Percy, has it really been a year?

Kamis, 01 September 2011

I can't believe it's been a year since Percy wandered into our lives. I say our lives because it was a team effort to get him to where he is today.

He was just a little tyke when I first met him at my friend's rental cottage by Nubble Light in Maine.  I remember it was exactly one year ago today.  My friends had already met him and he captured their hearts.  They were looking out for him, leaving food and water for him.  My friend Mary accidently dropped a meatball out on the deck of the cottage and Percy gobbled it up and he was nicknamed Meatball for the duration of his stay by Nubble Light.

A hurricane named Earl was predicted to bring high winds and torrential rains to the coast of Maine and none of us were going to let this little kitten stay outside in that kind of weather. So he was transported to Massachusetts to stay with me for a while.

After only two weeks, he was mixing it up with Oscar.  Oscar liked having a new playmate and so did  I.  I grew very attached and so I ended up giving hima permanent home with me and Oscar and Molly.

It certainly didn't take him long to make himself at home. His mousey was his constant friend.  He would bathe it in his water bowl and try to get me to play fetch with it.

Percy may be cute but he frustrated me plenty in those first few months.  He became a one man wrecking crew. He ruined 2 of my dining room chairs, broke countless dishes and a few teacups, tore holes in my shades.

There's Mousey with Oscar and Percy.  While Oscar sleeps, Percy plots his next attack.  He wants to play just about 24/7.

At Christmas, Percy got his very own stocking with his name embroidered on it. He really enjoyed his first Christmas.

Percy loved to watch the snow fall and we had a lot of it last Winter!

Now Summer is almost over and Percy is just about full grown or at least I hope he is!

I hope that Percy eventually gets along as well with his sister Molly as he does with his brother Oscar.

Only time will tell!

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