Major snowstorm

Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

As predicted, we got a major snowstorm in the Boston area. I know other parts of the East Coast also got hit. This is the first time I had seen the snowplow in many months. It snowed from Sunday afternoon into Monday and it was officially termed a blizzard.

Did you know you can't call just any snowstorm a blizzard? You must have the following components: snow, visibility of less than 1/4 mile, wind gusts of over 35 mph,and it has to last more than 3 hours. We had all of that and it lasted for more than 10 hours.

Boston received 18 inches of snow. Some other surrounding towns had as much as 23 inches. I think my town had less than that, maybe 16 inches? At that point, it doesn't really matter. The cleanup is massive. Our snow plow guy made at least 3 trips on Sunday and 2 on Monday to our condo building.

Last year it cost us $880. just for snowplowing. We budgeted for $1000. this year. I am glad we did. The bill for this one storm is going to be huge.

This is the back parking lot and the patio area of the condo. I always hated that fence. It's super ugly. Nevertheless, I do not like to see that much snow on the patio. Good thing we covered the gas grill.

Here's my neighbor, one man against all that snow! We talked and he was actually in good spirits. I just had to do the end of the walk at our building. One of my condo neighbors had done the back stairs and 3/4 of the front walk and he wanted to wait until the plows were done clearing the streets before he finished the job. That's because the plows always push the snow right back from where it was just shoveled. I had to finish the last 1/4 of the walk.. If the snow had not been blowing and the wind chill had not been in the single digits I wouldn't have minded doing the shoveling. There really wasn't that much left to do.

The kitties did not lift a paw to help me either! Percy watched, and I suspect there was a smirk on his face but the snow was too high for me to see!

Goodbye air conditioner! I'll use you next... July?

Goodbye patio. I hope to see you soon when the snow melts. I don't think there will be any outdoor grilling for a long time.

I told my neighbor his barn always looks great in the snow. Little does he know his barn has been featured as my blog header many times!

Percy was exhausted from watching me shovel and settled down for a short winter's catnap.

The plan was to walk around to take some better snow shots but it was bone chilling cold. You know, the kind of cold where you are shivering the minute after you go outside. So instead of freezing outside I came in and made myself a hot chocolate and took this shot of the house across the street from the comfort of my condo.

Stay warm and drive safe! I am on vacation this week so hopefully I will have more interesting things to post.

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