Greetings from Boston and a giveaway

Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010

On Thursday, my friend Lori Lee came down from New Hampshire to spend the day. We decided to go into Boston and have tea at the Boston Public Library. While waiting for tea at 2:00, we thought we would look around the library. We found a wonderful vintage postcard exhibit entitled Greetings from Boston. They had postcards from all eras and we learned quite a bit about the subject.

Wow, things have really changed.

We were glad we had to wait to have tea, otherwise, we would have missed the postcard exhibit.

So we went to the restaurant and we were turned away because they were holding a private function.

Of course, before we left the library I had to check out the courtyard. Naturally, it started to rain and my photo shoot was cut short.

I was happy to see that the witches hats were back. I saw them last year at the BPL and I was hoping to see them again.

Each one was different and all of them were ornate.

I love how they were suspended and they appeared to be floating.

This one was my favorite. I love the lace trim.

One had feathers on it.

We still wanted tea so we walked to the Four Seasons Hotel. And they weren't serving tea for 45 minutes. We waited.

The service was fabulous and the food quality was excellent but in my opinion the portions were quite small for the price.

Maybe I am just spoiled by my tea group. We have some great cooks in the group and there is always plenty of food.

We did have a great day and I am glad we went to Boston.

Now, about the giveaway. I haven't had a giveaway in a while and I hit 100 followers recently so it seems like a good time to share the wealth. So here's what the winner will receive. Two Bird toile mugs with lids and saucers and a sample of one of my favorite teas for this time of year, Harney and Sons Cranberry Autumn Blend.

I think this is the cutest mug and it comes in a set so yes the winner will receive two mugs. Tea drinkers or coffee drinkers are welcome to enter the giveaway.

All you have to do is leave a comment on this post and I will enter your name. I will draw a winner on October 31st at midnight. There is an added bonus for those of you who commented on any of my October posts. I made note of the number of comments for each post and you will get an extra entry for each of your comments. So if you commented on all of my October posts you have five extra entries. I like to reward my frequent followers.

Good luck and have a great weekend.

Harvest Dinner

Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010

Saturday night I held my annual Harvest Dinner. There were only 4 of us this year but it was still fun. Actually my dad came too but he was early and left before all the goodies arrived.

I was pleased with the tablescape this year. I wanted an elegant look so I used a pashmina I bought at a craft fair as the table runner. Of course, the cranberry glass turkey added color and held center stage.

The sunflowers from a local market were actually orange. I used an old milk bottle as a vase and tied burgundy raffia around the neck for more color. The creamer and sugar were bought at an antique fair last year.

The crystal glasses are from Poland and were actually made especially for me by a Polish friend who apprenticed at the Julia Crystal Factory.

The gravy boat is an antique and bought from my friend Beth of Studio B in Concord.

Wait, did you want to know about the food? Well we had turkey and scalloped potatoes.

And gravy and butternut squash.

The cranberry and apple stuffing was delicious. Well everything was delicious! Mary made the turkey, gravy, stuffing and pie. Sheila made the butternut squash and I provided the scalloped potatoes, salad, rolls, cider, tea, and cake.

Dessert? Apple pie and chocolate mousse cake. We had hot spiced apple cider and orange cranberry tea.

It was a relaxing and enjoyable evening. Great food, great music and great friends. I alway enjoy hosting the Harvest Dinner. It's a tradition and the unofficial start to the holiday season.

A few small changes at the condo

Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

I finally framed some of the artwork I bought over the past two years. I love this Steinlein print of the woman with the cats on her shoulder and dogs at her feet. I first saw this print at my vet's office and I knew it would be perfect in my home. I decided it would look best in the kitchen along with my other french inspired pieces.

I also added a little bling to the Paris wall.

My new black and white toile curtains were put up this Summer by my friend Don. I think they give the kitchen a French country look.

A watercolor of a boulangerie from Carol Gillott of Paris Breakfasts. Also in the kitchen.

And last but not least, a vintage label was drymounted, matted and framed. Don hung it over the kitchen sink for me. I love the burgundy mat and the beautiful colors on the label, which is circa 1910. That happens to be the year the house was built.

I am pleased with the changes and now the kitchen looks more like me and less like the previous condo owner.

Percy's Photo Shoot

Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

I hoped to have some foliage shots to post but I think the color is supposed to peak next weekend so you might have to wait. So of course I decided to turn my camera on the kitties.

Percy is interested in the camera so he was good subject. Here he thinks he's King of the Hill. I removed the birdcage from the table since it was knocked down once and I figured it wouldn't be the last time.

He is such a handsome boy!

He's scanning the room to see what trouble he can get into.

Oops, that is a little dark!

This is his guilty look.

And here he is with his favorite toy, a mouse. Ew, every time I pick it up it's wet! Then the other day I saw him drop it in his water dish and swish it around. He washes it before he plays with it!

And here's his beauty shot. Yup, it's going in his portfolio.

The secret to a happy life

Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

"One of the secrets of a happy life is continuous small treats"- Iris Murdoch

Summer 2010, a retrospective

Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010

At the end of each season I like to take a look at my photos and see all the things I've done and the places I've been. So here's to Summer 2010, it was great fun!

A daytrip to Cape Cod. We jam packed a lot of activity into 12 hours!

I had dinner with friends in Newburyport. What an evening! We ate waterside and there was a gorgeous sunset!

And a rainbow!

I had tea at Pauline's with the tea group. Lovely and yummy!

I had a birthday dinner in Rockport.

I went on a garden tour in my hometown but felt like I was in England!

We took our friends out for their anniversary. We selected My Place by the Sea in Rockport and had a spectacular meal.

I attended a few Farmer's Markets on Saturday mornings and Tuesday afternoons.

My annual Wimbledon breakfast was on the fourth of July this year.

Of course, the highlight was our trip to the Vineyard. Oh how I love that place!

Come Labor Day, Summer was almost over but it was 90 degrees plus up at Nubble Light. We had the group shot taken in front of the lighthouse.

And that's where I met this little guy with the scratched up nose who stole my heart. And now he's the newest addition to the household and his nose has healed.

So there you go, my Summer in a nutshell. I enjoyed reminiscing about it but I do not miss the Summer heat and humidity. On to my favorite season, Autumn!

Ready for Fall

Rabu, 29 September 2010

It's finally Fall, the season I wait for all year long.

For me, Fall is a feast for the senses. The beauty of the trees with all their vibrant color as seen through my camera lens. The smell of baking apples, hot spiced cider and a turkey in the oven. The feeling of my cashmere sweaters and my fuzzy bathrobe. And the cooler temperatures and the cold against my face.

I love it all and I can't wait to experience it, as soon as this awful humidity leaves the area. Estimated time of departure? Two days. Just in time for the weekend!



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