Looking back at Easter

Senin, 05 April 2010

Did you have a nice Easter? I did, so I thought I would share some memories of the day.

We went to Mass and then had Easter Brunch at my condo.

A chocolate bunny and a card at each placesetting.

This Easter colored cheesecake is from Junior's in Brooklyn. I had it on display for brunch but we were too stuffed to eat it for dessert!

We had fruit cup to start.

Mary made an Easter bread, an annual tradition.

I made overnight french toast. Make it the day before and bake it the next morning.

My sister made a Swedish Apple Pie.

Molly had an angel on her shoulder.

I decided rather impulsively to invite some friends over for dessert. After all, we hadn't even touched the cheesecake!

That's Oscar in the window. He thought it was more interesting outside. Yes, I did stand on a chair to get this shot. I took the photo before the guests arrived, although I am sure they would not have been fazed by me standing on a chair to get this photo. They always say, "blog shot!".

There's one of my Salvation Army teacups.

I love this cake pedestal. It's from Home Goods of course!

Another view of the tablescape.

We finally cut the cheesecake! It was so good, creamy cheesecake on the inside,
chocolate cookie crumb crust on the outside. And that topping, a Madras Plaid linen look layer with a little chocolate ganache thrown in.

I think after yesterday's feast I shall not eat for days!

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