A Place for the Bose

Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

Last year, I bought myself a Bose music system (early Christmas present). Since I downsized my stereo, I thought I should downsize the table it sits on.

I've been looking for a table for the Bose. I really wanted one of those tables that look like library steps but I didn't have much luck finding one. I did see one but it was too pricey. It really was just what I was looking for, oh well.

I was at Second Time Around Antiques in Melrose the other day and I found this
piece. Yeah, it's very shabby and maybe a little chic? The shopkeeper said I could paint it but I kind of like it the way it is.

I added an old sewing machine drawer to hold some of my CDs.

So what do you think? Should I paint it?

Chalkboard Obsession

Selasa, 23 Maret 2010

One of my newest obsessions is collecting chalkboards. I didn't even realize it was an obsession/addiction until I started photographing some of the items in my kitchen. I was practicing with the new camera and I noticed I had 3 chalkboards in the kitchen!

This first one is a chalkboard platter from Pottery Barn. It is actually a set of 2 chalkboard platters. The rectangular one is up high above the refrigerator. I didn't photograph it. I got the platters about a month ago.

You remember Mr. Rabbit don't you? He's probably my favorite chalkboard. He has been with me for years. He came from Home Goods.

This is an adhesive chalkboard I got at Home Goods last year. If you look closely you can see my friend Don has drawn a cat on it. I think it would be cool to make this look like a French restaurant menu. What do you think?

Which one is your favorite?


Teacup Mosaic

Minggu, 21 Maret 2010

On Saturday, I went to a flea market with my friend Mary and her mother. We found a few things, but, that's for another post.

Afterwards, I ventured by myself to the Salvation Army store in Wilmington. I had two recommendations about this store from friends so I decided to check it out. I had never been to a Salvation Army store but I was told you can find some amazing things for very little money.

A quick walk through and I was ready to leave immediately. It looked like the store was filled with either racks and racks of clothes or country decor. Neither of which interested me. I was almost one foot out the door when I spied some teacups in a showcase. I looked and sure enough, there were teacups!! They were just the kind I like, footed and/or lustreware.

I asked how much and I was told they were $4.99 each. I bought 5 of them. When I got them home I put them with the old tea chest I just purchased from Barn House. Then of course I had to photograph them for you!

Check out the other Mosaic Monday posts at Little Red School House.

Tea Time Magazine

Sabtu, 20 Maret 2010

I just picked up a copy of the March/April issue of Tea Time Magazine. And some things looked very familiar to me.

For example, the white rabbit in this photo. (You can click to enlarge any of the photos).

Did he escape from my kitchen and end up in Franklin, Tennessee? Oh phew, he's still there. I guess he just has a twin.

And the tea towel on the left. Curiously looks like one I have in my kitchen. It's just hanging around waiting to be made into curtains.

False alarm again. Mine is right here on the little butcher block cart. Safe and sound. It didn't run away either.

I have come to the conclusion that Tea Time Magazine should hire me. Don't you think?

Quote of the Day

Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

From my desk calendar:

"Think what a better world it would be if we all, the whole world, had cookies and milk about three o'clock every afternoon and then lay down on our blankets for a nap."
quote by Barbara Jordan

Happy St Patrick's Day

Selasa, 16 Maret 2010

Sorry, I don't have any images of Ireland to share. I travelled to Ireland in 1985 and again in 1996, but, that was before the digital age so all my photos are in albums.

The photo above was taken outside a bakery called Breads 'N Bits of Ireland in Melrose, Massachusetts. I suspect they will be quite busy tomorrow.

I want to share one story from my first trip to the Emerald Isle. My friend Debbi
and I went on a jaunting car ride in Killarney. I wanted to get some great photos so I told Debbi I wanted to sit right behind the horse in the first row. Debbi, who knew a thing or two about horses said, "Are you sure you want to sit RIGHT behind the horse?" I said, "Yes, I want to see everything!" Oh yeah, I saw EVERYTHING and I smelled everything too! Oh the smell of the poop! Disgusting!

I grabbed the nearest blanket on the wagon and covered my face with it shielding my nose from the smell. Later I wrapped the blanket around me since the weather got cool. Now, picture me all wrapped up in this blanket with my face buried in it up to my nose.

The ride ended, the wagon stopped, and the driver turned to me and said in his thick Irish accent, "Now you be sure and give the horse back his blanket, ok?"

I nearly died and Debbi had herself a real good laugh. I hope you did too!

Happy St Patrick's Day! Join the blog crawl at Cuisine Kathleen and visit other participant's posts.

Got water?

Senin, 15 Maret 2010

The rain has finally stopped! I guess Mother Nature decided three days of rain was enough punishment. More than enough I say.

Throughout New England, we've had flooding, loss of electricity and heat, a little snow, some sleet, downed trees, and backyards that look like ponds. Basically Mother Nature hit us with her best shot.

In my own little world, things aren't that bad. Made it to work this morning without incident. Came home at lunchtime to check on the basement. Yes, there was water but not that much. By dinnertime, there was lots of water, some of the small rugs down there were floating. One of the guys in the building had lent his mother a pump so he got it back so we could pump out our basement. Hopefully, it works.

With such bad weather, there was not much opportunity for trying out the new camera. So I took some indoor shots of the lovely Molly.

She wasn't too thrilled about being my model but she did do a few poses for me. We will put these shots in her portfolio.



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