Estate sales and antique fair finds

Sabtu, 17 April 2010

Shopping at estate sales and antique fairs is a passion of mine. You never know what treasures you'll find.

Over the past few weekends, I attended an antique fair and an estate sale. I got this lace last weekend at an estate sale.

I am always on the lookout for china. I especially like teacups and small plates. I picked up these plates at the estate sale.

These will be perfect for tea parties.

I think this one is my favorite.

I thought this one was pretty too. And since it has so many colors in it, it will match up with many of my teacups.

Lately I'm into antique tins. I thought this one was sweet.

And just look at the other side of it. I got this at the estate sale. It was a good one, the sale was at an antique dealers home. Wish I could have gotten there on the Friday but as you can see Saturday was still a good day for unique finds.

This one looked all New Englandy so I bought it.

I forgot to mention I went to Sage Farm antiques right before Easter. This tablecloth was so cute I just had to have it.

A few weeks ago, I went to an antiques fair at a local church. I purchased this pristine set of hankies. The burgundy one is my favorite.

The set was in it's original box.

I like this hankie because of it's colors.

I went to two estate sales today, but, nothing caught my eye. That's ok, I've done enough damage lately.

Show and Tell Friday-lamp

Kamis, 15 April 2010

I am participating in Show and Tell Friday. Hosted by Cindy at My Romantic Home, you can check out other posts by clicking here.

The lamp pictured above has been in my home only one year. I have it in my hallway but it was once in the living room and in it's past life it lived in a gorgeous Victorian home in Melrose, Massachusetts.

I bought the lamp from a woman who was selling the contents of her home. She was downsizing and moving to Florida. She estimated the lamp to be from the 1950's.

It is funny how I ended up with the lamp. I was the chairperson for a charity tea which was held at the lamp owner's home. I commented about her lamp and she asked if I wanted to buy it. I knew she was moving but I had no idea she was selling all her beautiful items like the lamp, china, furniture. I lucked out that day for sure.

Don't forget to check out the other participant's posts over at Cindy's blog.

Inn By The Bandstand- Exeter, NH

Selasa, 13 April 2010

If it wasn't for Sharon of A New England Life's December post, I would never have known about this Inn. Sharon stopped by the Inn at Christmas time and posted about it. After reading her post, I went online to the Inn's website and discovered they serve afternoon tea.

I decided to drive up to the Inn to check it out. If I liked what I saw, I was going to make a reservation for afternoon tea for my tea group.

The outside of the Inn was attractive and I loved the architectural detail at the entrance.

Aw, look who was at the front desk. Gizmo, the official greeter. He was the sweetest dog. He helps innkeeper Victoria with the guests.

Victoria showed me the living room. She suggested I should book this room for my tea event. I agree, this will work nicely for my group.

I love this fireplace. Tea by the fire would be wonderful in the Winter months.

The interior entrance of the Inn was lovely. Very New England with it's dark colors.

The sitting area was elegant.

Meals are served here. Did I miss breakfast?

The inn was beautiful and Victoria (and Gizmo) couldn't have been nicer. So I booked a date in May for afternoon tea. Tea in the Living Room, I like the sound of it!

Birthday Brunch

Sabtu, 10 April 2010

The occasion was my aunt's 80th birthday. So today we had a brunch in her honor. Grandpa and grandson show a little love.

The birthday girl greets her son.

Lots of hugging going on today.

And still more hugging.

Let the eating begin, we had fruit, cheese and crackers.

Spring has sprung and we had a picture perfect day for the party.

After all the rain, everything blossomed.

Can you see the Boston skyline in the distance? It's there behind the sailboats.

My dad and his brother had a few laughs. My aunt and uncle came north from Florida for the party.

There were mothers and daughters.

And more mothers and daughters. The daughters are all growing up and turning in to stunning young ladies.

Back to the food. Oh how I love shrimp!

And give me a salad with goat cheese any day of the week.

We posed for photos. Lots of them!

Oops, someone has had enough! It's true, I can be a little overzealous when it comes to picture taking.

Sometimes I wear my subjects down and they give in.

Aw, is there anything better than sisterly love?

The caterers took a minute to pose for a photo. The company is Roots Catering. The food looked and tasted fabulous.

The bar was set up outdoors.

I swear I did not set this shot up. They were actually just watching someone practice her chip shots on the lawn.

Then the desserts came out!

Don't these look positively delicious?

Have you noticed the family resemblance in these photos? It calls to mind that John Hancock commercial that states "when you look into your parent/childrens eyes you surely see your own".

Mmm! Birthday cake. Someone likes strawberries.

The caterer did a wonderful job on the display.

Everyone had a wonderful time.

We'll hang on to sweet memories til we meet again.



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