Money well spent

Minggu, 14 Juli 2013

My friend Jeanne was having a garage/yard sale this weekend.  I was trying to gather some items to sell as well but I never got my act together. I set up a table at her sale but quickly realized I had just a few small items to sell and I would rather be shopping the sale then standing behind my table. I made $1.25.

This garage is on her investment property. It has a tin roof.  Jeanne's husband thinks it is a fire trap but Jeanne and I love it.

You have to admit, it is really cool. Jeanne and I have the same decorating style so I knew I would end up buying a lot at her sale.
When I spied this beauty in the garage I knew I wanted her. I wasn't thrilled with the hot pink velvet cushions or the black trim. It is dramatic but not my colors. The more I looked at her the more I began to talk myself out of it. I walked away. Then I came back and I sat on her. Very comfortable by the way. She also was the perfect size for my small rooms.
I looked at her from every angle. She was in good condition. I liked her contrasting fabric too.
Well, she was kind of lonely sitting at the front of the driveway and then Jeanne said she would give me the friend's discount. She said, "$30.00". I said, "Sold!".

Her son loaded her into the truck, drove her to my house and brought her in for me. Such service!

Now I'm thinking she may go in the office. Originally I was thinking the living room but now I think she would be better in the office. The office is a work in progress. It needs to be cleared out as it is currently a storage space in my basement. A heated, air conditioned storage space. What a waste of a room! I have procrastinated cleaning out the office for an entire year, shame on me!

I think the prospect of decorating the office has given me a reason to clean up the space. Stay tuned!

Wimbledon Breakfast- An annual affair

Kamis, 11 Juli 2013

Every year I host a Wimbledon breakfast for my friends and family. We start at 10 AM and we have coffee and tea, crackers, cheese, and fruit, scones, frittata, and dessert. Occasionally, the menu varies.

I always have my favorite trophy filled with purple and green flowers. This serves as the centerpiece on the dining room table.  Pondview Florist did a great job with the flowers. I picked up the flowers the day before and placed it on the mantel so the kitties couldn't get at it. Percy of course, was able to jump up and take a nibble so I moved it to atop of the china cabinet. He gave up.

Here is a closer look at the centerpiece. I love it. It looks so elegant and I love the little tendrils of ivy.

We started with a fruit plate and lemonade with mint. When I went to the cheese shop in Winchester, a woman offered me a taste of stilton cheese with mango and ginger. It was so delicious I bought some for the party. We also had Wensleydale cranberry cheese and brie plus crackers and red grapes.

For tea, I went with a Lady Grey followed by Harney's Earl Grey Supreme loose tea. It was very nice. The Harrod's teapot always makes an appearance at the Wimbledon breakfast.

Here's an aerial view of the table. I took all of the photos with my phone. It's so much easier than lugging out the big camera.

My sister made a cold cucumber and dill soup. It was nice and refreshing for a hot and humid day. I got to use my pretty soup tureen.

Mary made plain scones. They were still warm from the oven, heavenly! I prefer plain scones so I can.... this to them. My sister made the mock Devonshire cream. I had the cream and strawberry preserves on one half and cream and lemon curd on the other half.  So good!

Mary also made a frittata of bacon and baked potatoes. It was surprisingly light. Mary bakes the potatoes first then shreds them before adding them to the frittata. Did you know my friend Mary is a TV star? She debuted on local cable in Wilmington around Easter time. She made her famous Easter bread on the big screen.

Now for the desserts, Debbi brought a cinnamon coffeecake from Kane's Donuts in Saugus.  It was too die for. I got the leftovers and believe me, it is decadent.

The cupcakes pictured above were from Cupcake City in Reading. They make the best cupcakes bar none and I am a connoisseur. I am partial to the signature chocolate but I also served the lemon curd and strawberry flavors. They are all spectacular.

Mini fruit tarts were also on the menu. They came from Roche Brothers because I like them the best.

I was prepared to make some tea sandwiches as well but we had so much food it wasn't necessary.

So there you have it, another Wimbledon breakfast put to rest. The tennis was great and the food and company was even better!

Playing hooky-Rockport daytrip

Jumat, 28 Juni 2013

I took a day off from work on Wednesday and took a quick trip to Rockport. My sister went with me. We took a sidetrip to Essex too but that is for my next post.

There was a threat of afternoon showers and thunderstorms like every day lately. So we left for Rockport around 9:30 and we were at the water's edge by 10:30.We were determined to be home by the time the downpours started.

It was hot and humid but not as hot as the day before. It turned out to be just beautiful in Rockport.  We took a walk at the end of the dock and just stared at the beauty of the ocean.

I love to go to this store, Lula's Pantry. They carry specialty items and kitchenware. The store is so clean and fresh looking and well organized. We both bought some loose tea at this shop.

The back of the store has a lovely deck that faces the ocean. There are benches so you can sit and  watch the boats go by.

Here's another view from the deck. It certainly was a beauty of a day!

Flowers are everywhere. Hydrangeas and iris and so many varieties of flowers. Must be the salty ocean air that helps them thrive.

Even the small decks on some of the houses had potted flowers or hanging plants.

This pretty garden rested against the sea wall. The red flowers really stood out even from a distance.

Wouldn't it be nice to sit in those rocking chairs relaxing by the ocean? So charming!

Roses were abundant here too! Creeping through the narrow alleyways and so fragrant.

We walked towards Bearskin Neck and stopped at the Wicked Peacock. It was worth a look.

Such a beautiful shop! All of Silvana, the owner's displays, were magnificient. She has been only open two months. She must be doing something right because I read about her store on two blogs this week.

I loved the gold peacock and the colorful display, We spent quite a bit of time speaking with Silvana. Turns out she grew up in the next town to me.

And she had a dress form very similar to Vivienne, my dress form. She got hers for free as someone was throwing it out!

Well this sign caught my eye, Lobster BLTs, one of the items on my Summer bucket list. My sister agreed it was time to eat!

The outside looked cute and we knew the back of it faced the water. So in we went.

Nice décor. It was totally changed from when it was The Greenery. It looked much more upscale and appeared to be more than a sandwich shop.

We were seated right by the window. I was so happy. I wish the screen wasn't there but still a beautiful view. And there is the famous Motif No.1 in red in the distance. It is the subject of many paintings and photographs and is a local landmark.  It was destroyed in the Blizzard of 78 and rebuilt
years ago.

My sister and I split one Lobster BLT which came with fries. We knew we were having dessert later so splitting a sandwich was perfect.

We llooked in a few more shops along Bearskin Neck and then we arrived at Helmut's Strudel Shop. First order of business was to stake our claim on a table. Here is the view from the table.


And the view from directly in front of us. It is so relaxing to watch the water, the boats, the birds.

I got up from my seat and zoomed in on the scene to my left. Peaceful Summer afternoon.

A few sailboats entered the scene. There is a sailing school for children and I often see the students in their mini sailboats when I am in Rockport.

It was starting to cloud up and we decided we should leave. I had my apple strudel and iced coffee so I was content and relaxed .

This dog  was totally relaxed. He was sleeping most of the time we were there. The man was focused on his book and music. We didn't talk to him but had conversation with two women who were from Brookline. One of them asked me for restaurant recommendations. I gave her a few options and wished each other a nice trip.

My sister and I concluded that it doesn't take long to get into relaxation mode. Good food, good company and an oceanside atmosphere certainly speeds up the process.

Summer Bucket List

Minggu, 16 Juni 2013

My birthday was yesterday. I always think Summer does not start until my birthday. I know some people think the unofficial start of Summer is Memorial Day but for me it is June 15th.

After reading the Summer 100 list at Pop and Circumstance's blog. I got to thinking about my own Summer bucket list. I would love to have 100 items on it but I only get two weeks vacation this year so that would be too time consuming and a bit unrealistic.

So I came up with 25 things I would like to do this Summer.  Here's the list:

1.       Attend Waterfire in Providence - Done!
2.       Photograph koala bears at Stone Zoo- Done!
3.       See a concert at Shen Liu Center in Rockport
4.       Have a german iced coffee at Sugar n Ice in Exeter
5.       Walk the Marginal Way in Ogunquit, Maine
6.       Take the ferry from Boston to Provincetown
7.       Eat lobster BLTs at Stonewall Kitchens, York, Maine
8.       Go to the Lantern Festival in Jamaica Plain
9.       Eat a farm to table dinner at Whim, Smolak Farms, North Andover
10.   Attend the Vintage Bazaar at Pettengill Farm, Newburyport
11.   See a play at the Ogunquit Playhouse
12.       Sit on the deck at Helmut’s Strudel Shop with an iced coffee and a hot apple strudel - Done!
13.       Have afternoon tea  at Fancy That, Walpole
14.       Visit Hammond Castle for the Abbey by the Sea Renaissance Festival
15.       Photograph and ride the carousel at Paragon Park, Nantasket
16.       Take a photographic workshop

17.   Have an illumination themed Summer party in August- Done!
18.   Take a lighthouse sunset cruise in Portsmouth
19.   Take a mini sister’s vacation- Done!
20.   Visit SOWA market
21.   Go fleaing at Todd Farm, Rowley
22.   Take a North End market tour
23.   Daytrip to Nubble Light/York area of Maine
24.   Have breakfast at Sugar Magnolias, Gloucester
25.  Visit farmer's markets where I haven't been

I am sorry about the weird format of this post. Tried to fix it but nothing worked.

Anyway, what are your Summer plans? Do you have a Summer bucket list?


A trip to Waterfire

Selasa, 11 Juni 2013

On Saturday, my sister and I and our friend Debbi drove down to Providence, Rhode Island. We went to see the spectacular event, Waterfire. It was Debbi's first time at Waterfire.

Before we walked down to the river for the festivities, we decided to have an early dinner. We stopped at Union Station Brewery. The meal was delicious. We relaxed a bit knowing we would be on our feet all evening. We decided to forego dessert until later.

I discovered the night portrait mode on my camera. It's only been two years since I bought the camera! It seemed to give me better results on some of my shots.

You can smell the smoke from the fires but it is not overwhelming. It does not dry out your eyes either. It can be mesmerizing watching the fires burn. I could watch them burn all night, in fact I did!

Paper stars were lit along the bridges crossing the river. They are part of a fundraising effort to keep the fires burning at Waterfire.

My Boston Strong Duck made the trip with us. The story of the Boston Strong Duck is for another post.

Saturday night's event was a full lighting. Sometimes only half  the river is lit. We were fortunate to make the trip this night.

These luminarias are lit in memory of loved ones who have passed. This is my sister's dedication to her friend Lori. My co-worker friend Michelle died of cancer last month so I bought a lantern in her memory. Debbi bought one as well. We placed them at the river's edge.

It turned out to be a lovely evening, not too hot or cold. Earlier we had downpours but by afternoon the rains had passed. We had a terrible commute through gridlocked traffic. It took us much longer to get there than expected. Glad we left quite early so we could have time for a leisurely dinner.

After we saw the fire performer, we left to have the long overdue dessert. It was after 10:00 but we didn't care. We drove to Pastiche, a bakery/cafe that I suggested. It's a small place located at the Federal Hill section of Providence. It was packed and we had to wait to be seated. At 11:00 we were ordering and at 11:30 they were closing. I appreciated that they did not push us to finish quickly. The staff was very nice and efficient. A pleasant experience all around and a lovely ending to a perfect evening!



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