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Tampilkan postingan dengan label giveaway. Tampilkan semua postingan

Greetings from Boston and a giveaway

Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010

On Thursday, my friend Lori Lee came down from New Hampshire to spend the day. We decided to go into Boston and have tea at the Boston Public Library. While waiting for tea at 2:00, we thought we would look around the library. We found a wonderful vintage postcard exhibit entitled Greetings from Boston. They had postcards from all eras and we learned quite a bit about the subject.

Wow, things have really changed.

We were glad we had to wait to have tea, otherwise, we would have missed the postcard exhibit.

So we went to the restaurant and we were turned away because they were holding a private function.

Of course, before we left the library I had to check out the courtyard. Naturally, it started to rain and my photo shoot was cut short.

I was happy to see that the witches hats were back. I saw them last year at the BPL and I was hoping to see them again.

Each one was different and all of them were ornate.

I love how they were suspended and they appeared to be floating.

This one was my favorite. I love the lace trim.

One had feathers on it.

We still wanted tea so we walked to the Four Seasons Hotel. And they weren't serving tea for 45 minutes. We waited.

The service was fabulous and the food quality was excellent but in my opinion the portions were quite small for the price.

Maybe I am just spoiled by my tea group. We have some great cooks in the group and there is always plenty of food.

We did have a great day and I am glad we went to Boston.

Now, about the giveaway. I haven't had a giveaway in a while and I hit 100 followers recently so it seems like a good time to share the wealth. So here's what the winner will receive. Two Bird toile mugs with lids and saucers and a sample of one of my favorite teas for this time of year, Harney and Sons Cranberry Autumn Blend.

I think this is the cutest mug and it comes in a set so yes the winner will receive two mugs. Tea drinkers or coffee drinkers are welcome to enter the giveaway.

All you have to do is leave a comment on this post and I will enter your name. I will draw a winner on October 31st at midnight. There is an added bonus for those of you who commented on any of my October posts. I made note of the number of comments for each post and you will get an extra entry for each of your comments. So if you commented on all of my October posts you have five extra entries. I like to reward my frequent followers.

Good luck and have a great weekend.

Second Monday of the Month Blog Giveaway

Minggu, 12 Juli 2009

Cindy at My Romantic Home
is hosting a giveaway party so I thought I would participate this month. Each blogger who participates has their own giveaway and Cindy also has a giveaway.

Leave a comment on this post anytime up until July 17th and I will draw my giveaway winner on the 18th.

I love living in New England - most days. We finally got some sun so I guess Mother Nature has not canceled Summer as I originally suspected. Anyway, my giveaway is all about Summer and the Sea. To the winner goes the following:

small glass bottle filled with "gems of the sea"
Crabtree and Evelyn's Nantucket Briar scented bath soap
6 linen "sailboat" cocktail napkins (1 blue, 1 green, 2 yellow, 2 purple)
1 gel refresher, Sea Salt fragrance by Illuminations

Now take a peek at Cindy's blog to see what she's giving away.

Blog Anniversary Winner

Senin, 01 Juni 2009

Sorry for the delay. My computer caught a virus over the weekend. But we're all fixed and up and running.

I am happy to announce the winner of my 1 year blog anniversary giveaway. Congratulations SuesueB, you won the ocean themed goodies! Please email me with your address.

Yay, the photo is of Rockport and that is exactly where I am going tomorrow. I am taking the afternoon off to join my sister and friend Debbi on a little excursion. We plan to dine by the ocean, shop a bit and hopefully have our warm apple strudel and ice coffee on the deck of Helmut's Streudel shop.

The forecast is for a sunny day in the 70's. I'll do my best to bring you some cool shots from Rockport. By the way, this is my 99th post. What will I write about for my 100th post?

Oh my such pressure!

Giveaway Winner

Rabu, 10 Desember 2008

I drew the name of the giveaway winner and the recipient of the New England inspired mystery giveaway is.... Mary Jane Smith. Mary Jane did not enter a comment because she doesn't have a blog but she emailed me. She found my blog through Michelle @ Chocolate and Marmalade Tea and she thinks her special talent is her typing speed. I could use a little of that!
Anyway, thanks to all who participated. Stay tuned, more giveaways to come!



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