The Pleasures Of a Day Off

Minggu, 08 Juni 2014

I took a day off from work on Friday. I had planned to take a photography class but decided against it. It was a 3 day commitment and expense that I just did not want to take at this time.

I had breakfast with a friend in Wakefield and then took a solo trip to Concord. If you have been reading my blog for a while you know Concord is one of my favorite towns. I started with Nesting on Main, a fantastic shop right in the heart of downtown.

The store uses a neutral palette for display with soft pops of color. I always spend too much money here because all of the merchandise matches my taste perfectly.

I had to control myself with the recent expenses of Molly's health care. This was one of the reasons I nixed the photography workshop. I wanted to buy everything in the cabinet but I controlled myself buy a single item (in the cabinet).

Do you love silver things as much as I do? A classy display for sure.

At Nesting, you will find antique and vintage pieces, and then there are the fabulous repurposed items. Did you notice the saxophone lamp?

The green birdcage caught my eye. In one of my magazines or home décor books there was a photo of a green birdcage just like the one above and the homeowner or stylist had used it to cover teacups and china dishes. So cute! I wanted the birdcage but passed on it. A little pricey for me. Maybe I can find one at a flea market.

What a sweet way to display bath products, bring in the whole sink!

I have never tried tub tea but it smelled wonderful. And you know that beautiful recipe book caught my attention.

 The ladies of Nesting have such a knack for presentation. Each piece is masterfully placed.

There are a couple of rooms to the shop. This room had more natural elements and again the neutral palette.

Oooh, would Vivienne my dress form like a little sister? Sorry, not today. I have no room for another little Vivienne.

It would be cool to have a scale like this in my bathroom. Oh wait, I am afraid of scales!

Back to the main room and the sunny entrance of the shop.  The floor is spectacular.

Unrelated objects all blend seamlessly when you use a muted palette. I like the composition of the display with the lamp shades and umbrella.

I was going to collect vintage mirrors at one point. I have two, but decided I have enough collections in my home. I let this beauty stay at the store.

Since the store is called Nesting, there are many birds and nature related displays in the store.

Speaking of nature, this is Phoebe, the neighboring shopkeeper's dog. She often wanders in for a treat from the ladies at Nesting.

A unique table for the industrial chic crowd.

Plenty of artsy items here. I love how this corner is merchandised.

Another shot of Phoebe before I depart. Here's the cool floor I mentioned earlier in this post. Bye Phoebe, I will be back!

I asked Terry at Nesting for a recommendation for a local coffee shop. I knew about the one downstairs that is always crowded and I did not want to go to a Starbucks. I wanted a coffee shop with ambience and a good product. She pointed me to Coffee Haute which is down a little alleyway and within walking distance of Nesting.

Oooh, yes! This will do nicely. I was a little warm from my walk and I wanted a snack and a cold drink.

And I staked out my spot. This is MY chair.

What a nice place to get the creative juices flowing. Spacious, uncrowded at this time of day, and the aroma of a good brew.

If I had not been flying solo, this would have been my seat of choice but I left it for a larger group should it be needed.

I love the couch and the table. The owners have a sense of style and have created a comfy spot despite the industrial look.

I guess I know who will take up residence at that comfy sofa and cool table.

I would imagine if it got busy it would still seem spacious in here. There is outdoor seating as well.

By the time I took this photo I had already devoured my chocolate cupcake with espresso frosting. The coffee was nice and strong and was not weakened by the ice.

I love love love Haute Coffee. I will be back for one of their fabulous salads another day. So glad I asked Terry for a recommendation.

Can't wait to return to Concord on another day when I have even more time to explore.

Molly's Spa Day

Kamis, 05 Juni 2014

Molly had to visit the vet yesterday for a procedure. I did not want her to worry so I told her she was going for a spa day.

The truth was she was having an abdominal ultrasound. My baby has been losing weight and vomiting lately. All the routine tests showed no red flags so her vet suggested the ultrasound. I wanted piece of mind and to stop the weight loss.

I said a few prayers for Molly as we left for the vets office and I even called on a few angels (some cat loving friends who are in heaven now).

I told Molly this was going to be a great experience, this spa day. She will have her belly shaved and it will be a new look for her. She will have some time away from her brothers. She can have me to herself for most of the day. The "Spa" is located in a very nice town and there will be pretty trees to look at and lots of birds flying around and possibly some other wildlife to watch.

 Molly is the only cat I know that enjoys being in her carrier. She doesn't mind the car rides, she doesn't mind going to the vet, she is quite content to stay in her carrier.

Well, the prayers worked. Molly does not have cancer, or a thyroid problem, or diabetes. She may have pre-renal disease so I am weaning her off her present food. Eventually she will be on a kidney diet. But that's it, no pills, no surgery.

We were very lucky and we had a wonderful trip to the Andover Animal Hospital Spa.

Check Out Instagram

Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

Sometimes I take a photo here and there and never share it on this blog so today I am sharing some photos I posted on my Instagram account. 

I turned an old post office box into a tea caddy. The dividers are paint color samples.

I used to keep flour in this glass canister. I decided to put tea in it instead.

I was asked to do an open house for a million dollar condo in Beacon Hill. This is the view from the dining room.

And here is the dining room. This is one of three fireplaces in the home. Sigh!

My friend Don came over and he tried to get a good shot of Oscar who is very camera shy.

A display at Maison Décor in Reading. The background is a paper panel made up of vintage wallpapers. I want to buy a sheet just not sure where I could use it in my home.

I represented my company at a homebuyer fair in South Boston. We Bostonians call this part of town  Southie.

This was dessert at a work function. I can't believe I ate the whole thing! Who remembers that commercial?

I am signing up for a photography class at the Griffin Museum in Winchester. I love this door.

This building is so cool and sits on a pond near the center of town. I am looking forward to the class.

Percy and I shared a lazy Saturday morning with coffee and home décor books.

A lovely antique buffet sits on a checkerboard floor at Brackett's Oceanview Restaurant in Rockport. Every time I see this piece I want to take it home with me.

A friend invited me up to her rooftop deck and we had an impromptu appetizer party. It was a gorgeous afternoon.

So there you have it, lots going on as usual. Sometimes I just forget to share it all with you.

More Adventures in Catsitting

Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

I have been asked to cat sit again. Three cats, 14, 5 and 2 years old. Sounds familiar. My cats are 12, 7 and 3. In fact, Sammy looks a lot like Percy don't you think?

Milo is the baby of the family. He has the softest coat and he is very sweet. Yesterday he didn't eat much but today he was fine.

Lexi is the eldest of the brood. She is all white and she has two different color eyes. She is a love bug and like my Molly, she growls at the boys if they get too close.

Birdwatching is a favorite pastime in this household and why not?  The house is located on a hill surrounded by trees and birds.

Lexi enjoys the window too, when she's not rubbing her face on the perch her Daddy made for her.
Lexi, the birds are outside the window not in the house! The chirping is so loud you might think the birds were inside.

The kitties' backyard is an oasis from the rat race. Repurposed items decorate the garden.

Look at this arbor. It has seating for two. A neighbor was throwing it out so my friend got it for free. It certainly fits that spot perfectly.

The neighborhood is filled with colorful Victorians and well manicured lawns. Talk about pride of ownership!

I snapped this quickly as the UPS truck was about to spoil my shot. Also it was starting to rain quite heavily.

And this is where Lexi, Sammy and Milo live. They are allowed outside but just in the yard. But not on my watch. I already told them they would have to stay in until Momma gets home. The weather has been cold and rainy anyway.

This was taken on Monday. The last day we had sun I think. The morning light was beautiful in the yard.

Hopefully, the weather will improve but regardless I look forward to seeing those cute kitty faces again tomorrow morning.



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