Memorial Day Weekend- a flea market, a birthday and Scott Brown

Senin, 31 Mei 2010

I hope you all had a nice long weekend. Did you visit a cemetery or go to a memorial service? Attend a parade or gather with family and friends?

My weekend was full. Saturday I did errands but the rest of the weekend was busy with activities. Oscar of course, relaxed this weekend.

As did Molly, no stress in my household.

On Sunday I went to a flea market in Rowley. I had never been to Todd Farm so when my friend Kim said she was going I said me too! I really like these chairs but I just bought a sofa and chair so no room for any more furniture.

This is lovely.

I love the color of these chippy paint chairs.

I would have loved to buy a steamer trunk like this but I didn't.

I am told these dogs are here often. Watching over the field of vendors from their rooftop perch.

Do you remember Pez candy? Well this vendor had a large selection of Pez dispensers.

Do you remember Charlie from my post about Art & Tiques in Exeter? Well, Charlie and Linda were checking out the goods at Todd Farm too.

After the flea market, I went to my "Italian Mother's" 80th birthday party. Clara isn't my mother but she always calls my sister and I her Irish daughters and she is like a second mother to me. She already has 8 of her own real kids.

A few short months ago, Clara became a great grandmother but the parents live in Wisconsin. As a surprise, Sarah, her husband Jeff, and baby Emma showed up at the party. What a wonderful surprise! Clara was beaming.

And baby Emma stole everyone's hearts from the moment they met her.

Now, for the cake. Well let's just say when I walked by the dining room I thought there was a large stuffed elephant on the table. But that was the birthday cake!

Clara collects elephants so it was only fitting to have an elephant birthday cake for her. Wow, was this cake well done. Food Network, here we come!!!

Clara was like a kid in a candy shop. Look at her excitement.

She posed for photos with her kids. Here's one daughter.

And she posed with the grandchildren. Four generations under one roof and about 65 of her closest family and friends. And the weather cooperated. Who could ask for more?

On Memorial Day, there was a dedication at Buckley Park in Stoneham. And US Senator Scott Brown was a part of the ceremony.

A lovely memorial to one of Stoneham's citizens. Mr. Buckley worked for the CIA and was taken hostage in Beirut in 1984. He died while in captivity.

I wanted to get that prize winning photo of Senator Brown. I lined up my shot. All of a sudden he yells, "Hon" or was it honey? I'm not sure. But he was calling to his wife, Gail Huff, a Boston newswoman.

My next prize winning shot attempt was of him holding up a water bottle and asking her if the dogs needed water.

And so the water bottle was passed down to Gail Huff and her two dogs.

Scott Brown and his wife are animal lovers. I like that.

Stoneham Town Hall was all decked out with the red, white and blue.

That is quite possibly the biggest flag I have ever seen.

Reasons to be happy at the beach

Sabtu, 29 Mei 2010

Today I was in a card shop to look for a small gift. There was a little book entitled "Reasons to be happy at the beach". The book cost $12.95. I laughed to myself. Why would anyone need to buy a book on reasons to be happy at the beach? I apologize to the book's author, but, really, are you serious? Aren't the reasons obvious? Well, they are to me.

Just looking out at the ocean whether it's sunny, raining, foggy, or by moonlight, I am happy. Calm or choppy, I just love being near the ocean.

I guess if I had to list my reasons I would focus on the ocean and everything seaside. I am not exactly a beach person or sun worshipper
So here are my reasons. They are in no particular order.

Fried shrimp, fried clams, and fries. They always taste better when eaten seaside.

That little bit of bubbly water that slides onto the wet sand.

Sea foam and white caps. I am in awe of the sea and it's power.

And sea spray. Sea spray is like a gentle tickle on your skin. It makes me happy.

Those onion shaped lanterns you see on shops and restaurants in seaside towns. They always have amazing reflections.

Ripples in the water, a rocky coastline, and the feeling that the ocean goes on forever.

The sound of seagulls and their persistence.

Browsing in fun shops and taking home a special souvenir from the beach like beach glass or a shell.

Concerts by the ocean and the smell of salt air.

The soft pastels of an ocean sunset.

Reflections on calm waters.

Passing the time in a rocker and just watching the ocean.

All things nautical make me happy.

Boat rides, whale watches, sunset cruises.

What are your reasons to be happy at the beach?

Vacation Plans

Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

My room is waiting for me.

The reservation has been made and paid. The cat sitter is booked.

I'll be sipping lemonade on this porch in no time!

You guessed it, I'm going back to Martha's Vineyard!

I hope to visit the Gossip Girls, well that's what I call them. Actually they're alpacas, aren't they adorable?

My sister hasn't been to the Vineyard in seven years so she's coming with me. We'll see the gingerbread cottages in Oak Bluffs.

Look at the architectural detail.

There are rows and rows of cottages.

The best night is Illumination Night. All the cottages are decorated with lanterns and parasols and lights. What a sight to see them all illuminated.

This cottage is close to the Inn where we're staying.

I hope to see the sea captain's homes in Edgartown.

Tea and finger sandwiches (no pun intended), yes, of course. You just have to make time for afternoon tea.

A visit to Carly Simon's store? Absolutely. Midnight Farm in Vineyard Haven is on the list of things to see.

I hope she's working at the store when we're visiting it.

We'll take in all the rustic beauty of the island like the cliffs at Aquinnah.

Yes, we'll definitely stop to smell the Rosa Ragusa or beach roses.

August can't come soon enough!!



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