10 Keajaiban Dunia

Rabu, 05 Maret 2014

10 Keajaiban Dunia di Luar Pengetahuan Anda: 

  • 1. Dome of the Rock
Di Israel ternyata telah ditemukan salah satu keajaiban dunia, .Keajaiban itu bisa disebut The Rock (Dome of The Rock). Batu itu adalah Batu Pijakan Nabi Muhammad SAW yang merupakan Bukti kebesaran Allah SWT. Batu tersebut terletak Di tengah-tengah Masjid Qubbah Al-Shakhrah (Dome of the Rock), dan berukuran kurang lebih 13,8 x 17 meter, batu tersebut seolah-olah tergantung di udara. 
10 keajaiban dunia

  • 2. Tāj Mahal
Tāj Mahal adalah sebuah monumen yang terletak di Agra, India. Dibangun atas keinginan,
Kaisar Mughal Shāh Jahān, anak Jahangir, sebagai sebuah musoleum untuk istri Persianya, Arjumand Banu Begum, juga dikenal sebagai Mumtaz-ul-Zamani atau Mumtaz Mahal. Pembangunannya menghabiskan waktu 23 tahun (1630-1653) dan merupakan sebuah adi karya dari arsitektur Mughal. 

10 keajaiban dunia

  • 3. Borobudur
Borobudur adalah nama sebuah candi Buddha yang terletak di Borobudur, Magelang, Jawa Tengah. Lokasi candi adalah kurang lebih 100 km di sebelah barat daya Semarang dan 40 km di sebelah barat laut Yogyakarta. Candi ini didirikan oleh para penganut agama Buddha Mahayana sekitar tahun 800-an Masehi pada masa pemerintahan wangsa Syailendra. Dalam etnis Tionghoa, candi ini disebut juga 婆羅浮屠 (Hanyu Pinyin: pó luó fú tú) dalam bahasa Mandarin.

10 keajaiban dunia

  • 4. Piramida
Piramid atau piramida adalah konstruksi bangunan yang sudah digunakan sejak lama oleh bangsa Mesir kuno maupun bangsa Maya, digunakan sebagai makam raja-raja masa dahulu serta sarana ibadah (pemujaan).
Tembok Raksasa Cina atau Tembok Besar Cina , juga dikenal di Cina dengan nama Tembok Raksasa Sepanjang 10.000 Li¹ merupakan bangunan terpanjang yang pernah dibuat oleh manusia, terletak di Republik Rakyat Cina.

10 keajaiban dunia

  • 5. Menara Miring Pisa
Menara Miring Pisa (Bahasa Italia: Torre pendente di Pisa atau disingkat Torre di Pisa) adalah sebuah campanile atau menara lonceng katedral di kota Pisa, Italia. Menara Pisa sebenarnya dibuat agar berdiri secara vertikal seperti menara lonceng pada umumnya, namun mulai miring tak lama setelah pembangunannya dimulai pada Agustus 1173. Ia terletak di belakang katedral dan merupakan bangunan ketiga Campo dei Miracoli (lapangan pelangi) kota Pisa. 

10 keajaiban dunia
  • 6. Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat (atau Angkor Vat) (Khmer: អង្គរវត្ត), adalah sebuah kuil yang terletak di Kamboja dan dianggap sebagai salah satu dari keajaiban dunia. Ia dibangun oleh Raja Suryavarman II pada pertengahan abad ke-12. Pembangunan kuil Angkor Wat memakan waktu selama 30 tahun. Angkor Wat terletak di dataran Angkor yang juga dipenuhi bangunan kuil-kuil yang indah-indah, tetapi Angkor Wat merupakan kuil yang paling terkenal di dataran Angkor. Raja Suryavarman II membina Angkor Wat menurut kepercayaan Hindu yang meletakkan gunung Meru sebagai pusat dunia dan merupakan tempat tinggal dewa-dewi Hindu, dengan itu menara tengah Angkor Wat adalah menara tertinggi dan merupakan menara utama dalam binaan Angkor Wat.

Sebagaimana dongeng gunung Meru, kawasan kuil Angkor Wat dikelilingi oleh dinding dan terusan yang mewakili lautan dan gunung yang mengelilingi dunia. Jalan masuk utama ke Angkor Wat yang sepanjang setengah kilometer dihiasi susur pemegang tangan dan diapit oleh laut buatan manusia yang dikenali sebagai Barays. Jalan masuk ke kuil Angkor Wat melalui pintu gerbang, mewakili jambatan pelangi yang menyambungkan antara alam dunia dengan alam dewa-dewa.

Angkor Wat berada dalam keadaan yang baik berbanding dengan kuil lain di dataran Angkor disebabkan Angkor Wat telah ditukar menjadi kuil Buddha dan digunakan secara berterusan apabila kepercayaan Buddha menggantikan kepercayaan Hindu di Angkor pada abad ke 13. Kuil Angkor pernah dijajah oleh Siam pada tahun 1431. 

keajaiban dunia

  • 7. Chichén Itzá
Chichén Itzá (pengucapan /tʃiːˈtʃɛn iːˈtsɑː/);[1]adalah suatu Situs Peradaban Maya di Meksiko pada abad 800 SM. Piramida Kukulcan di kompleks situs bersejarah ini dipercaya sebagai pusat kegiatan politik dan ekonomi peradaban bangsa Maya yang terletak di Semenanjung Yucatan (kini wilayah Meksiko). Itza merupkan titik sentral kompleks bangunan lainnya seperti Piramida Kukulcan, Candi Chac Mool, dan bangunan Seribu Tiang

keajaiban dunia

  • 8. Patung Kristus
Patung kristus penebus, Brazil: Tinggi 38 meter berada di puncak Pegunungan Corcovado. Dibuat dalam beberapa bagian di Prancis pada 1926 dan dikapalkan ke Brasil. Sebuah rel dibangun khusus untuk membawanya ke puncak pegunungan setinggi 714 meter itu.

keajaiban dunia

  • 9. Danau Tiga Warna
Danau ini oleh dunia disebut sebagai salah satu dari sembilan keajaiban dunia. Danau tiga warna terletak di Gunung Kelimutu, Flores,NTT. Di sana ada tiga danau yang berdekatan namun dengan warna-warna yang berbeda. Danau kawah tersebut adalah Tiwu Ata Polo (danau merah), Tiwu Nua Muri Kooh Fai (danau hijau) dan Tiwu Ata Mbupu (danau biru). Danau Kelimutu merupakan satu-satunya danau di dunia yang airnya dapat berubah setiap saat, dari merah menjadi hijau tua dan kemudian merah hati, hijau tua menjadi hijau muda, coklat kehitaman menjadi biru langit. Fenomena alam ini merupakan keajaiban

keajaiban dunia

  • 10 Gunung Sampah
Ini adalah gunung sampah terbesar yang ada di dunia.

keajaiban dunia di indonesia

Description: 10 Keajaiban Dunia di Luar Pengetahuan Anda Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: lsrul - 
ItemReviewed: 10 Keajaiban Dunia di Luar Pengetahuan Anda.

Types Gecko

Senin, 03 Maret 2014

1 . Giant Gecko = Giant Gecko Gecko types included in the house . Have red spots on the upper body and has a white color on the lower part of the body or chest with yellow spots . Characteristics could have stuck to the wall because there is adhesive on its feet . Gecko has skin like an orange peel . the tail could sell 3 Billion .
http://antiquely.blogspot.com/ http://antiquely.blogspot.com/ http://antiquely.blogspot.com/ http://antiquely.blogspot.com/
2 . Stone Gecko = Gecko Rock . This species resembles a lizard . There are several kinds of stone geckos , there are at least 3 kinds , stone breasted striped gecko ( mix white with black spots ) and there is no redness and busty chest that had a white net . There is a stone gecko has a forked tongue and no single tongued . Gecko has skin slippery rocks like lizards in general . the tail could sell 500 million.
http://antiquely.blogspot.com/ http://antiquely.blogspot.com/ http://antiquely.blogspot.com/ http://antiquely.blogspot.com/ http://antiquely.blogspot.com/ http://antiquely.blogspot.com/
3 . Forest gecko = this type can not be stuck to the wall , because it had no suction on her feet . This gecko can climb onto branches by using nails . Forest gecko just have a grayish black color only. the tail could sell 50 million .
http://antiquely.blogspot.com/ http://antiquely.blogspot.com/ http://antiquely.blogspot.com/ http://antiquely.blogspot.com/ http://antiquely.blogspot.com/

Gecko Types Of Many Wanted

  • Gecko Business :
Geckos now has a very high economic value . So no wonder a lot of people after him . for sale . Unlike the past , gecko keeps on killing arrested for disturbing voice.

But now the man who killed a gecko would definitely disappointed , the article after he knew that the gecko 's weight 3 ounces valued millions of dollars . see the following price list : ( This price varies )

* Category 2.5 ounces ( weight 2.5 to 2.9 ounces ) 5-10 million price
* Category 3 ounces ( weight 3 to 3.4 ounces ) price of 15-20 million
* Category 3.5 ounces ( weight 3.5 to 3.9 ounces ) price 30-50 million
* Category 4 ounces ( weight of 4 to 4.9 ounces ) price 100-200 million
* Category 5 ounces ( weight 5 ounces ) price 300-500 million
* 6 ounces and above price category 100 million/ounces

So if you are interested please gecko business . For marketing you can search in google , there are so many people who want to buy at a very high price . But be careful there are many brokers gecko - here . Check first buyer before selling it .

  • Why geckos are very expensive :
http://antiquely.blogspot.com/In the gecko 's tongue to expect a mixture of HIV- Aids drugs . So in respect very expensive .
But officially the WHO has not published on the efficacy of this gecko tongue .
In addition, the specification gecko in the search is very difficult and rare , hard to reproduce in flower until the desired weight .

  • Characteristics - Characteristics gecko that can be sold:
- Nearly all geckos geckos can be sold both home and forest gecko
- More in priority gecko with dominant white color
- Min weight 300 grams and up ( heavier more expensive )
- Healthy body condition , no defects , abrasions
- The tail should not be broken

  • How to catch a gecko:
In capturing the gecko is strictly prohibited until the gecko to get hurt , even in URLs should not be touched by hand . Because the price will fall dramatically even to not sell at all . The nature of the gecko is arrested if he will fight with all her might . So have to be careful , because often bite when captured . When held , the gecko will automatically gaping mouth ; ready to bite his captors . Its bite is very strong , as if his jaw muscles locked .

  • An easy way to cheat gecko so as not to be bitten when holding it:
http://antiquely.blogspot.com/Put something rather soft but tough in their gaping mouths , like a twig or patchwork fabric folded , which is not easily broken . Geckos will bite him with a vengeance , so that the catcher is safe to observe , examine and measure the animal . Gecko will not release the goods as long as he still held people ; however when geckos freed , he will soon release the goods are bitten and left it running .

  • Some ways to catch geckos geckos that do not hurt :

1 . use mouse traps that have been given geckos favorite food ( if you can still live insects to attract the attention of the gecko ) . Granted traps located near the gecko .
2 . tobacco use is already in a puncture to stick as " bait " gecko . If tobacco is in the eating gecko will pass out momentarily . But not too much because the dose could be dead gecko.

Tea sampling from a samovar

Kamis, 27 Februari 2014

I'm just catching up on some activities of the past weeks. I follow Jolie Tea Company on Facebook and recently they posted that they were having a tea tasting of their Doctor Zhivago blend. They were pouring the tea from a samovar. Unfortunately, I only found out about the event the day before and I had a few things to do the day of the tasting. I had to miss it.

A few weeks later, they posted that they were going to have a tasting of their Russian Caravan tea from a samovar in honor of the Sochi Olympics. I made a point to visit the shop for that sampling.

I met the shop's owner and she was delightful. I love her enthusiasm and passion for tea. I told her I wished I could have been there for the Doctor Zhivago blend sampling but I had been busy that day and there was also a snow storm that day.  She said yes, it had snowed and it was magical and so perfect to have a snowfall during the tea tasting.

I really enjoyed my cup of Russian Caravan. It was not as strong or smoky as I anticipated.

My trip to the shop was right before Valentine's Day so there were many romance related items for sale. I bought a hostess gift for the Cupid's tea here.

I love all the little pretties in the shop. It is all so beautifully displayed and there is always something new that catches my eye. The staff is attentive but not intrusive. You could say they let you drink it all in at your leisure.

I bought a small pouch of Dr. Zhivago blend. I have a non working samovar, perhaps I will take a photo of it with the tea and a favorite teacup.

It's fun to see all the different blends they offer. Some have such nice names. I want to try them all!

I think next time I will buy a sample size of the Winter Solstice. I have a feeling Winter is not leaving these parts anytime soon.

I love browsing the tea book section. I have a few of the Vintage Tea Party books. They have such adorable illustrations in them.

I always have such a nice time when I go to Jolie Tea Company. If you're in the area, stop by. Maybe you'll get to drink from the samovar too!

7 Strange events are not in the World Makes Sense

Senin, 24 Februari 2014

  • 1 . Bullet to the target after many years
Ziegland Henry thinks he's smart dodge . In 1883, he broke up with his girlfriend who, out of distress, committed suicide . Laki2 his girlfriend 's brother was so enraged that came Ziegland and shot him . After believing he had killed Ziegland , he turned his gun on himself and committed suicide . In fact Ziegland only grazed his face and a bullet, and then lodged in a tree . Of course Ziegland feel very lucky . Years later he decided to cut down the tree , with the bullet still lodged . Because it is difficult to find a tree is cut down he decided to blow it up with a few sticks of dynamite , once Shit explosion propelled the bullet into his head , and he died instantly .
  • 2 . Just like his Edgar Allan Poe
In the 19th century , the famous horror writer , Egdar Allan Poe , wrote a book titled ' The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym ' . The story is about 4 survivors of the wreck of stranded ships on the high seas berhari2 before deciding to kill and eat the cabin boy named Richard Parker . Many years later, in 1884, Mignonette sailboat , sunk , with only four people survived , and stranded for days , finally 3 senior of the crew decided to kill and eat the cabin crew . The cabin crew name was Richard Parker .
  • 3 . Novel that predicts fate of Titanic and other ships that almost follows the similarity
Morgan Robertson , in 1898 , wrote " Futility " . Describing the maiden voyage ( maiden voyage ) of luxury boats to cross the Pacific ocean called Titan . Although many who brags could not sink this ship , the ship hit the ice and sank with huge loss . In 1912, Titanic , the transatlantic luxury liner , experience the events exactly as illustrated novel . If in a novel , the month is April accident , the Titanic sinking too April. If there are passengers in the novel 3000 , in reality many as 2,207 . In the novel there are 24 lifeboat , in fact 20 . A month after the Titanic sank , the ship traveling across the Atlantic wild misty with a young child controls . When he remembered back on the Titanic , and given that the name of the ship itself is Titanian , he began to shudder and stop the ship . That's when large chunks of ice hit the track in front of them passed . Titanian survived .
  • 4 . Twin brothers , killed on the same road , the difference between 2 hours
In 2002 , the 70 year old twin brothers have died within hours of one another after separate accidents on the same road in northern Finland . The first was killed when hit by a lorry while riding his bike in Raahe , 600 kilometers south of the capital , Helsinki . Only 1.5 km away from the incident in which his brother was killed . " This is a historic coincidence , although the course notoriously busy , but accidents rarely happen here " police officer Marja - Leena Huhtala told Reuters . " Chilling time knew the two were brothers .
  • 5 . Suicide attempts , thwarted Monk Same
Joseph Aigner quite famous painters in the 19th century in Austria , apparently is the one who is not happy : he several times attempted suicide . The first trial at the age of 18 when he tried to hang himself , but was thwarted by the mysterious appearance of a Capuchin monk . At age 22, he tried to hang himself, but was rescued by a monk lagi2 same . 8 years later he was taken to the gallows for his political activities . Once again she was saved by the very same monk . At age 68 , Aiger finally succeeded in suicide , a pistol . Funeral was led by the same monk , a man whose name was never known by Aiger .
  • 6 . Twin Boys , whose life twins
The story about identical twins ' nearly identical lives are often astonishing , but perhaps none more surprising than this one . The story of twin brothers who came from Ohio , who were separated at birth and adopted by different families . Do not know each other , both families named them the same name , James . This was the beginning of the kebetulan2 , Both James grew up without knowing each other , but both executive - legal training , interested in mechanical drawing and carpentry , and each had married women named Linda . Both have children laki2 named James Alan . Brothers also divorced their wives and married other women , both named Betty . And they both owned dogs which they named Toy . After 40 years apart , the two men were reunited to share their lives back .
  • 7 . Two brothers were killed the same taxi driver , one year apart
In 1975, while riding a moped in Bermuda , a man was accidentally struck and killed by a taxi . One year later, this man laki2 experiencing the exact same thing . In fact , he was riding the same moped . And even stranger, he ditubruk same taxi and driven by the same driver , want even more unusual ? Taxi transports passengers alike!...



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