Cape Ann Daytrip

Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010

It was Saturday, 50 degrees and sunny. You know where I was headed, Rockport! I was going to enjoy my first sunny day by the ocean in approximately 5 months.

I bought a new camera two weeks ago but I was actually afraid to open it. It's a digital SLR and more complicated than my little point and shoot. I was intimidated by my own camera! I dreaded the thought of reading a manual to learn how to work the thing. By the way, "the thing" is a Canon EOS Rebel XS. Today, we became friends.

We went to Good Harbor in Gloucester. We watched the lusciousness of the waves. All foamy and white. The wind was whipping the sea around and 50 degrees? I beg to differ. Wonder what the wind chill was, my ears sure were cold!

We enjoyed watching the waves for quite a while.

The Atlantic was a beautiful dark blue. It still had the winter look to it. Not as friendly as in Summer.

The spray looked like a geyser!

After Gloucester, it was off to Rockport. I headed straight to the Bean and Leaf Cafe for some caffeination and a little Tiramisu. Well, a lot of Tiramisu. Don't worry, I planned to walk it off.

It was a day for foam. Foamy waves, foamy latte. Yum!

I loved the reflection of Bearskin Neck in the lantern.

More foam, there's a theme going on here!

The red Motif No. 1 is a famous landmark in Rockport. It was destroyed in the Blizzard of '78 and was rebuilt since then.

Keep Off! How rude!

Helmut's Strudel shop, my most favorite shop in Rockport. And yes! It's open. I can grab some streudel for later.

I bought a box of streudel and made a new friend. He's a Schipperke. Cute, huh?

Closed for the season. I saw a lot of signs like this today. Good thing Helmut's was open!

I didn't walk the rocks today. Sometimes I go out to the end but it was pretty windy and I didn't want to chance falling with the new camera.

Anyone for lobster or lobstah as we say it round these parts?

This gallery has lovely photographs of Cape Ann and Europe. I think it is such a pretty spot, even prettier in Summer.

So here it is, the buttery, flaky, oozing with apple, streudel from Helmut's. Can you blame me for wanting to tear into this right now? Ok then, good night!

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