Cape Cod Lavender Farm

Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

Last week, I made a daytrip to Cape Cod. I already posted about Sandwich, Massachusetts in a previous post.

I had read about the Cape Cod Lavender Farm in Victoria Magazine and I decided since I was not going to be in Provence any time soon I might take a daytrip to the Cape to see the lavender there. My friend Lori Lee and my sister joined me. Lori Lee had been diligently calling the farm every week so we would know when the lavender was in full bloom.

There was a cute shop on the premises. We bought some lavender products.

If I had a garden, I would have bought a lavender plant.

Here's a view of the inside of the shop.

Aw,the fresh scent of just picked lavender.

Such pretty colors all around us.

There was even a fairy garden on the grounds.

Love the dark blue lavender.

All of the lavender at this farm must be hardy enough to survive the Cape Cod Winters.

We had a wonderful time at the Cape Cod Lavender Farm. Afterwards, we headed out to Chatham and Orleans. Read all about it in my next post!

Breakfast at Wimbledon

Senin, 05 Juli 2010

I held my annual Wimbledon Breakfast party on Sunday, July 4th. I had hoped the Gentleman's Final would not fall on the fourth of July but it did. So we celebrated the fourth of July with a British theme.

We had assorted crackers and cheese to start. Then some fruit salad served in a bluebird bowl I picked up on the Cape on Wednesday. (see prior post)

I went with a white theme with purple and green accents. Purple and green are the colors of Wimbledon. The teapot napkin rings were a gift.

My sister made panko crusted goat cheese for the event.

Here's the goat cheese atop mesculun greens with red grapes and pecans. We served it with a raspberry cabernet vinaigrette dressing.

My friend Mary made the bacon and onion frittata and I made baked french toast.

Even my teacups had the purple and green theme. I served a loose tea (Harrod's No 42) and Twinings Earl Grey and Harney's strawberry kiwi in tea sachets.

Mary also made scones for the occasion and we had lemon curd and strawberry preserves along with mock devonshire cream from my sister.

I had favors for those in attendance. Little note pads with big ben and a double decker bus on the cover.

We had a great time eating and watching Rafael Nadal win the Championship. The match was shorter than usual this year only three sets. Plenty of time to go for a second round of everything!

Cape Cod Adventure

Jumat, 02 Juli 2010

Wednesday was a picture perfect day. It really was one of the best days weatherwise in the year.

I had planned to have a play date with my friend Lori Lee and when my sister found out about it she wanted in too.

Lori Lee and I wanted to visit the Cape Cod Lavender Farm in Harwich and visit Horsefeather Antiques and the Dunbar Tea Shop in Sandwich. My sister loved the idea.

First we went to Horsefeathers. Lori Lee said we should call first to make sure Jean, the owner, was in the shop when we arrived. So when we were about an hour away, Sheila gave the shop a call. She called the number and said, "Hello, Horsefeathers?". The person said no. Evidently I had written down the wrong number. Luckily, Lori Lee had printed the number from online and Sheila called it and made contact. They were open all day. We laughed every time we thought of Sheila calling a person "Horsefeathers".

After two hours on the road, we arrived in Sandwich and then headed to Horsefeathers. The photo of the birdbath with roses was taken in the garden at Horsefeathers. Jean, the owner, had gorgeous electric blue hydrangeas. My photo of the flower is so embarrassingly bad I can not even post it! But believe me those hydrangeas were electric blue or as Sheila said, neon!

The sun was so bright it washed out most of my photos of the day. This photo does not do the beautiful garden justice.

Lori Lee and I both made purchases at Horsefeathers Antiques. I will post later about my goodies. Of course, it involved some lovely china. Jean had an amazing inventory of fabulous items. I wanted to take photos of the shop but Jean had a bad experience with someone who had taken photos and then came back with friends to shoplift. I respected her wishes and only took the photos outside.

Jean had the shop decorated with lanterns from her personal collection. They were all very old and there was one with a Japanese looking ship printed on it. It was spectacular. I wish it had been for sale. She also had a tablecloth which was embroidered with lanterns. I wanted to take it home but I already committed to the dishes. So I resisted. Now I am kicking myself!

Next stop, the Dunbar Tea Shop in Sandwich Center.I'd been there before but not since they renovated. We sat in a breezy, sun drenched room, a perfect setting for a cuppa.

I had the Earl Grey in a pot all to myself!

We all got the afternoon tea. Yum!

Now take a closeup look of the sandwiches.

And the desserts! Decadent.

Do I spy buttercream frosting?

We waddled out of the tea room and into the gift shop. I am kidding, we actually had leftovers. Lori Lee smartly brought a big cooler packed with ice.

Where was this teapot last week when I joined the Mad Hatter Tea party? It would have been perfect!

Here's the outside of the gift shop. Quintessential Cape Cod!

A copper teapot weathervane.

A dreamy hammock.

Oops, it's private behind there.

Entrance to the tea shop parking lot.

Across the street from the tearoom. A pretty scene.

We also visited Chatham and Orleans on Wednesday. I will post more photos in a few days.

Happy Fourth!

An original

Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

"You've gotta be original, because if you're like someone else, what do they need you for?" Bernadette Peters

Tomorrow, I'm off to Cape Cod for a daytrip. I'll tell you all about it in a few days.

Mad Tea Party

Jumat, 25 Juni 2010

It's Time!!! Don't be late for this very important date!

Time for the Mad Hatter Tea Party hosted by Vanessa at A Fanciful Twist. This is my first Mad Hatter Tea.

The Cheshire Cat will be there.

He's brought a date too. She is never late for a meal.

There will be boatloads of tea.

And some will be very showy!

We'll eat dessert first, an unbirthday cake.

More tea.

And sweet little sandwiches.

After tea, perhaps a game of croquet.

You can attend other parties by clicking here.

Open House at Corinthian Hall

Rabu, 23 Juni 2010

Last night I attended an open house at Corinthian Hall in Melrose.

The building was renovated and will now serve as an elegant function hall.

A harpist and a violinist took center stage and provided lovely background music.

Delicious hors d'oeuvres were served by the waitstaff.

A wall of mirrors behind the bar. I love that wall color.

Costumed ladies greeted and said goodbye to everyone. You can visit the Corinthian Hall website here.

Boston Love Song

Senin, 21 Juni 2010

Boston Love Song from Claude von Roesgen on Vimeo.

My sister's friend Dan Margarita penned A Boston Love Song and put it to music. Another friend, Debbie Angelosanto, stars in the video with Dan.




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