Yay, it's Fall!

Selasa, 22 September 2009

Even though the temperatures are/were more Summer-like today, I feel that it is my obligation to pay homage to my favorite season, Autumn. Time to put a pumpkin on your front steps!

I took these photos last year while touring the streets surrounding my home. These are my favorite houses. I love the leaves on this lawn. My Italian Mother Clara lives here.

Mums and pumpkins, could there be anything better?

This porch is always decorated beautifully.

What can I say about this one? That tree is simply gorgeous and I love the fantastic colors of the home. Actually this home was converted to condos. I
looked at one to buy but it was too pricey for me.

I love this home with the mansard roof. The photo doesn't do it justice. The tree to the right of the home turns the most brilliant red each Autumn. Simply gorgeous.

It won't be long before the leaves are on the ground and not on the trees. I'll smell the wood stoves burning when I go outside in the evening. And the air will be cold. I'll need a jacket or sweater and maybe even gloves. Inside, good smells,
cinnamon, apples, I do more baking this season. It's time to take out my decorations. I am in the mood for Fall.

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