Meet Stuart and Tucker

Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

Last week, I took Molly to the vet for her annual checkup and rabies shot. While we were waiting to see Dr. Ricketts at the Beverly Animal Natural Health Center, we met a beautiful black cat. I was introduced to Stuart. Isn't he sweet?

Stuart now resides at the vet's office because someone just left him on the bench in front of the building. Someone just dumped him there. Can you imagine that? It made me really angry. I am sure that Stuart will enjoy living at the vet's and probably it will be the best thing for him but really. Do people think vet's offices are safe havens for animals?

Anyway, I guess maybe the person who dropped him off thought they were doing him a favor. I shouldn't judge since I don't know their circumstances.

So Stuart joins Tucker, the other resident cat at the Beverly Animal Natural Health Center. Tucker was a great help to me recently. I thought I felt a lump on Molly around her chest area. I brought her in to see Dr Ricketts and she said it was nothing, it was normal. I thought how come I never noticed it before if it was normal. She explained that cats lose muscle mass as they age just like people do. She brought Tucker in and had me feel the same spot on him. It was much more pronounced on him. but he is a lot older than Molly. It put my fears to rest.

I really love the staff at the vet's office. I will continue to bring Molly and Oscar there as I know they will get good care. And I like seeing Tucker and Stuart.

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