Exeter- Art & Tiques

Rabu, 07 April 2010

I took last Friday off from work. I took a little daytrip to North Hampton and Exeter, New Hampshire. I made a number of stops that day which I will share in
future posts. Today, I will post about the coolest shop in Exeter, New Hampshire.
It's called Art & Tiques.

I saw this display from across the street and it piqued my interest. I expected an artsy funky type of shop. It was so much more.

I entered the shop and there was Charlie. Isn't he adorable? He resides with shop owner Linda Anason. She told me Charlie was a rescue dog from the ASPCA. He has the sweetest personality and the most soulful eyes. He captivated me from the moment I saw him. I am glad he lives with Linda, she clearly loves him.

Linda was so nice to let me loose, camera in hand, in her shop. I took tons of photos!

I loved this teapot but it did not come home with me.

Baskets anyone? There were lots of them.

I liked this red birdcage too and the lantern above it.

All kinds of canes.

Are these your initials?

Where else can you get a fencing mask?

This guy was interesting.

Old baseballs for Red Sox nation.

I walked around with this purse in my hand but I didn't end up buying it.

Interesting items throughout the shop.

Don't you love old boxes? They are great for storage or decorating.

These would make wonderful accent items.

A mish mash of items in the shop. I love to rummage through things.

Pretty bottles on display.

Playing cards serve as price tags.

Paper people? I don't really know what they are.

I liked this lamp too.

Pretty glassware.

All kinds of silverware in baskets.

This clock was really neat. It almost glowed in the sunlight.

And what did I buy? Well, two items. One was an old trophy and the other was a vintage Polaroid camera. When I went to the register, the owner asked me if I was a dealer. I said, "no". She said, "You should be, you picked the hottest items." I was flattered by the compliment.

Rain boots, so cheery. I could have used these last month when we had heavy rain and flooding.

But Friday was absolutely gorgeous and I had so much fun scouring through all the items at Art & Tiques and playing with Charlie. The owner's business card even mentions Charlie.

If you live in the area, you simply must visit Art&Tiques, 130 Water St, Exeter. You won't be disappointed and if you do stop by, give Charlie a hug for me.

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