Memories of past romances

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

Thanks to all of you who left such great comments on my last post. It's always nice to have your support. Wish I had known you all earlier in my life!

Tonight's post is about memories of past romances.

The first one is about a boyfriend I had in my teens. For our first date, he asked me if I wanted to go to the Red Sox home opener. Wow, I was very impressed! I asked him where our seats were located, thinking we would probably be in the bleachers. He said, "Oh, I don't have tickets! I thought we would climb the billboard and watch it from there. You can really see everything from up there". I politely declined but we did go out after that.

You might remember the subway guy from my Sweet Romance post from last February. We both worked at the movie theater. He was an usher and I was a candy girl. So on the first night we went out, he showed up at my house with masking tape down the sides of his jeans. He said he thought I might not recognize him without his usher's uniform. I cracked up, a great start to the evening. I love a man who makes me laugh!

Then there was the guy who only took me out to lunch. You guessed it! He was engaged, the snake!

Anything my readers would like to share? I'm listening!

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