We're Hibernating

Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

BRRR! Today was so cold! I went out this afternoon and nearly got blown off the sidewalk. Right now it's 13 degrees in Boston but with a wind advisory and gusts of up to 50 miles per hour the temperature feels like 15 below zero on the skin!

So we will hunker down for the remainder of the day. Me and the kitties will amuse ourselves with a little TV, some blogging, books and magazines. I could clean but what the heck, I'm on vacation.

Molly will find the warmest sunniest spot in the condo.

Oscar will burrow into the feather bed and the bed covers. When the wind howls, he'll hide between the quilt and the comforter underneath.

I'll warm up with a cup of hot chocolate and a good book.

Actually hibernating isn't so bad is it?

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