A Birthday in Rockport

Selasa, 15 Juni 2010

A quick post today. It's my birthday and tonight I went to one of my favorite places, Rockport. I wanted to take the day off from work but I couldn't. So my friend Debbi and I went for dinner. This is the view from our table.

My favorite streudel shop was closed again. With no hours posted, it's hard to figure out when they're open. This shop was open and it was very cute. It had a nice mix of old and new items.

There wasn't much light so it was difficult to take crisp photos. I don't care. The night was beautiful. A tad cool by the water but that was fine with me.

The sky had just a hint of pink in it.

The sunsets are always gorgeous in Rockport.

Waterfront dining. This restaurant is in the best spot.

You can see the famous Motif No. 1 in the distance.

Ships in the harbor.

Same ship but I moved half an inch.

And again. I do like the view from this wharf.

Illuminated ice cream shop.

Harbor scene.

Another Harbor scene. Again moving a half inch. Do you ever do that with your shots?

Looking for pink sky.

Hardly any here.

I found more pink here.

And it looks like I found a new friend too! Isn't he cute?

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