Romeo, Romeo, where art thou Romeo?

Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

It's almost Valentine's Day and I want all those would be secret admirers to know what really makes my heart go pitter patter. If you want to win my heart, here's
some suggestions.This 1940's style Champs Elysees dress is from J Peterman. I think this style dress is figure flattering and I do love polka dots.

I need some curtains for my bedroom and these from Anthropologie would look great. And the style is called Adorations, perfect for Valentine's Day.

How did you know I've been wanting a fireplace? This one is from Old House Parts in Kennebunk, Maine and it would look fabulous with the white mouldings throughout my condo.

And doesn't a fireplace look fabulous with a cool mirror over it? Again, this is from Anthropologie and made from recycled mirrors.

I don't know where I would put one of these doctors cabinets but I sure do like the look. They're from Mothology.

My old sofa has seen better days. The cats use it as a scratching post and it's an embarassment. This fainting sofa from Urban Outfitters would add a touch of style to my living room.

I realize some of those gifts are a bit extravagant for Valentine's Day so perhaps they can be a combination of Valentine's and early birthday gifts.

I've always wanted to go to the Daffodil weekend on Nantucket Island. The island is at it's prettiest during Daffodil season and there are so many fun activities to attend. I think I'm ready to make my reservations.

This is probably the best bargain of all. A chocolate trolley tour of Boston. This three hour event showcases Boston's landmarks and satisfies the sweet tooth.

If you read my prior perfect Valentine post, you'd know that Oscar is my Valentine. He's a little short on cash this year so looks like I'll be waiting a while longer for the couch, curtains, etc. Oh well, it's the thought that counts, right?

Wishing you all a perfect Valentine's Day.

Crazy Love

Selasa, 09 Februari 2010

Today I'm posting about crazy love. You know, the crazy things we do or did in pursuit of love. It may have been years ago or maybe just yesterday, but, most likely you did something crazy to attract the opposite sex.

In conversation with my sister about the matter, I realize that anything I did pales in comparison to some of her stories. She has granted me permission to share a few.

Once upon a time, my sister was working at a bookstore. The assistant manager of the store was an extremely handsome, tall, blond, blue-eyed man. My sister found him very attractive and interesting. I shall call him "blond guy". They enjoyed a friendship, but, my sister liked him liked him and so she set out to be more than friends.

She knew two things about this man. He hated working in a mall. No windows and no way to see outside, he loved open spaces. She also knew he loved all things French. So she prepared a picnic lunch complete with french baguettes and cheeses and she invited him to join her outside in the mall parking lot. They ate their lunch on the median strip on the blacktop.

My sister told me a second story, actually I remembered most of this one. That same summer, my sister was interested in Errol Flynn movies. She had conversations with "blond guy" about old swashbuckling movies. She knew "blond guy" had a favorite movie theatre near where he lived and an Errol Flynn movie just happened to be playing at the theatre. So she had one of our guy friends call him up and say that he had won two movie passes to the Errol Flynn movie. He surely would ask my sister to go to the movie with him right? Wrong, he never mentioned it to my sister so finally she had to come clean and ask him about the phone call. He said he knew it was just Sheila being crazy! They never did have a romantic relationship but they were good friends amd he made work fun for her.

I tried to come up with some of my own crazy stories but I couldn't think of anything that interesting or creative. Once when I was working as a bank teller, I met a guy who was a welder. He came to the bank every Friday to cash his paycheck. If I didn't wait on him, I wouldn't get to talk to him and then he would never ask me out. So whenever I spied him crossing the bank parking lot, I would ask all the tellers to either close their windows or walk away from the teller area. Poor guy must have thought I did everything at that branch since I was the only one he ever saw. It took about three months but he did eventually ask me out. We went out for a while but I think the pursuit was more fun than the end result.

So how about you? Any crazy confessions? And do check out my playlist. I added some "crazy" songs including one by one of my sister's favorites, Paul Simon.

Blog Love Giveaway

Sabtu, 06 Februari 2010

I was going to post about Crazy Love today but I decided to post about a blog giveaway instead. There's going to be a quick timeframe on this since I want the recipient to get it in time for Valentine's Day. Both items are handmade in Massachusetts.

I will post about Crazy love in my next post.

First of all, the winner will receive this cute paper heart. My friend Beth had a trunk show today and she was selling her handcrafted paper hearts along with her vintage paper jewelry. I picked one up for myself and one for you (if you win).

The second item in the giveaway is a bag of Harbor Sweets candy. An ex-boyfriend turned me on to Harbor Sweets. These handmade chocolates do have nuts in them. Fair warning.

Here's what you need to do if these items are your heart's desire. Leave a comment on either one of my prior Valentine's posts. So comment on either the Sweet Romance post or the Romance: The good, the bad, and the ugly post. If you already left a comment, good for you
because you are already entered.

I will draw the name at midnight eastern time on Sunday night. Good luck and thanks for the blog love.

Update: The random number generator picked Kayellen as the winner of the giveaway. Congratulations to Kayellen and thanks to all who entered. I loved reading your comments.

Sweet Romance

Kamis, 04 Februari 2010

So my last post was a bit of a downer. As we all know, romance has it's ups and downs so tonight I am posting about the sweetness of romance.

My first romantic experience was when I was 8 years old. I was admiring a fellow student's ring. He had a Batman ring. It looked like a hologram and you could see different pictures on the face of the ring depending on how you held your hand. I told Donald I liked his ring and he promptly took it off and gave it to me. He said to me, "Now we're engaged." Not knowing what that meant I said ok. When I came home from school, I told my mother I was engaged and then I asked what it meant. I think she found it quite amusing.

My first job was at a movie theater. I sold popcorn and candy and I was 15 years old. I was still working there when I was 16 and I was particularly taken with one of the ushers who often worked with me. He was funny and smart and he had blue eyes that twinkled when he smiled.

We shared a wonderful friendship and in my mind I thought we were dating. One day he asked me to go to the Red Sox baseball game with him. I had never been to Fenway Park and I don't think I'd ever even ridden the subway. I was a little nervous and very excited about making the trip into the big city. We got on the crowded subway and we got separated. When we reached our subway stop, he looked for me in the crowd and he reached for my hand. He helped me off the subway and continued to hold my hand. "I don't want to lose you", he said. I was totally smitten (my Dad's word) with this boy.

Don't you love a man who makes you his first priority? One of my exes used to call me mid-week and ask me what plans I would like to make for the weekend. Whatever I wanted to do was fine with him, he just wanted to spend time with me.

Another ex-boyfriend did the sweetest thing for me on our first date. We were going to a Christmas party and he was driving me to the party in his pickup truck. I got in the truck and he handed me an afghan. He said, "Here, I brought this for you. My truck takes a long time to heat up and I figured you could throw this over your legs so you won't be cold."
Wasn't that sweet?

Ok, now it's your turn. Got a sweet romance story? Email me @ I'd love to hear from you.

Next post: Crazy love.

Romance: The Good, the bad, and the ugly

Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

Since February is the month of love I have decided to do a series of posts on Romance. First, please take a look and a listen to my new playlist featuring my favorite love and in some cases anti-love songs.

Today's post is about the ugly side of romance. The times that make women want to swear off men.

One of my first romantic experiences was early in my sophomore year of high school. The sophomore dance was called the Twirp Twirl and the girls asked the guys to the dance. The custom was for the girl to take the guy to the dance and then to dinner.

I was going to buy a new dress for the dance. I already had it picked out, but, if I didn't have a date then there would be no reason to buy the dress. I remember it to this day. It was velour, burgundy in color, a long dress with a white collar and it tied in the back. At this time, I was about 5'5" and all of 98 pounds. I am not kidding. My selections were limited as almost nothing looked good on me. Yes, I was a beanpole.

I asked Bob from my science class to the dance. He said "sure". Afterwards, I wondered if Sure meant yes I'll go, or was it a sarcastic comment as in no way I would be caught dead with you. I remained the optimist.

I bought the dress and anxiously awaited the night of the dance. I confirmed plans the day before.

The night of the dance my mother drove me to Bob's house and then the both of us to the dance. We were having a fairly nice time. Well there was punch and some dancing. Then Bob spied the very curvaeous, most popular girl in our class. She was wearing the same dress as mine! Well, except hers was blue and she was blonde and oh yeah, it looked much better on her. Bob said to me, doesn't Gail look pretty in her dress? Not once that evening had he even commented on my dress! I was heartbroken and as you can imagine both the dance and dinner were a bust!(No pun intended) I had lost my appetite and couldn't eat my dinner so he ate both of our dinners. He said he had been starving himself for two days. The silence at the table was deafening and I heard the couple in the next booth say, "Aw, poor kids they must have had a fight".

Today I laugh about that night and I bet Bob would not even remember it. Sure wish I had a photo to show you all. I know we took photos that night. I guess I must have burned it.

I promise the next post will be more upbeat and filled with sweet stories. I'll reminisce about the good romantic experiences.

The perfect Valentine

Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

Here's my man for Valentine's 2010. I know it's a little early to be thinking of Valentine's Day but the more I think about it the more I'm convinced that Oscar will be my best Valentine.

I mean just look at those soulful eyes! He is attentive. He knows how to relax. He's not a morning person and neither am I. He's a good cuddler.

He keeps himself in good shape, he's lean but muscular. And he's not afraid to show his sensitive side, I've heard him cry on occasion.

Oscar and I met on Valentine's night two years ago. So I think it was meant to be. He will be my perfect Valentine for 2010.

Flea Market Finds

Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010

It's Saturday and a perfect day to visit a flea market. I chose to go to a flea market I had never been to before. This one was in Revere, Massachusetts in the basement of St Anthony's Church. I had heard from friends that this flea market
had some great finds. I am usually looking for teacups (because I don't have enough), linens, and interesting old books. Occasionally I look for jewelry.

When I entered the basement of the church, I was overwhelmed. A quick scan of the space and I almost headed back out into the cold. I have no interest in old records, shot glasses, dishtowels with crocheted tops, and tupperware. No offense to those that like things like that but it's just not MY thing.

I did go through each aisle because you never know. There were a few teacups for sale but nothing very pretty or interesting. Finally, one bright shining light.
There was a table, beautifully merchandised. She used wooden boxes and crates to display her wares. She had old books and interesting items. She was eager to speak with her customers. I found out she used to be a merchandiser at a department store.

Every item I bought came from this one woman's display. The books and the old magazine caught my eye. They will be great for display. I will enjoy reading the poems and the magazine has some wonderful old ads in it.

The hatboxes will make elegant storage pieces and hold any clutter at bay. I think I will use them on the bookcase in my hallway.

This sweet little miss spoke to me. The seller told me she thought she was about 40 years old. If you looked at the back of her you would see she was originally meant to be a pajama bag. Do you remember those? I do, I had one when I was a kid.

Here's another view of her. She may just sit on the chair in the living room. Not quite sure where she'll look best, but, I am happy she has a new home. All she needs is a name.

This interesting item is part of an iron fence taken from a baptist church in Lynn, Massachusetts. The woman at the booth told me her husband does a lot of restoration work and he had to do work on the church fence. It was my good fortune to run into her at the flea market. She thinks the piece would make a nice doorstop. I think I will just display it on a shelf. To me, it's just really cool to look at and it doesn't need to be functional.

So after a disappointing start, I think you can see I had a fun time at the Revere
Flea Market!



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