A Birthday in Rockport

Selasa, 15 Juni 2010

A quick post today. It's my birthday and tonight I went to one of my favorite places, Rockport. I wanted to take the day off from work but I couldn't. So my friend Debbi and I went for dinner. This is the view from our table.

My favorite streudel shop was closed again. With no hours posted, it's hard to figure out when they're open. This shop was open and it was very cute. It had a nice mix of old and new items.

There wasn't much light so it was difficult to take crisp photos. I don't care. The night was beautiful. A tad cool by the water but that was fine with me.

The sky had just a hint of pink in it.

The sunsets are always gorgeous in Rockport.

Waterfront dining. This restaurant is in the best spot.

You can see the famous Motif No. 1 in the distance.

Ships in the harbor.

Same ship but I moved half an inch.

And again. I do like the view from this wharf.

Illuminated ice cream shop.

Harbor scene.

Another Harbor scene. Again moving a half inch. Do you ever do that with your shots?

Looking for pink sky.

Hardly any here.

I found more pink here.

And it looks like I found a new friend too! Isn't he cute?

Tea at Pauline's

Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010

Today the tea group met at Pauline's house. The newly married Pauline had recently moved and she wanted us all to see her new space.

She served chicken salad with curry sandwiches.

Also on the menu, mushroom, shrimp, and fruit something sandwiches. I sampled all four sandwiches and they were all delicious!

We also had scones wiht creme fraiche, apricot jam, and lemon curd.

The tea was of course delicious. Pauline used her Susam Branch teapot. It was so cute with quotes printed all over it.

Her home has crystal doorknobs. Love it!

Lots of charm all over the apartment.

Just look at that built in china cabinet! Gorgeous!

Pauline's cat Whisper has adjusted to the move and took up residence on the guest room bed.

We had a spoon swap. Everyone who wanted to participate brought a gift wrapped spoon. This was my contribution.

And I went home with this lovely 1890's spoon from Lori Lee.

For dessert, we had brownies, cupcakes, and lemon squares. The cupcakes were from a bakery called Cake.

We also had pound cake with strawberry sauce. Yum!

As always, we had a group shot taken. We like to have a record of each tea.

As we were leaving, Pauline presented each guest with a candle as a favor. We had a lovely afternoon with good food and conversation in an intimate setting. It was a perfect way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

Tonight in Newburyport

Selasa, 08 Juni 2010

After work I got together with two co-worker friends for dinner. It was a beautiful night at Michael's Harborside Restaurant in Newburyport, Massachusetts.

We requested a waterside table. There is a deck off the restaurant and a rooftop bar but since it was a little cool we sat by the window. I had grilled shrimp and scallops with citrus garlic butter. My friends had the lazy man's lobster.

After dinner and dessert, we decided to stand out on the deck and look at the harbor. While were admiring the boats, we noticed a beautiful rainbow was forming. We were so lucky to be in the right spot at the right time.

I love this time of night. The light is magical.

Incredible shades in the sky as dusk approached.

The ducks had their own resting spot at the Do Duck Inn.

The weather was so perfect and the scene so gorgeous we did not want to leave. I wish I had brought my "good" camera but I only had my small older camera on me. I don't bring the larger camera to work. So, I will just have to return to Newburyport sometime this Summer.

Shopping in Salem

Minggu, 06 Juni 2010

I had a little time on my hands on Saturday so I decided to head north to Salem, Massachusetts and visit my favorite shop, Sophia's.

As you can see, the shop was named after Sophia Hawthorne, wife of Nathaniel Hawthorne. The shop is across the street from Salem's Hawthorne Hotel.

Shop owner Marie was not in but her cousin Melissa was and we had a nice conversation about the shop and the items they carry. They have amazingly beautiful displays throughout the shop. I appreciated the opportunity to photograph them.

These bottles hold dusting silk. Doesn't that sound luxurious? I absolutely love these bottles and thought they looked great as a grouping.

I do love bath products and these jars were lovely too. These would be pretty on a vanity.

More bottles, so pretty displayed in the window.

A decorated bird cage. According to Melissa, Marie loves birds and she has a lot of bird themed items in the shop. She had tassels made of antique salt shakers hanging from the cage. They were really cool. I did not get a shot of them, sorry!

What a sweet face on this doll.

What a wonderful work of art on this screen. It was stunning in person. I love those albums and scrapbooks in front of the screen.

Melissa told me the story of this hat. Marie made this hat for the President of Salem State College who was going to be in Ireland on St Patrick's Day for an important meeting. The woman wanted to portray Salem but with an Irish feel, Marie designed this hat for her.

Marie also designed witches hats for a bride and her bridesmaids. The bride was getting married on Halloween so she got a white witches hat and the bridesmaids wore black hats.

This shop is so elegant, chandeliers hang from an old tin ceiling.

I mentioned I love bath products. These soaps smelled heavenly and yes I bought one. The scent is blackberry and currant and it has a nice not too sweet fragrance. No wonder I was drawn to this, the soaps were displayed on a tiered tea server!

This display of fine writing papers included a teacup.

A very fashionable dress form. There were several decorated dress forms in the shop.

More pretty perfume bottles.

Alice in Wonderland looks out the window.

If there's a cat, you know I'm going to snap a photo of it.

Fabulous colors on the earrings and isn't that an interesting holder?

Ooh, la, la, love this one too!

After my shopping excursion, I headed home and got ready for the evening's activities.

Last night, my sister and I went to the Stoneham Theatre to see the production of Gaslight. Based on the 1944 movie of the same name, the play was about a Victorian husband who is trying to make his wife think she is going mad. The movie starred Ingrid Bergman. All of the actors in the play were excellent and the costumes and set design were wonderful. Most of the dialogue was between the husband and wife. I was impressed by the actors' ability to flawlessly deliver their lines. I know that's their job but there was so much dialogue between the two characters. They made it seem effortless.

I had a fun filled Saturday. I highly recommend a visit to Sophia's if you travel to Salem and when in Stoneham, check out the Stoneham Theatre. They put on some great productions.

Every breath you take....I'll be watching you

Rabu, 02 Juni 2010

Every breath you take, every move you make

I'll be watching you.

Every game you play, I'll be watching you.

Every move you make, every step you take, I'll be watching you.

Don't you love that song from The Police?



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