Ready for Fall

Rabu, 29 September 2010

It's finally Fall, the season I wait for all year long.

For me, Fall is a feast for the senses. The beauty of the trees with all their vibrant color as seen through my camera lens. The smell of baking apples, hot spiced cider and a turkey in the oven. The feeling of my cashmere sweaters and my fuzzy bathrobe. And the cooler temperatures and the cold against my face.

I love it all and I can't wait to experience it, as soon as this awful humidity leaves the area. Estimated time of departure? Two days. Just in time for the weekend!

Live event painting

Selasa, 28 September 2010

I mentioned back in April that my sister is a live event painter and most of her business involves weddings. She was hired by our friends Pauline and Scott to paint their reception.

Pauline and Scott happily posed with the finished product.

They had fun looking at each section of the artwork. Scott pointed out Heather, the maid of honor.

And Pauline enjoyed remembering the day.

Here's the section with the bride and groom and the cake.

And in closeup! If you would like more info on live event painting, contact me via email and I'll forward your inquiry to my sister.

Born to be wild

Rabu, 22 September 2010

Meet Percy, the newest addition to the household. According to the vet, he is 3 months old and 4.5 pounds.

I can tell you this about him. He has boundless energy, likes to eat Molly and Oscar's food, and can run the length of the condo in a millisecond. And he is quite the scrapper as evidenced by the scratches on his nose (they have since cleared up).

Also he likes to watch football and soap operas and listen to classical music when he needs to relax. I think we will get along just fine.

Melrose Victorian Fair

Sabtu, 18 September 2010

Last Sunday the Victorian Fair was held in Melrose, Massachusetts. This is an annual event for the Melrose Chamber. It is held rain or shine. But we did have a tsunami date just in case. Luckily the weather cooperated.

We had a great turnout. I say we because I am a Board Member of the Chamber. My only duty this year was to be the roving photographer, a position I gladly accepted.

The Fair was a huge success and all of those who worked on the Fair should be proud. There is alot of preparation and organization involved in the Fair. Of course, the coordination rests mainly on the Chamber Director and her assistant who worked tirelessly to make sure everything ran smoothly. All the booth spaces must be marked off on Main St before the tent vendor sets up, the food vendors need electricity, the streets have to be blocked off so the police are involved, the fire department and ems personnel need to be on alert,
the kiddie rides need to be set up, well it goes on and on.

Marcy Holbrook was the Fair's emcee again this year and she made the job look easy. She always looks beautiful and dresses in keeping with the theme of the Fair.

A Victorian couple strolled up and down Main Street.

And they stopped at my bank's booth where my sister was doing some sketching. So she did a sketch of the couple.

They liked it!

The crowd got bigger and bigger.

And Main Street never looked so festive!

I am sure it was pure bliss to be in a stroller and take in all the sights!

Smiles, smiles and more smiles!

You could get a massage if you wanted one.

Or buy a Melrose ornament.

There were human statues. The sign stated This Ship Runs on Tips.

Here's a closer look.

These girls with the balloon hats are sisters.

The Melrose Symphony Orchestra had a booth.

Lots of people came with their best friends.

The Boy Scouts were there.

A parking lot was devoted to kiddie rides.

This sweet miss enjoyed her carousel ride.

And this cutie preferred a rocket.

There were plenty of dance schools represented.

They did live performances of tap and jazz.

And Irish step dancing.

Politicians love to attend the Fair.

And there were balloons a plenty.

And yes, a Sand Sculpture on Main Street.

It came out great!

And of course what is a Fair without food? Turner's sold their famous chowder and oh drat did I miss the fried onion strings?

Fried dough is a must.

Need a coffee? Bohemian Coffee House had a booth and sold flavored coffee and muffins.
And their shop is adorable too!

The Human Statues took a break. It is physically demanding to stand perfectly still.

Chipstix! This is a delicious treat. I tried one with sour cream salt on it. Very tasty!

The beautiful people were there.

And an abundance of cute kids.

Lots of souvenirs to be had. Look at that baby's face! Makes me laugh every time I look at this shot.

Dogs in strollers. Meet Joy and Sadie.

The cheerleaders were at the Fair. Red and white are the Melrose school colors.

My sister sketched both of these girls.

Here's one of the sketches.

The other girl liked hers too.

The Governor made an appearance and chatted with the Mayor.

My sister did a painting of the Fair in between her sketching duties.

All in all a very successful day for the Chamber and the City. As for me, I won one of the Big Ticket Raffle prizes. A Melrose restaurant gift basket, a $250 value. Hmm, who should I take to dinner?

Well, I hope you enjoyed your virtual trip to the Melrose Victorian Fair. Maybe next year you might join us?



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