top of this post was taken last week. Fiona was waiting patiently for me while I took some snaps of the first Autumn Leaves. One of many stops I'm sure we'll make while I feed my photography obsession).

Three Day Weekend

Sabtu, 20 September 2008

Last week I worked seven days in a row. That's right, I am a banker without banker's hours. I worked my regular week plus I was the covering bank officer on Saturday and then the bank had a booth at the city's town day so I worked that on Sunday. By Thursday of this past week, I was a very cranky girl. So I decided to take Friday as a vacation day.

I know I shouldn't be spending money since I am buying a condo in about a month, but I figured one last splurge would be ok. I started out at the Burlington Coat Factory not sure if that's a national chain or not. Anyway, I decided to treat myself to some new bedding. I am going for an elegant yet comfortable look. I already bought a comforter set with golds and burgundys but when I got it I was disappointed. It was not as advertised. It was not soft at all and the colors weren't as vibrant as I expected. So at Burlington Coat Factory, I found a lovely comforter that looks like a crazy quilt with deep purple and lavender velvet squares. There's also some mocha and golds. It is sooo soft! It had two shams and a bed skirt with it too. Then I picked up two pillows that were embroidered and kind of a light irridescent gold that go beautifully with it. Can you believe the pillows were 2 for $14.99?

I scored on that one.

Then I went to my favorite Fall haunt. It is a beautiful property in a woodsy area and it's called the Whiffle Tree. There's a pond, a shed for spring water, a candle company and little country store. There's a covered bridge too. I always buy a New England Apple candle from them in the Fall. I was there too early in the season to see any spectacular foliage. That doesn't happen until around mid October. It was still beautiful and green.

Then I went to Barnes and Noble and bought my favorite magazines, Romantic Homes, Country Living, and Couutry Home. I read them in the cafe as I drank a pumpkin spice latte. Ideas for my new condo were swirling around my head. Crate and Barrel was just across the road so I went inside for some more inspiration. They had some cool little things I just had to have. A black wire cake stand, 2 kinds of tea (apple cider and white cinnamon), and some lovely autumn leaves that I plan to hang from the light over my dining room table.

Last night I went to see my rescued kitty at the home of his foster mom. Hang in there, Oscar, you'll be home with Mom soon. My creepy landlord won't let me take him in the building so Oscar is living about 20 miles from me right now. Anyway my sister accompanied me and we had a nice visit with the kitty.

Today, I went to a craft fair in Lexington with some friends. I vas amazed at the wonderful selection of goods being sold. I was careful not to spend too much there. I did pick up some homemade soaps, a small acorn pottery dish and some dark chocolate truffles and coffee caramels from a place called Chocolate Paradise. All low cost items. The picture at the top of this post is from the craft fair. I had my eye on the pillow on the top of the display. It would have gone well with my new bedding but it was $110.00! So I took a picture instead of buying the pillow. All of the woman's items were lovely and unique. What a talent!

Plans for the rest of my 3 day weekend? Well, I should do some cleaning and organizing for the move and some weeding out of items I don't want. Tomorrow church, breakfast, visit my mom,
watch the Patriots footballl game, and family dinner in the evening.

This weekend has been like a mini vacation. The weather has been perfect. 60 degrees and sunny. Sweater weather, just the way I like it. Come Monday I think I will not be so cranky
because I enjoyed myself thoroughly this weekend..

I hope you all take time out this weekend to rejuvenate. relax, and be inspired.

Saturday afternoon

Senin, 15 September 2008

Cozy Kitty
Originally uploaded by cafechatelaine
Molly is all set for an afternoon of movie watching. Her Netflix came the day before. Which one to watch first, The Amazing Panda Adventure or the Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill?

A visit to Wilson Farms

Sabtu, 13 September 2008

Today I went to Wilson Farms in Lexington. This is the place to put you in the mood for Fall. There were pumpkins and gourds galore and colorful mums and bittersweet. The freshly made apple cider doughnuts were a big favorite. I bought six of them and I was tempted to eat at least one in the car on the way home but I didn't.

I found some items for dinner as well. Maple sage pork tenderloin with carmelized onion mashed potatoes, broccolini with garlic, and strawberry rhubarb pie. This farm is my favorite place for fruit, vegetables, flowers, cheeses, desserts, and prepared foods. One stop shopping in a beautiful setting. I love to visit New England farm stands and to support the local economy.

It was a bright sunny day in Lexington, a little humid but that's ok. This time of year we have warm days and cool nights. It was the perfect Indian Summer afternoon. Soon we'll move to crisp Autumn days, the smell of leaves burning and brilliant color on the trees. I can't wait!



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