A Souvenir from Maine

Sabtu, 04 September 2010

On Wednesday, we took a daytrip to Maine. We visited my friends at their two week cottage rental in Cape Neddick. It is literally across from Nubble Light.

They were painting on Wednesday.

The surf was starting to kick up. And these birds were watching.

The gang posed for the annual photo.

And then this little guy showed up. He immediately charmed all of us.
Actually my friends said he was sitting on the deck waiting for them when they pulled into the parking lot on Saturday.

Oh my gosh, just look at this face. This poor stray baby was out on his own.

He strutted around the deck and we all fell in love with him. My friends had already bonded with him.

He was ready for his closeup.

He checked out his reflection.

And lounged in the sun on the deck.

He contemplated jumping off the deck. Thankfully he didn't. He did try to take on some seagulls though.

This one's my favorite. He's smiling right? Such a joyful little boy.

He certainly captured my heart! As you know we were expecting a hurricane or at the very least a tropical storm on Friday. So on Thursday night, I called my friends to discuss rescuing the little guy. No one wanted to see the baby out in the rain and wind of a tropical storm.

While I was on the phone with my friends, a woman appeared at their door with the kitten wrapped up in a towel. She wanted to rescue him but she couldn't take him home, too many pets already. My friends could not take him inside the cottage as there is a strict no pets rule.

So I offered my downstairs office as a sanctuary from the storm. My friends drove an hour to bring the kitten to me. He has been staying with me ever since. We still have to work out details regarding his forever home. On Wednesday he has a vet appointment. In the meantime he is safe from the dangers of being outside.

And I am getting very attached!

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