Reasons to be happy at the beach

Sabtu, 29 Mei 2010

Today I was in a card shop to look for a small gift. There was a little book entitled "Reasons to be happy at the beach". The book cost $12.95. I laughed to myself. Why would anyone need to buy a book on reasons to be happy at the beach? I apologize to the book's author, but, really, are you serious? Aren't the reasons obvious? Well, they are to me.

Just looking out at the ocean whether it's sunny, raining, foggy, or by moonlight, I am happy. Calm or choppy, I just love being near the ocean.

I guess if I had to list my reasons I would focus on the ocean and everything seaside. I am not exactly a beach person or sun worshipper
So here are my reasons. They are in no particular order.

Fried shrimp, fried clams, and fries. They always taste better when eaten seaside.

That little bit of bubbly water that slides onto the wet sand.

Sea foam and white caps. I am in awe of the sea and it's power.

And sea spray. Sea spray is like a gentle tickle on your skin. It makes me happy.

Those onion shaped lanterns you see on shops and restaurants in seaside towns. They always have amazing reflections.

Ripples in the water, a rocky coastline, and the feeling that the ocean goes on forever.

The sound of seagulls and their persistence.

Browsing in fun shops and taking home a special souvenir from the beach like beach glass or a shell.

Concerts by the ocean and the smell of salt air.

The soft pastels of an ocean sunset.

Reflections on calm waters.

Passing the time in a rocker and just watching the ocean.

All things nautical make me happy.

Boat rides, whale watches, sunset cruises.

What are your reasons to be happy at the beach?

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