100th Post and a Trip to Rockport

Rabu, 03 Juni 2009

This is my 100th post. Wow, time does fly! Recently, I took a look back at my older posts and it was really interesting to see the path the blog has taken. When I started the blog I didn't have any particular theme in mind. I was just a banker looking for her creative side.

From the first post, I decided that I wanted to showcase my photos Now my blog revolves around the places I go, my love of food, and of course those adorable kitties.

Today the blog has become more personal and somewhat of a New England Travelogue. That's ok with me. I don't mind sharing with my readers what makes me tick or what ticks me off! On the flipside, I never get tired of reading your comments. A thoughtful comment is quite the adrenaline rush and makes me think, wow they really get it.

Since the blog has become as I said earlier a New England Travelogue, I thought it only fitting to share my photos of yesterday's trip to Rockport. Rockport is to me the Quintessential New England town. Enjoy the tour!

Clever idea, a windowbox in the shape of a boat!

My decadent dinner at Ellen's Harborside Restaurant. Fried clams and shrimp. baked potato and roasted vegetables. My sister, our friend Debbi, and I split a lemon berry marscapone cake for dessert. We found out the streudel shop was closed so we opted for dessert right after dinner.

We took a walk down Tuna Wharf. The evening light was perfect!

I never tire of photographing boats.

Chairs at the Yacht Club. Wonderful views of the ocean can be seen from these chairs.

All was calm down at the harbor last night.

Pastel skies are my favorite. I love this time of night.

Are you tired of the boat photos yet?

Such a pretty garden bench.

Window shopping at La Provence. Too bad it was closed for the evening.

We all loved these dresses. So sweet!

Last year, the Rockport Art Association building was white with black shutters. Now it's so cheery and colorful.

Kitty had a perch above the street.

Cool display outside a shop.

Cat on a hot tin roof? Not really, but this cat was quite the acrobat.

You can see clear through this restaurant to the ocean.

This one is self explanatory!

Anyone for a kayak ride?

Or maybe a romantic dinner? Perhaps next time I should bring a date!

My Place By The Sea Restaurant has the best location in Rockport. Located at the tip of Bearskin Neck, this restaurant has spectacular ocean views.
Should you find yourself in Massachusetts, add Rockport to your to do list. You certainly won't be disappointed!

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