And the winner is ...

Kamis, 17 April 2014

Percy is just busting at the seams. He wants to reveal the name of the winner of the Susan Branch autographed book.

So, without further ado...

Laura Jenkins! You are the winner of the Susan Branch autographed book. I used the trusty random number generator to pick a winner.

Congratulations Laura, please email me your address. Thanks to everyone who entered.

Susan Branch's birthday and a blog giveaway

Sabtu, 12 April 2014

Today is Susan Branch's birthday. If you read my blog often you will know I am a big fan of Susan's. Susan and I have much in common. We both love animals and we have lookalike cats. Her Jack really looks like my Oscar. We are both foodies, love England and tea, and then of course there's Martha's Vineyard. She lives there and I would love to have even a Summer home there.

I met Susan twice at two book signings. Last Summer, I met her in Sandwich, Massachusetts for the signing of her book, "A Fine Romance".  Here's the original book with Susan's handwriting. Susan's husband let me get a peek at it.

So since it's Susan's birthday, I thought I would celebrate by giving away a copy of this book. I bought an extra copy at the book signing and I told her I was going to give it away on my blog.

So, here's what you need to do. Leave a comment on this post. I am not going to make you follow my blog but I do hope you will come back. I'll draw the winner on April 15th and I may even throw in a few extra goodies!

The Subject is Selfies

Kamis, 10 April 2014

Percy fancies himself a model. So when I caught him with my phone in his paw I knew I needed to teach him proper selfie technique.

First, I told him to find your light. Your face always looks better in the light.

We decided to go with a soft filter on Instagram to soften our wrinkles.

I think he's got it! Just a little more to the left.

Oops, I think we moved. Practice will make perfect and I am sure he will get his whole face in the shot very soon.

I decided selfies are fun. When I met a friend for coffee, we took a selfie.

And tonight at my sister's art reception, we went all out and did our best imitation of the famous Ellen selfie. Ellen I hope you are reading this.

So how about you? Do you selfie?

Sailing The High Seas- A Sunset Lighthouse Cruise

Kamis, 03 April 2014

A sunset lighthouse cruise has been on my bucket list for a while now. So when I realized there was one happening just over the border in New Hampshire I jumped on it. By jumped on it, I mean I emailed my sister and strongly hinted that a ticket to the sunset lighthouse cruise would make a really nice birthday gift.

Luckily she agreed and she bought a ticket for herself as well.

 I left work early to beat the Friday night traffic heading north. I packed a small dinner for the two of us and some extra jackets. I am definitely glad I had the extra layers with me. It was quite chilly out on the open seas.

The boat left Rye Harbor around 7:00 on a picture perfect night. There was a nice breeze that was not too strong. The weather was what I call sweater weather. We seriously could not have asked for a better night. My sister was saying she hoped the sunset cooperated because there was not much cloud cover. Sunsets are so much more interesting with clouds.

We cruised along at a good pace and were at the Isles of Shoals in no time. Our first lighthouse of the evening was the White Island Light. And we had clouds!

My sister was already wearing her extra layer of clothing. She was thoroughly enjoying the view as I snapped photo after photo.

The texture of the water was stunning. I loved seeing ripples in the water. They are more defined at sunset. The colors are enhanced as the sun does not wash them out at this time of night.

A lone boat added to the feeling of peace. I am always at peace when I am on the ocean. I felt cradled by the boat as it rocked from side to side. It was a gentle rocking, nothing to worry about really.

We passed by the mostly uninhabited Appledore Island. I wonder if the men caught any fish.

See what I mean? Peaceful scenery all around. Could it be more relaxing? It doesn't take long to switch to vacation mode. This trip was just a 3 hour mini vacation.

There were no words for the beauty surrounding the boat. We had a nice cloud to sky ratio, making for a beautiful sunset.

Here's a view from the edge of the boat. I did not venture out for too long. 

The photographers were lined up as if they were the paparazzi. We were all looking for that perfect shot.

We cruised along and made our way out to the next lighthouse. We had spectacular views from every seat on the boat.

Lighthouse number 2 was called Whaleback. I think this one was my favorite. I love that it's made of stone.

The sunset was very dramatic at this point. I wanted it to stay this way forever.

The boat changed positions several times so everyone got a good look at each lighthouse. The tour guide was obviously a photographer as he stopped talking a few times to take photos.

This woman in the red coat made for a nice contrast to the blue scene. I often try to find an interesting subject for the foreground of the shot.

Goodbye Whaleback. You are a spectacular lighthouse!

Our next stop and last stop was Portsmouth Light. The beacon was green. Very interesting. Our photographer guide had the boat positioned so we would have some nice orange color behind the lighthouse.

Indeed, it was spectacular and the light was starting to fade. That meant photo opportunities were limited.

The colorful cloud brushstrokes were becoming smaller and smaller.

One last look at Portsmouth Light before heading home.  I left with a headful of sweet memories of yet one more beautiful New England experience.

I Can Be a Little Showy

Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

It's hard for me to define my decorating style . I guess maybe it's Estate Sale Chic. I do know I am a bit showy.

This crystally lamp on the dining room mantel has a lot of bling to it. The lamp is small so the bling is tolerable.

The base of the blingy lamp is very decorative. I like the base as much as the crystal tendrils.

Here's the entire lamp. I bought it from an antique store and I thought it just needed a new bulb. It actually needed work on the plug. My Dad was able to fix it so it wasn't a major problem.

Here's a close-up of the front of the mantel. I've mentioned before that it needs a paint job.  Looks like someone had tried to distress it and they did a poor job.

The vintage frame is also ornate and a little shabby. Just how I like it.

On my nightstand, there is a lamp with a marble base. It's topped by a fraying lampshade that has beading on it, I believe it is from the 1940's. The little telephone table turned nightstand was a $10 yard sale find. it is chippy chic. Someday I might make it a little less shabby/chippy.

And let's not forget the little nightlight with the feather trim that stands proud above my caffeination station. Many nights it is the only illumination in my kitchen.

Hope you enjoyed the mini house tour. I'm happy to say not a single cat photobombed any of my photos. That has to be a first!

Spring Bucket List

Kamis, 20 Maret 2014

This photo was taken in 2010. It reminds me of England but I actually took this shot next door to my favorite breakfast spot, Aroma Café in Reading, Massachusetts.  Anyway I think it is perfect for a post about Spring.

Each season I put pen to paper and make a list of things I want to do that season. I never complete everything on the list but it's fun to dream. If I don't complete my list I don't beat myself up. I just keep it in mind for the future.

So here it is, in no particular order, my 2014 Spring Bucket List:

1. Visit the new Rose Kennedy Greenway in Boston. With more than 30 food trucks and a fantastically artistic new carousel I need to check it out!

2.  Daytrip to Exeter, New Hampshire. The always fabulous Art n Tiques shop and a german iced coffee are calling to me.

3. An afternoon in Nantasket. I want to photograph the carousel at Paragon Park, play skeeball in the arcade, and eat lunch at Strawberry Fair in Norwell. Have you ever had strawberry butter? One word, Divine.

4.  Attend and photograph the Bedford Polecapping Ceremony in April. I previously blogged about this event here. It is really something to see historical reenactments. I am so lucky to live in an area where so much of our country's history took place.

5.  Attend a camera show and an antiques show in Wakefield. It's great when towns so close to my hometown have cool events.

6. Investigate antique stores in Cambridge, specifically European Country Antiques . Oh yeah, they had me at "Browse our collection of English, French and Irish Antique Country Furnishings."

7. Daytrip to Providence and a visit to The Duck and Bunny A Snuggery.

Hmm, looks like a lot of eating in my future and I am planning on dieting this Spring. Oh well, everything in moderation, right?

Memories of Ireland

Senin, 17 Maret 2014

In 1996 my Dad and I took a trip to Ireland. My Dad had turned 70 that year. He said, "I want to see Ireland before I croak". 

My Mom and sister stayed home. Dad and I took the grand tour. Galway, Dublin, Ring of Kerry, Belfast.  We stayed in a wonderful B&B and made friends with our tour group. Dad was excited to golf in Ireland and I met a longtime Irish pen pal.

Dad has travelled back to Ireland since that trip. Maybe I will go back sometime too. I have fond memories of the Emerald Isle.

Wishing everyone a Happy St Patrick's Day!



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