Marion's Pie Shop of Chatham

Minggu, 11 Juli 2010

After the Lavender Farm, we headed to Chatham. Lori Lee wanted to visit Marion's Pie Shop. She had brought a cooler with her and she wanted to buy some sweet and savory pies to be enjoyed later.

The shop was small and charming inside and out. I opted for a frosted hermit cookie which was delicious.

If it were dinnertime I would have purchased a seafood pie. I love seafood pie and I am sure it doesn't get fresher than on the Cape.

Lori Lee is comtenplating her selections.

We parked next to this house in the lot for Marion's. I spied a german shepherd in the window and it's bark was none to welcoming. Poor baby, maybe it wanted some pie?

Park? We say "pahk" around these parts.

I just had to take a photo of this sign. Obviously, Marion has a sense of humor.

Can you believe one daytrip requires multiple posts? Next stop, Orleans.

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