Exeter- Art & Tiques

Rabu, 07 April 2010

I took last Friday off from work. I took a little daytrip to North Hampton and Exeter, New Hampshire. I made a number of stops that day which I will share in
future posts. Today, I will post about the coolest shop in Exeter, New Hampshire.
It's called Art & Tiques.

I saw this display from across the street and it piqued my interest. I expected an artsy funky type of shop. It was so much more.

I entered the shop and there was Charlie. Isn't he adorable? He resides with shop owner Linda Anason. She told me Charlie was a rescue dog from the ASPCA. He has the sweetest personality and the most soulful eyes. He captivated me from the moment I saw him. I am glad he lives with Linda, she clearly loves him.

Linda was so nice to let me loose, camera in hand, in her shop. I took tons of photos!

I loved this teapot but it did not come home with me.

Baskets anyone? There were lots of them.

I liked this red birdcage too and the lantern above it.

All kinds of canes.

Are these your initials?

Where else can you get a fencing mask?

This guy was interesting.

Old baseballs for Red Sox nation.

I walked around with this purse in my hand but I didn't end up buying it.

Interesting items throughout the shop.

Don't you love old boxes? They are great for storage or decorating.

These would make wonderful accent items.

A mish mash of items in the shop. I love to rummage through things.

Pretty bottles on display.

Playing cards serve as price tags.

Paper people? I don't really know what they are.

I liked this lamp too.

Pretty glassware.

All kinds of silverware in baskets.

This clock was really neat. It almost glowed in the sunlight.

And what did I buy? Well, two items. One was an old trophy and the other was a vintage Polaroid camera. When I went to the register, the owner asked me if I was a dealer. I said, "no". She said, "You should be, you picked the hottest items." I was flattered by the compliment.

Rain boots, so cheery. I could have used these last month when we had heavy rain and flooding.

But Friday was absolutely gorgeous and I had so much fun scouring through all the items at Art & Tiques and playing with Charlie. The owner's business card even mentions Charlie.

If you live in the area, you simply must visit Art&Tiques, 130 Water St, Exeter. You won't be disappointed and if you do stop by, give Charlie a hug for me.

Looking back at Easter

Senin, 05 April 2010

Did you have a nice Easter? I did, so I thought I would share some memories of the day.

We went to Mass and then had Easter Brunch at my condo.

A chocolate bunny and a card at each placesetting.

This Easter colored cheesecake is from Junior's in Brooklyn. I had it on display for brunch but we were too stuffed to eat it for dessert!

We had fruit cup to start.

Mary made an Easter bread, an annual tradition.

I made overnight french toast. Make it the day before and bake it the next morning.

My sister made a Swedish Apple Pie.

Molly had an angel on her shoulder.

I decided rather impulsively to invite some friends over for dessert. After all, we hadn't even touched the cheesecake!

That's Oscar in the window. He thought it was more interesting outside. Yes, I did stand on a chair to get this shot. I took the photo before the guests arrived, although I am sure they would not have been fazed by me standing on a chair to get this photo. They always say, "blog shot!".

There's one of my Salvation Army teacups.

I love this cake pedestal. It's from Home Goods of course!

Another view of the tablescape.

We finally cut the cheesecake! It was so good, creamy cheesecake on the inside,
chocolate cookie crumb crust on the outside. And that topping, a Madras Plaid linen look layer with a little chocolate ganache thrown in.

I think after yesterday's feast I shall not eat for days!

Easter Wishes

Sabtu, 03 April 2010

Wishing you all a very Happy Easter! The weather has turned warm here and it actually feels like Spring. It's going to be wonderful to have sunshine for Easter.
We've had such beastly weather recently.

Here are some of the Easter Cookies on display at Truly Jorg's Patisserie Saugus, Massachusetts. Such delicious works of art. I bought a few to give to my mom and her friends at the nursing home.

Here's the item I bought at Nesting the other day. A little chickie in a nest. I thought he would be comfortable in my teacup and he's settled in nicely.

The plan for Easter is to go to Mass in the morning followed by brunch at my place (baked french toast, fruit salad, potatoes, pie and cheesecake). Then there's a dessert buffet at my mom's nursing home. Lots of eating on Easter.

Will share pictures of the day and of my recent New Hampshire trip in my next posts.


Rabu, 31 Maret 2010

After visiting my friend Beth at her shop, Studio B, I went next door to Nesting.(See this month's post on Studio B). It's always a joy to go to Nesting.

The owners are queens of merchandising. Each vignette is a visual treat.

I would buy it all if I had the money.

Don't you love a mix of old and new?

Interesting items to choose from.

Oh be still my heart, a tea cart!

Cool shelving and a continuation of the nesting theme.

If I had a porch I would buy this stand and display some plants. Wonder if my condo mates would mind it if I put in the front foyer? It would look great there!

I like the color of this planter and I really like this collection of mirrors.

Well I escaped with most of my money still in my wallet. I bought one cute little item and I will post it before Easter. Promise. Once the sun comes out again, I will photograph it in natural light.

Till next time....


Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

I was hired for my first photography job recently. Last Saturday, I photographed the Women of Courage and Conviction awards dinner for the National Council of Negro Women, Greater Boston Chapter.

The woman on the left is the guest speaker, Leslie Salmon Jones and the woman on the right is the Greater Boston Chapter President.

My job was to create a record of all the goings on that evening. I photographed the guest speaker, the award recipients, and I took some candids of people talking and sitting at their tables.

I met a man who owns a coffee company, Thousand Hills Coffee. He uses coffee beans from Rwanda to make his coffee and part of the profits go back to Rwanda for educational purposes.

I had such a great time meeting all the interesting and accomplished people at the event. This woman was one of the award recipients.

This is my favorite photo from the evening.

I have to admit I was a little nervous. My first paying photography job and I was working with a new camera. I was reading the manual earlier in the day! The camera has so many bells and whistles. I think the photos turned out well, but, I won't be quitting my day job anytime soon!

Introducing Studio B

Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

My friend Beth has opened a new store in Concord, Massachusetts. It just happens to me next to my favorite store in Concord, Nesting.

Beth creates beautiful vintage paper jewelry among other things.

She also does floral arrangements.

She has a knack for merchandising.

She creates something new and fun from vintage finds.

Her shop came together in one week!

If you're in the Concord area, stop by Studio B on Main Street and say Elaine sent you.



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