Feeding Miss Marble

Senin, 13 Juni 2011

This is Miss Marble. Miss Marble is the stray kitty my sister and I have been feeding.  She is the mother of the 5 kittens pictured in this post and she is just a kitten herself.  Sorry for the poor photo but Miss Marble is quite skittish and if I moved any closer to her she would have bolted.

My sister and I have been feeding Miss Marble since the day after Memorial Day. I feed her in the morning and my sister feeds her at night or vice versa.  She gets the same premium cat food my kitties get.  My neighbor caught 3 of  Miss Marble's 5 kittens and brought them to a local vet. They all had upper respiratory problems and are on medication. Once they are well they will be sent to foster homes to be cared for until they can be adopted.

The plan is to capture the other two kittens and then Miss Marble can be rescued.  The woman from the Cat Society in town said she thinks Miss Marble is feral and is not adoptable.  We beg to differ.  She is already letting us get closer to her before she runs from us.  I think she is making progress.

Once she is rescued, she will be tested and then spayed and microchipped. If she can be socialized she will be fostered then adopted. If she is found to be feral, she will be released back outdoors by my sister's studio.  We will continue to feed her and my neighbor who caught the kittens agreed to build her a shelter for the Winter months.

Even if she is feral, her village will take care of her.

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