10 Wonders of the World

Jumat, 07 Maret 2014

10 Wonders of the World Outside Your Knowledge :

  • 1. Dome of the Rock
Israel turns out to have been discovered in one of the wonders of the world , . Wonders that can be called The Rock ( Dome of the Rock ) . The stone is Stepping Stones Prophet Muhammad which is evidence of the greatness of Allah SWT . The stone is located in the middle of the Rock Mosque Al- Qubbah ( Dome of the Rock ) , and measuring approximately 13.8 x 17 meters , the rock as if suspended in the air .
10 keajaiban dunia

  • 2. Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal is a monument located in Agra , India . Built on the desire Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan , son of Jahangir , as a mausoleum for his Persian wife , Arjumand Banu Begum , also known as Mumtaz - ul- Zamani or Mumtaz Mahal . Its construction spent 23 years ( 1630-1653 ) and is a masterpiece of Mughal architecture .

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  • 3. Borobudur
Borobudur is the name of a Buddhist temple located at Borobudur , Magelang , Central Java . The location of the temple is approximately 100 km southwest of Semarang and 40 km northwest of Yogyakarta . This temple was founded by the Mahayana Buddhists around the year 800 AD during the early reign of the Sailendra dynasty . In ethnic Chinese , this temple is also called婆罗 浮屠(Pinyin : Luo pó fú TU) in Mandarin .

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  • 4. Pyramid
Pyramid or the pyramid is the construction of buildings that have been used long ago by the ancient Egyptians and Mayans , used as a tomb kings in past, as well as places of worship ( cult ) .
Great Wall of China or the Great Wall of China , also known in China by the name of Great Wall Along the 10,000 Li ¹ is the longest building ever built by humans , is located in the People's Republic of China .

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  • 5. Leaning Tower of Pisa
Leaning Tower of Pisa ( Italian : Torre pendente di Pisa or abbreviated Torre di Pisa ) is the campanile , or bell tower of a cathedral in Pisa , Italy . Tower of Pisa is actually made ​​to stand vertically like a bell tower in general , but began leaning shortly after construction began in August 1173 . It is situated behind the cathedral and is the third building Campo dei Miracoli ( field of the rainbow ) the city of Pisa .

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  • 6. Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat ( or Angkor Vat ) ( Khmer : អង្គរវត្ត ) , is a temple situated in Cambodia and is considered as one of the wonders of the world . It was built by King Suryavarman II in the mid 12th century . Angkor Wat temple construction took 30 years . Angkor Wat located at Angkor plain building that is also filled with beautiful temples - beautiful , but Angkor Wat is the most famous temple in the Angkor plain . King Suryavarman II, builder of Angkor Wat according to Hindu belief that putting the mountain Meru as the center of the world and is home to Hindu deities , with the central tower of Angkor Wat is the highest tower in the main tower and is built Angkor Wat .

As the fabled Mount Meru , the temples of Angkor Wat is surrounded by a wall and a canal that represents the ocean and the mountains that surround the world . The main entrance to the Angkor Wat half a kilometer along the fringe of the holders hand decorated and flanked by a man-made sea recognized as Barays . The entrance to the temple of Angkor Wat through the gate , representing jambatan rainbow that connects between the natural world to the realm of the gods .

Angkor Wat is located in a good state compared with other temples on the plain of Angkor Angkor Wat has been exchanged due to be used in Buddhist temples and Buddhist beliefs quest when replacing the Hindu belief in Angkor in the 13th century . Temples of Angkor never colonized by Siam in 1431 .

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  • 7. Chichén Itzá
Chichén Itzá ( pronounced / i ː tʃi tʃɛn tsɑ ː ː / ), [ 1 ] is a world Mayan civilization in Mexico in 800 BC century . Pyramid of Kukulcan at the complex historic site is believed to be the center of political and economic activity Mayan civilization located on the Yucatan Peninsula ( now Mexican territory ) . Itza merupkan central point such as a building complex Kukulcan Pyramid , the Temple of Chac Mool , and building the Thousand Pillars.

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  • 8. Statue of Christ
Christ Redeemer Statue , Brazil : Height 38 feet at the peak of Corcovado Mountain . Created in pieces in France in 1926 and shipped to Brazil . A railway to bring it to the top of the mountain as high as 714 meters .

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  • 9. Lake Three Colors
The lake is known by the world as one of the nine wonders of the world . Lakes located in three colors Kelimutu , Flores , NTT . There were three adjacent lakes but with different colors . The crater lake is Tiwu Ata Polo ( red lake ) , Tiwu Nua Muri Kooh Fai ( green lake ) and Ata Tiwu Mbupu ( lake blue ) . Lake Flores is the only lake in the world where the water is subject to change at any time , from red to dark green and then red hearts , dark green becoming light green , dark brown to blue sky . This natural phenomenon is a miracle.

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  • 10. Mount TrashIt is the biggest mountain of trash in the world.

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