Saturday Breakfast

Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010

Saturday breakfast at Aroma Cafe in Reading. Sometimes my sister joins me and sometimes friends but sometimes I even go there by myself. I love the place.
It's fun to chat with Lynda, my favorite server. She's quirky and fun and she adds a lot of personality to the place.

Yesterday, I had eggs benedict with spinach. Yum! It comes with lacy potatoes too.

This looks like a face or two eyes and a mustache. A very full mustache.


The hollandaise sauce was perfection. I really hate the kind that's too yellow or
too thick. This sauce wasn't too thin or watered down, it was just the right consistency.

I just had to smoosh one of the eggs and it made for a better photo too! It had the precise amount of runnyness. (Is that a word?)

Doesn't that look delicious? Nice and fluffy.

And on to my favorite potatoes.

Aroma Cafe, 607 Main Street, Reading, Massachusetts. Check it out if you're in the area.

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