Meet Tiger Lily

Rabu, 12 Agustus 2009

This is Tiger Lily. She is my friend and she lives with my friend Kim and Kim's family.

I'm lucky because Tiger lives just a couple streets over from me so I get to visit her often.

Compared to my cats, she's tiny. She only weighs about 6 lbs.

Can you find her in the photo? She loves to hide in the foliage.

And she loves to lounge on her front walkway and cool off on the stone wall.

This is pure kitty joy!

Such a sweet little face.

What's that in the bushes?

Rats !! It was a false alarm!

Tiger wants to end the photo shoot. She's got to troll the grounds and look for her next meal. Eek!

One more thing- Julie from Being Ruby awarded me the One Lovely Blog Award. Thank you Julie
I am honored to receive this award from you. I will pass it on but not just yet. I need to give it some thought!

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