7 Strange events are not in the World Makes Sense

Senin, 24 Februari 2014

  • 1 . Bullet to the target after many years
Ziegland Henry thinks he's smart dodge . In 1883, he broke up with his girlfriend who, out of distress, committed suicide . Laki2 his girlfriend 's brother was so enraged that came Ziegland and shot him . After believing he had killed Ziegland , he turned his gun on himself and committed suicide . In fact Ziegland only grazed his face and a bullet, and then lodged in a tree . Of course Ziegland feel very lucky . Years later he decided to cut down the tree , with the bullet still lodged . Because it is difficult to find a tree is cut down he decided to blow it up with a few sticks of dynamite , once Shit explosion propelled the bullet into his head , and he died instantly .
  • 2 . Just like his Edgar Allan Poe
In the 19th century , the famous horror writer , Egdar Allan Poe , wrote a book titled ' The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym ' . The story is about 4 survivors of the wreck of stranded ships on the high seas berhari2 before deciding to kill and eat the cabin boy named Richard Parker . Many years later, in 1884, Mignonette sailboat , sunk , with only four people survived , and stranded for days , finally 3 senior of the crew decided to kill and eat the cabin crew . The cabin crew name was Richard Parker .
  • 3 . Novel that predicts fate of Titanic and other ships that almost follows the similarity
Morgan Robertson , in 1898 , wrote " Futility " . Describing the maiden voyage ( maiden voyage ) of luxury boats to cross the Pacific ocean called Titan . Although many who brags could not sink this ship , the ship hit the ice and sank with huge loss . In 1912, Titanic , the transatlantic luxury liner , experience the events exactly as illustrated novel . If in a novel , the month is April accident , the Titanic sinking too April. If there are passengers in the novel 3000 , in reality many as 2,207 . In the novel there are 24 lifeboat , in fact 20 . A month after the Titanic sank , the ship traveling across the Atlantic wild misty with a young child controls . When he remembered back on the Titanic , and given that the name of the ship itself is Titanian , he began to shudder and stop the ship . That's when large chunks of ice hit the track in front of them passed . Titanian survived .
  • 4 . Twin brothers , killed on the same road , the difference between 2 hours
In 2002 , the 70 year old twin brothers have died within hours of one another after separate accidents on the same road in northern Finland . The first was killed when hit by a lorry while riding his bike in Raahe , 600 kilometers south of the capital , Helsinki . Only 1.5 km away from the incident in which his brother was killed . " This is a historic coincidence , although the course notoriously busy , but accidents rarely happen here " police officer Marja - Leena Huhtala told Reuters . " Chilling time knew the two were brothers .
  • 5 . Suicide attempts , thwarted Monk Same
Joseph Aigner quite famous painters in the 19th century in Austria , apparently is the one who is not happy : he several times attempted suicide . The first trial at the age of 18 when he tried to hang himself , but was thwarted by the mysterious appearance of a Capuchin monk . At age 22, he tried to hang himself, but was rescued by a monk lagi2 same . 8 years later he was taken to the gallows for his political activities . Once again she was saved by the very same monk . At age 68 , Aiger finally succeeded in suicide , a pistol . Funeral was led by the same monk , a man whose name was never known by Aiger .
  • 6 . Twin Boys , whose life twins
The story about identical twins ' nearly identical lives are often astonishing , but perhaps none more surprising than this one . The story of twin brothers who came from Ohio , who were separated at birth and adopted by different families . Do not know each other , both families named them the same name , James . This was the beginning of the kebetulan2 , Both James grew up without knowing each other , but both executive - legal training , interested in mechanical drawing and carpentry , and each had married women named Linda . Both have children laki2 named James Alan . Brothers also divorced their wives and married other women , both named Betty . And they both owned dogs which they named Toy . After 40 years apart , the two men were reunited to share their lives back .
  • 7 . Two brothers were killed the same taxi driver , one year apart
In 1975, while riding a moped in Bermuda , a man was accidentally struck and killed by a taxi . One year later, this man laki2 experiencing the exact same thing . In fact , he was riding the same moped . And even stranger, he ditubruk same taxi and driven by the same driver , want even more unusual ? Taxi transports passengers alike!...

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