I'm falling for you- Crazy Love Part 2

Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011

Those of you who were readers of my blog for some time may remember my crazy love post from last year. I wrote about the hunt or chase when trying to attract a guy. This time Crazy Love is about the crazy things that happen in a relationship.

One night, early in a relationship with this one guy, I had gone to his parents house to meet up with him. His parents were home. We had planned to go to a rather nice restaurant and I wore an ivory silk dress and high heels and a faux fur coat that looked like arctic fox. It was white and I thought the coat was really stunning.

Anyway, after we went to dinner we watched a little TV with his parents at their home. As the mother was saying good night to me, she turned and said to my boyfriend, "Don't forget to take the movie star home"! I was really insulted, it was not meant as a compliment. If you had heard her tone you would know it wasn't nice. She didn't know I had driven myself there.

I left shortly thereafter and I must admit I had an attitude towards my boyfriend after hearing his mother's comment.

As I was leaving, I expected my boyfriend to at least walk me to the car but no.
He said goodnight inside the house and I left to go home.

Well it had rained and gotten really cold while we were inside watching TV. I stepped onto the first step in my heels and did not realize the steps, and driveway were encased in ice. I slipped off the step and went sailing down the first set of stairs. I was airborne and missed several steps altogether and then when my feet hit the bottom of the stairs, of course I slid again. This time down a second set of stairs. I was sliding on my butt at such a fast pace that I slid under my car which was parked in the driveway. Really, I ended up under the car! I had to duck so I didn't smack my head on the bumper of the car.

Luckily, I escaped serious injury. Actually the only thing injured was my pride. I had plenty of bruises but no broken bones. I think the thickness of the coat saved me! And maybe the fact that I had taken figure skating lessons years earlier. Gosh I loved that coat!

I turned back to see if the beau was watching but the door was shut and the outside light was turned off. What a snake! Actually I would have been totally embarrassed if he had seen me, but still, my ego was bruised.

We did go out after that but I let him know that I was not impressed by his actions. As for his mother, we tolerated each other in those early days.

So, who's got some juicy or funny crazy love stories to share?

Gift ideas for Romeo

Rabu, 02 Februari 2011

Ok Romeo, if you're out there, I know you are probably stumped on what to get me for Valentine's Day. So I created a blog post with a few little suggestions.

First, I love this necklace from Jen Parrish of Parrish Relics. I already own 3 of her designs but don't let that stop you. All her pieces are so unique and beautiful.

This scatter rug from Ballard Designs would look absolutely fabulous in my french inspired kitchen.

Well it looks like we're in for more snow and cold weather here in the Boston area so these boots will get a lot of use! And if you are the frugal type, these boots are on clearance at Eddie Bauer. Size 7 1/2 please.

What are you hoping for this Valentine's Day?

Valentine's, Snow and Followers

Senin, 31 Januari 2011

Valentine's Day is fast approaching. You know what that means? More posts about crazy love and sweet romance. Those of you who were with me last year said you enjoyed reading my posts on love and romance so let's do it again. I'll write and you can read.

Oscar and Percy are in the photo above and they are showing us some real brotherly love.

Anyway, I would really like to get off the subject of snow and shoveling and brutally cold weather. But it's hard to think of anything but the snow and weather when it snows all the time. And 2 more storms are headed this way. At least this time we'll have company and you know misery loves company! So anyone who lives in the Midwest or the East will be affected by the monster storm (the weatherman's word not mine). Maybe there are more areas in the snow zone, I wasn't totally listening to the forecast. It was so disheartening I tuned out after hearing that we could get another 18-24 inches.

Lastly, I lost a follower today. Some of you probably don't even know if you lose one because you have so many. All I know is I had 120 followers yesterday and 119 today. So it makes me wonder, did I offend someone? Or bore them death? Am I supposed to visit every follower's blog every day? Surely, I can't do that. Personally, I follow a number of blogs and many of them have never visited my blog. Anyway, I won't dwell on it too much. It's just a mystery to me.

Snow Fatigue

Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

Photograph from Twitter

You can’t get too much winter in the winter.
- Robert Frost

I love the poetry of Robert Frost but he's wrong. We have already had too much Winter in this Winter. We are getting more snow overnight tonight, could be another 10 inches. I think we are all suffering from snow fatigue.

Thinking warm thoughts of past Summers, dining on seafood by the ocean in Maine, watching the sunset in Rockport, shopping on the Vineyard last August.

Seems like Summer is just a distant memory.

A Visit from Jack Frost

Minggu, 23 Januari 2011

It's been so cold the past few days and today was the worst. It hit 8 below zero and that was the temperature not the wind chill factor. Not too comfortable for outdoor photography but I did manage a few shots.

I thought the little girls looked so cute all bundled up outside of Frannie's restaurant on Saturday morning. Their friend was taking their photo from inside the breakfast place.

On the way home I noticed the snow in the cemetery and thought I would stop to photograph it.

The Stonham common and Congregational Church made a pretty scene. The town hall is behind the snow mound.

Days before that, I walked around Winchester and thought the birds, the steeple and the moodiness of the sky would make for an interesting shot.

At home, I caught Percy in a stretch after his cat nap.

And then it was right back to sleep but in the dining room instead of the bedroom. It's warmer there.

Oscar hunkered down in the living room chair near the fireplace. I was a little jealous of the kitties as I got up for work this morning. I knew I would have to brave the bitter cold to get to work and they could just relax and sleep all day.

Molly put her face towards the sun hoping for some warmth, but, alas there was none.

I reluctantly bundled up with gloves, scarf, hooded coat, and boots, looking like Nanook of the North or maybe the Michelin Man. The weatherman freaked me out by saying that some people could have car trouble and could get stranded in their cars. He suggested bringing a blanket to keep in the car just in case. So I bundled up in case I got stranded on my 10 minute commute to work. Ha, ha!

The forecast? Warmer temps (in the 20's) and a possible storm with a foot of snow from Wednesday into Thursday. Affecting both the Wednesday evening commute and the Thursday morning commute. Now, I really want to be my cat!

Eat, Pray, Shovel

Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

It feels like all I've done this week is eat, pray, and shovel. I think we had about 3 snowstorms this week. Each day I was praying that the roads wouldn't ice up until I arrived home from work.

And there's another storm headed here tomorrow. I am hoping it clears out for the weekend so I can take advantage of the photo opportunities.

To those of you anticipating tomorrow's storm, drive safe.

Stepping out of my comfort zone

Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

So I am thinking of participating in the 100 strangers project. Do you know of it? You can read about it here

I have taken photos of strangers from afar, but, to go up to a perfect stranger and introduce myself, ask permission to take their photo, and then get a little story out of them? That's kind of nuts.

But I want to do it and I hope you will too. Just think of the interesting people you can meet and the stories you get to tell. It speaks to the photojournalist in me.

So who's game? Anyone out there want to sign up to meet 100 Strangers? And just for fun, you can listen to my playlist for inspiration. It's at the bottom of the blog.



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