Easter Wishes

Sabtu, 03 April 2010

Wishing you all a very Happy Easter! The weather has turned warm here and it actually feels like Spring. It's going to be wonderful to have sunshine for Easter.
We've had such beastly weather recently.

Here are some of the Easter Cookies on display at Truly Jorg's Patisserie Saugus, Massachusetts. Such delicious works of art. I bought a few to give to my mom and her friends at the nursing home.

Here's the item I bought at Nesting the other day. A little chickie in a nest. I thought he would be comfortable in my teacup and he's settled in nicely.

The plan for Easter is to go to Mass in the morning followed by brunch at my place (baked french toast, fruit salad, potatoes, pie and cheesecake). Then there's a dessert buffet at my mom's nursing home. Lots of eating on Easter.

Will share pictures of the day and of my recent New Hampshire trip in my next posts.


Rabu, 31 Maret 2010

After visiting my friend Beth at her shop, Studio B, I went next door to Nesting.(See this month's post on Studio B). It's always a joy to go to Nesting.

The owners are queens of merchandising. Each vignette is a visual treat.

I would buy it all if I had the money.

Don't you love a mix of old and new?

Interesting items to choose from.

Oh be still my heart, a tea cart!

Cool shelving and a continuation of the nesting theme.

If I had a porch I would buy this stand and display some plants. Wonder if my condo mates would mind it if I put in the front foyer? It would look great there!

I like the color of this planter and I really like this collection of mirrors.

Well I escaped with most of my money still in my wallet. I bought one cute little item and I will post it before Easter. Promise. Once the sun comes out again, I will photograph it in natural light.

Till next time....


Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

I was hired for my first photography job recently. Last Saturday, I photographed the Women of Courage and Conviction awards dinner for the National Council of Negro Women, Greater Boston Chapter.

The woman on the left is the guest speaker, Leslie Salmon Jones and the woman on the right is the Greater Boston Chapter President.

My job was to create a record of all the goings on that evening. I photographed the guest speaker, the award recipients, and I took some candids of people talking and sitting at their tables.

I met a man who owns a coffee company, Thousand Hills Coffee. He uses coffee beans from Rwanda to make his coffee and part of the profits go back to Rwanda for educational purposes.

I had such a great time meeting all the interesting and accomplished people at the event. This woman was one of the award recipients.

This is my favorite photo from the evening.

I have to admit I was a little nervous. My first paying photography job and I was working with a new camera. I was reading the manual earlier in the day! The camera has so many bells and whistles. I think the photos turned out well, but, I won't be quitting my day job anytime soon!

Introducing Studio B

Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

My friend Beth has opened a new store in Concord, Massachusetts. It just happens to me next to my favorite store in Concord, Nesting.

Beth creates beautiful vintage paper jewelry among other things.

She also does floral arrangements.

She has a knack for merchandising.

She creates something new and fun from vintage finds.

Her shop came together in one week!

If you're in the Concord area, stop by Studio B on Main Street and say Elaine sent you.

A Place for the Bose

Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

Last year, I bought myself a Bose music system (early Christmas present). Since I downsized my stereo, I thought I should downsize the table it sits on.

I've been looking for a table for the Bose. I really wanted one of those tables that look like library steps but I didn't have much luck finding one. I did see one but it was too pricey. It really was just what I was looking for, oh well.

I was at Second Time Around Antiques in Melrose the other day and I found this
piece. Yeah, it's very shabby and maybe a little chic? The shopkeeper said I could paint it but I kind of like it the way it is.

I added an old sewing machine drawer to hold some of my CDs.

So what do you think? Should I paint it?

Chalkboard Obsession

Selasa, 23 Maret 2010

One of my newest obsessions is collecting chalkboards. I didn't even realize it was an obsession/addiction until I started photographing some of the items in my kitchen. I was practicing with the new camera and I noticed I had 3 chalkboards in the kitchen!

This first one is a chalkboard platter from Pottery Barn. It is actually a set of 2 chalkboard platters. The rectangular one is up high above the refrigerator. I didn't photograph it. I got the platters about a month ago.

You remember Mr. Rabbit don't you? He's probably my favorite chalkboard. He has been with me for years. He came from Home Goods.

This is an adhesive chalkboard I got at Home Goods last year. If you look closely you can see my friend Don has drawn a cat on it. I think it would be cool to make this look like a French restaurant menu. What do you think?

Which one is your favorite?


Teacup Mosaic

Minggu, 21 Maret 2010

On Saturday, I went to a flea market with my friend Mary and her mother. We found a few things, but, that's for another post.

Afterwards, I ventured by myself to the Salvation Army store in Wilmington. I had two recommendations about this store from friends so I decided to check it out. I had never been to a Salvation Army store but I was told you can find some amazing things for very little money.

A quick walk through and I was ready to leave immediately. It looked like the store was filled with either racks and racks of clothes or country decor. Neither of which interested me. I was almost one foot out the door when I spied some teacups in a showcase. I looked and sure enough, there were teacups!! They were just the kind I like, footed and/or lustreware.

I asked how much and I was told they were $4.99 each. I bought 5 of them. When I got them home I put them with the old tea chest I just purchased from Barn House. Then of course I had to photograph them for you!

Check out the other Mosaic Monday posts at Little Red School House.



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