A walk around my neighborhood

Senin, 18 Januari 2010

A day off and fresh fallen snow, the perfect opportunity to take a walk around my neighborhood and snap a few shots.

I like seeing remnants of Christmas decorations, especially in the snow. We're so busy at holiday time we often miss our own neighbors decorations. So I took them all in today.

I think blue houses look so pretty in the snow.

This is my favorite house on the street. It's a Gothic cottage and it was once a train station. I actually was interested in buying this house some years ago, but,
it was too pricey for me. It's funny that I ended up buying a condo on the same street.

An icy lantern in the front yard of the gothic cottage.

Another shot of the cottage. I do love window boxes. Sadly, there are none at my condo. Actually I kill plants and flowers.

Even the porch screens had snow on them.

I just love how the neighborhood looks when it snows. Everything looks so small, almost cozy in a way. You would think it would be feel colder after it snows but sometimes it's just the opposite. Once the storm is over it usually warms up and the air is clean and refreshing. It's quiet except for the crackling of the snow beneath my feet.

I'm already looking forward to the next storm!

What I like...

Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

What I like:

Rediscovering a favorite coffeehouse.

Snuggling into my new featherbed and down blanket on a cold winter's night.

Making plans to reconnect with old friends in the New Year.

Not being so busy at work and leaving for the day at a normal hour.

Finding well loved clothes in the back of my closet that still fit me.

Blasting my music knowing there's no one upstairs to complain.

Discovering interesting movies on Netflix.

A long weekend.

Cat with Water

Jumat, 08 Januari 2010

I don't usually post videos from You Tube on my blog, but, the cat lover in me
couldn't resist. This was sent to me by a coworker today and I am sure you will
enjoy it as much as I did.

The star of the video reminds me of my own Molly. She loves the water too!

Snowy Saturday and a Trip to Harvard Square

Minggu, 03 Januari 2010

A storm was predicted and it had already started to snow. I planned to stay home with the kitties on this snowy Saturday.

I usually make a trip into Harvard Square before Christmas. I love to browse in the unique shops and people watch. There are many great eateries there too. This Christmas I didn't make it to Harvard Square.

So I was thrilled when my friend Kim called to ask if I was interested in going there on this Saturday afternoon. It was snowing and cold but Burdick's Hot Chocolate was calling.

We drove in and parked at Harvard University since Kim had a parking pass. Harvard Yard looked gorgeous in the snow as we walked through it.

At Burdick's we walked past the man keeping count of how many hot chocolate lovers were in the shop. Maximum occupancy is 49 and it is strictly enforced.

A winter wonderland awaited us. Twigs and branches were suspended from the ceiling and glass snowflakes and icicles dangled and caught the light. It was quite beautiful and an idea I may use in the condo mext Christmas.

Here's an overall view of the shop. See how cool it looks?

I ordered a small dark chocolate with a cinnamon luxembourger just like the macarons in Paris. The photo is blurry due to the fact that I was suffering from chocolate intoxication. Just the smell made me woozy with excitement!

Here's the outside of Burdick's, the steam on the window just adds to it's mystique. We browsed a bit in a few shops and then it started to really snow so we crossed Harvard Yard and headed home.

It was an enjoyable spontaneous excursion!

2009 - The Year in Review

Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

I am participating in Cindy at My Romantic Home's Year in Review Party. So here's my mosaic of the year 2009. Actually there's not all that much to tell.

Of course, the year had some up and downs. On the upside,I settled into my condo and today I am celebrating Oscar's first anniversary. Yup,one year ago tonight, I picked up my baby from his foster Mom Diane's house. Molly wasn't thrilled with his arrival but I think he's growing on her. I really enjoy watching the interaction between the two cats.

One of the downers of the year was my car accident. Although I wasn't hurt, the car certainly was. The damage was $11,000 and it took about a month to repair. But she's running great and for that and the fact that the airbag saved me from serious injury I am grateful.

Traveling to Kennebunkport and Ogunquit with my sister was a highlight of my Summer. I also took a few daytrips to Rockport, Manchester, and New Hampshire.

I was active with my tea group and have some happy memories of the year's tea events and I held a few parties in my new condo. A Valentine's Tea, a Wimbledon Breakfast, Harvest Dinner and Christmas Soiree are all stamped in my memory bank for 2009.

I had a renewed interest in Ebay this year and also spent some time shopping on Etsy. My vintage lace curtain panel was an Ebay find.

The seasons were all beautiful in New England this year and I am so thankful I was able to celebrate each one. I really enjoyed capturing all the changes in seasons with my camera. I did not buy a new camera as was the plan. Maybe in 2010.

Hope you enjoyed my 2009 recap. On New Year's Eve, you can pop on over to Cindy's blog and see more year in review posts.

Wishing you all a safe and healthy New Year.

We're Hibernating

Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

BRRR! Today was so cold! I went out this afternoon and nearly got blown off the sidewalk. Right now it's 13 degrees in Boston but with a wind advisory and gusts of up to 50 miles per hour the temperature feels like 15 below zero on the skin!

So we will hunker down for the remainder of the day. Me and the kitties will amuse ourselves with a little TV, some blogging, books and magazines. I could clean but what the heck, I'm on vacation.

Molly will find the warmest sunniest spot in the condo.

Oscar will burrow into the feather bed and the bed covers. When the wind howls, he'll hide between the quilt and the comforter underneath.

I'll warm up with a cup of hot chocolate and a good book.

Actually hibernating isn't so bad is it?

Christmas excitement

Kamis, 24 Desember 2009

After the Christmas Soiree and all the visiting, shopping, and eating. We're tired and in need of a cat nap. Oscar and Molly spent their days exploring the new smells coming in to the condo. New people to sniff, foods, shopping bags, the smell of candles and spiced cider. All good smells but definitely sensory overload for their quiet existence.

Take a look and you can see why they are tired.

Molly wanted a doll for Christmas. And by hook or by crook, she was going to get one!

Oscar was planning his next move. Climb the tree or fight with my sister?

Ok, a game of cat and mouse with my sister!

Molly still wants the doll but may settle for the cat ornament.

Molly tried to disguise herself as a bookcase decoration.

I think she thinks I left the room. Now she's after that rather enticing vintage ornament.

As promised some shots of the condo rooms with their decorations. A shot of the living room as seen from the dining room.

And one of the dining room as scene from the living room. All is calm, all is bright at the moment since the kitties are asleep.

A shot from the living room window. Yes, it will be a white Christmas!

My tree topper from Pottery Barn, the right size for a small tree.

The peace dove is one of my favorites.

We hung bobeches from the hall lights. In lieu of a chandelier this will do. The play of light was wonderful.

Blurry view of the dining room hutch. Themes of skating and tea and cats. I added real greenery last week before my party.

I got these glittery cones and box at Sage Farm Antiques earlier in the month. I thought it might brighten up the bookcase which is stained with a color called Carribean Rum so it's very dark.

Molly woke up and wants to see what's going on outside. Note the little bobeche at the top of the photo.

My hallway tree and favorite photo of ballerinas from Marblehead.

A new addition to the bookcase. Mini stockings for Molly and Oscar. I like the dark wood with the colors of burgundy and green. This is where I store my collection of magazines.

The top of the dining room hutch. Greenery and clocks and a special teacup and vintage photo.

The brass reindeer and sleigh that Molly was after.

A cloche filled with vintage ornaments.

Skating themed shelf on the hutch.

That's it you've seen it all, the shenanigans of the kitties and the condo tour.

Nothing left to do but enjoy the next days with family and friends.

Wishing all of you a peaceful holiday season.



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