7 Wonders of the World

Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

The new seven wonders of the world have been chosen , namely the Great Wall of China , Petra Jordan , Mezico Itza Pyramid , Colosseum of Rome , the statue of Christ Redeemer Brazil , India Taj Mahal , Machu Picchu and Peru . Determination of the seven wonders of the world is the choice of the 100 million people around the world via the internet sites and short messages ( SMS ) mobile phone held by the Swiss Foundation .
Here are the seven wonders of the world :
1 . Great Wall of China VS Buton Fort Kraton Wolio

This wall was built for the defense of the Chinese dynasty of Mongol attacks . Great Wall of China is the longest building ever built by humans . In strategic places through which the Great Wall of China there are many fortress defenses . Basically the Great Wall of China is a bastion compiled and put together from a collection of forts smaller that had been there before.

  • Kraton Fortress Wolio Buton

The fort is located in the city of Bau - Bau , Buton sultanate former region of Southeast Sulawesi province . This fort has a long wall that surrounds the original indigenous village of Buton . The extent of approximately 22 acres and has received the title as the largest fortress in Indonesia from MURI .
MURI also still gives hope to clinch the title ' International ' because Buton fortress palace predicted would add a row of ' wonder of the world ' that is, as the largest fort in the world . Its strategic location was on top of the hill is amazing .
2 . Petra VS Goa elephant
  • Petra Jordan

Petra is a city founded by chiseling stone walls located in Jordan . In this place made ​​of man-made caves carved on the stone walls of the building resembles . At the main gate of Petra there is the famous city of Petra , which is " The Treasury " . The Treasury in the form of the building with large pillars are directly sculpted and carved on the rocky hill .
  • Goa Gajah Bali

Goa Gajah is an artificial cave carved in the rocks rock hard rock section . Created by punching holes in the rocks hard as a hermitage which is equipped with a sacred bathing place ( Petirtaan ) . The surface of the front side of the cave filled with ornate carvings . At the mouth of the cave are carved giant hideous face with big round eyes . The mouth of the cave is described as a giant mouth . This is one of the buildings in the world as an artificial cave that is carved in hard rock cliffs . Goa Gajah is located in Gianyar , Bali .
3 . Chichén Itzá 
VS Borobudur
  • Chichén Itzá

Chichén Itzá is a Mayan archaeological heritage site located in Yucatán , Mexico . There are Kukulcan Pyramid is a temple that resembles the shape of pyramid building . Temple of Kukulkan in the form of stepped pyramid , with terraces . On each side of the rectangular pyramid are the stairs to the top. In contrast to the architecture of the Egyptian pyramids , Mayan pyramid is not a pyramid -shaped cone , because at its peak there is a flat area that is used for their rituals .
  • Borobudur Temple

Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temple in Indonesia, which is located in Central Java . Earlier, I likened the building of Borobudur with pyramid building because it is a glimpse of the shape of the building is similar to a pyramid . Also exist in the form of pyramid building Chichen Itza . Borobudur is another version of the pyramid . Borobudur pyramid kepunden staircase will not be found in the region and any country . Borobudur although not included in the seven wonders of the new world but in fact Borobudur deserves to be called as one of the wonders of the world .
4 . Colosseum VS Bung Karno Stadium
  • Colosseum

The original name is Flavian Amphitheatre this building , is building an elliptical amphitheater in the center of Rome , Italy . The largest building in the Roman era is able to accommodate 50,000 spectators , is used as gladiatorial contests and public performances . Colloseum is a state occasions stadium at that time . Many modern football stadium that mimic the shape of the Colosseum .
  • Bung Karno Main Stadium

5 . Statue of Christ Redeemer Statue VS Garuda Wisnu Kencana
  • Statue of Christ the Redeemer

Statue of Christ the Redeemer is located at the summit of Mount Corcovado . This statue is a statue of Jesus Christ with the largest Art Deco architectural style .
  • Garuda Wisnu Kencana

Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue Unggasan located in Bukit , Jimbaran , Bali . This statue is planned to be made ​​into a giant statue of Lord Vishnu who is riding his mount , Garuda . Now some parts of the sculpture has been finished and has become one of the amazing attractions on the island of Bali . The statue of Lord Vishnu is planned to be the tallest monument in the world and is targeted to be one of the wonders of the world .
6 . Taj Mahal
VS Mosque Baiturrahman

  • Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal is the tomb of Mumtaz Mahal , the consort of the Mughal emperor Shah Jehan , who died at a young age . Islamic berasitektur magnificent building located in Agra , India is diarsiteki by Isa Khan , made ​​of white marble and surrounded by a beautiful garden .
  • Aceh Baiturrahman Mosque

Baiturrahman Mosque is a mosque located in Banda Aceh . This mosque is one of the most beautiful mosques in Indonesia . Park in the eastern part designed to bring the feel of the Taj Mahal in it . This is reinforced by a square -shaped pond with a fountain in the middle. When the waves struck the city of Banda Aceh , the mosque survived . The mosque is also a place of refuge from the people of Banda Aceh tsunami sweep . This includes the grandest mosque mosque in Southeast Asia .

7 . Machu Picchu VS Ratu Boko
  • Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is the Inca ruins of an ancient city located in the region of the Andes , Peru . Machu Picchu was built by the ancient Incan style with walls of polished stone . The main building is Intihuatana , the Temple of the Sun , and Three Window Room . These places are known as the Sacred District of Machu Picchu .
  • Ratu Boko

Ratu Boko or Ratu Boko Temple is also called is the archeological ruins on a hill , Ratu Boko , Sewu Mountains . In the ruins of the former there are Boko gate , Paseban space , pool , pavilion , Pringgitan , women's quarters , and two niche cave to meditate . This extensive site reaches 250,000 square meters . Ratu Boko is the only biggest classic period settlement site found in Java .

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