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Molly's Spa Day

Kamis, 05 Juni 2014

Molly had to visit the vet yesterday for a procedure. I did not want her to worry so I told her she was going for a spa day.

The truth was she was having an abdominal ultrasound. My baby has been losing weight and vomiting lately. All the routine tests showed no red flags so her vet suggested the ultrasound. I wanted piece of mind and to stop the weight loss.

I said a few prayers for Molly as we left for the vets office and I even called on a few angels (some cat loving friends who are in heaven now).

I told Molly this was going to be a great experience, this spa day. She will have her belly shaved and it will be a new look for her. She will have some time away from her brothers. She can have me to herself for most of the day. The "Spa" is located in a very nice town and there will be pretty trees to look at and lots of birds flying around and possibly some other wildlife to watch.

 Molly is the only cat I know that enjoys being in her carrier. She doesn't mind the car rides, she doesn't mind going to the vet, she is quite content to stay in her carrier.

Well, the prayers worked. Molly does not have cancer, or a thyroid problem, or diabetes. She may have pre-renal disease so I am weaning her off her present food. Eventually she will be on a kidney diet. But that's it, no pills, no surgery.

We were very lucky and we had a wonderful trip to the Andover Animal Hospital Spa.

At home with the kitties

Senin, 20 Januari 2014

It was so nice to have a 3 day weekend! I did not do a heck of a lot but I did get to relax. I did some cleaning and a couple loads of laundry today but mostly I relaxed with the kitties.

In fact, I did not go out at all except for tonight when I went to see my Mom at the nursing home. It was great to catch up on my reading,

It's funny, whenever I am in the living room I sit on the sofa. So Molly found it extremely strange that I was sitting in the chair by the window. She had to walk behind and look over my shoulder.

Perhaps placing this lamp by the chair was not the best idea I ever had. How long will it take her to pull all the trim off the lamp? She certainly seems intrigued.
Hope everyone had a great 3 day weekend. Looking forward to the next one in February.

Meet the Kits- Molly, Naughty or Nice?

Jumat, 27 Januari 2012

I know I always mention the kitties in my posts but I thought it might be fun for you to get to
know each one of them up close and personal. Today it's 10 year old Molly's turn.

Molly might look like an angel but that's an act.  She can be a little devil at times too. Her vet says she has a beautiful feminine face and I agree she is a real beauty.

I adopted Molly from a Petsmart in Tyngsoboro, MA.  She had been rescued from a trailer park in Hooksett, NH by an organization called Kitty Angels. Her name was Little Martha at the time and she was 6 months old.

Molly was my sole kitty for the first 7 years of her life.  We lived in a one bedroom apartment
with a wonderful screened balcony.  She spent lots of time outdoors on the balcony. It's the one thing I miss about that old fifth floor apartment.

Molly is quite the character.  She does not make much noise and in fact she rarely makes a sound.
Well, she likes to rip up newspaper and paper bags. I think she likes the sound it makes.

Since "the boys" moved in to the condo, Molly has one eye open at all times.

She never knows when she will be under attack. As the boys age, this will be less of a problem. Molly and I are patiently waiting for the juveniles to grow up.

Molly does have a mischievous side. She is the first one to investigate anything new at the condo.
She is a curious cat.

Occasionally she will mix it up with Oscar.  Percy tortures her and she does not want anything
to do with him.

After so much play and investigation, she is ready for her catnap. She takes several naps a day. Unfortunately, the boys have taken over the bed and she never gets a chance day or night to sleep there anymore.  It is quite sad that she has lost her status as the alpha cat. She still seems happy most days but still I feel bad for her.  After all, I am the one who brought the boys into the condo without asking her opinion.

I am still holding out hope that there will be peace in the household in the future.

Christmas Photo Shoot with the kitties

Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

I decided to take some Christmas shots of the kitties. Percy loves to pose for the camera. Yup! He's on cloud nine.

I think he's pretending it's a bearskin rug and not a faux fur throw.

Oscar as you can see does not like to pose.

The first time I walked by Molly, I thought she was part of the decorations. She is my quiet kitty, not at all like her rambunctious brothers.

Maybe I should have given her a halo.

Too bad I already created my Christmas cards!

What does one have to do to get a drink around here?

Senin, 03 Mei 2010

Poor Molly. She just doesn't understand. Normally she goes in the bathroom, jumps on the edge of the sink and I let her have a drink of the tap water. But here in the Boston area, we've been under a strict ban on drinking water or a boil water order. There was a huge water main break in the area on Saturday afternoon and thousands of people in 30 communities were affected.

No drinking tap water unless you boil it first. So Molly has been beside herself because I will not let her drink from the tap. She refuses to drink from her water bowl which is a shame since I am using bottled water in the bowl she and Oscar drink from. Oscar could care less. He's used to drinking from puddles. At least, he was before I rescued him.

Molly is a bit of a princess. On Sunday, she sat on the lid of the toilet and whimpered every time I walked past the bathroom. I could take the pathetic crying no more.

I thought that she must like drinking the tap water because it is cold and it comes out in a stream. So I took one of the bottled waters from the fridge and I rested it against the faucet and tilted it so the water streamed out of it.

Molly didn't know what to make of it at first.

But then she gave it a shot.

And she liked it- a lot! She started purring again and no more crying. Problem solved.

Now if they could hurry up and fix the problem I will be just as happy.

Quote of the Day

Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

From my desk calendar:

"Think what a better world it would be if we all, the whole world, had cookies and milk about three o'clock every afternoon and then lay down on our blankets for a nap."
quote by Barbara Jordan

Do I have domestic issues?

Rabu, 19 Agustus 2009

So the kitty pictured above was seen with a dustbunny on her whisker this morning. Which led me to believe that it was time to take stock of my domestic skills and to get out the Swiffer Dry Mop.

Or perhaps I should adopt this philosphy?

Home is Where the Molly is

Selasa, 09 Desember 2008

Last night was my first night at the condo. (As you can see by the photo above, I've done a little decorating for Christmas). The movers disassembled and then reassembled my bed, then moved the sofa, armoire, table and chairs into my new condo. That's it, all the big stuff was moved and only the small stuff remained in my former residence. Actually one of the biggest things was moving my cat, Molly.

Molly lived in my old apartment about 6 1/2 years. She was rescued from a trailer park in New Hampshire when she was 6 months old. So she was not too happy at all to be moving. I tried to bring some of her toys and a couple quilts that were her favorites. When I first brought her to the condo, I put her in the bedroom with the door closed while I brought more things in. When I finished I opened the bedroom door and eventually she did the tour of the place.

With break neck speed, she ran from room to room, investigating and sniffing. No familiar smells here. Poor kitty was so overwhelmed. During the night, she woke me up every hour. By the morning, I was mighty cranky.

Over the past 24 hours, Molly is doing better. She is a little more relaxed. I've actually seen her sleep a bit today. She is obsessed with a mirrored closet door and she is afraid of ceiling fans. I think she thnks they are going to swoop down and attack her.

Last night, I did not feel like this condo was my home. It was 4 degrees outside and cold inside the condo. ( My old appartment was toasty warm ). Then this morning. I couldn't get the hot water in the shower to work. Today when I came home from work Molly was at the condo. It felt more like home. And tonight when I went back to my old apartment and I opened the door there was no Molly to greet me. I looked at the space where the couch was and the now empty space that occupied my huge bed. And I realized this isn't my home. Home is where the Molly is.



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