Reminiscing about the Illumination Night Tea

Rabu, 05 Agustus 2009

Saturday's Illumination Night in Maine brought back memories to me. One memory of last year's trip to Martha's Vineyard and another of an Illumination Night Tea I hosted with my friend Kim back in 2007. At Kim's house we tried to recreate illumination night and the feeling of being on the Vineyard. I thought you'd enjoy reminiscing with me.

Here's a cottage on the Vineyard, all decorated and waiting for the evening's festivities.

And here's the illumination of the lanterns on the Vineyard.

Kim had never been to an illumination night so we decided that I would do the decorating for the party and she would handle the food. After all, she is the better cook.

Here's the tablescape. We served buffet style. Kim made a chicken dish with fruit compote and a dish with corn in it. Sorry, I forgot the details. We also had seafood salad rolls and a spinach salad with cranberries, goat cheese, and walnuts with a raspberry vinaigrette dressing. We used paper plates and napkins and a fishing net for a casual feel. The plastic flatware was housed in a Nantucket Basket. Faux hydrangeas were placed in a Pellegino water bottle which served as a vase.

A rice paper parasol was placed over the dining room light.

We made favors for everyone. I had seen an article in Martha Stewart magazine about making beach glass jewelry so I mentioned it to my artist sister. I was secretly hoping she would help us make the jewelry. My sister came through for us. She adapted Martha's idea into something more simple. Instead of drilling holes in the beach glass, we wrapped silver wire around the pieces and made a bale at the top. We then slipped a silk cord through the top and voila, beach glass necklace! We had assorted colors of beach glass and various colored cords.

Then we made little pyramid shaped boxes out of maps of Martha's Vineyard. We wrapped the necklaces in tissue paper, placed them in the boxes and tied the top of the box with raffia.

As soon as darkness arrived, we flicked on all the light switches and we had our own grand illumination. Earlier in the day, Kim's husband had hung those icicle Christmas lights all around the edge of the porch and I covered the bulbs with the lanterns.

I have to admit the lantern illumination came out much better than I expected and it looked pretty darn close to the illuminated cottages on the Vineyard.

The many hours of planning and preparation were all worth it when one of the guests told me the evening was "magical".

Ocean Park Illumination Night

Senin, 03 Agustus 2009

Saturday night a group of us attended the Ocean Park Illumination Night in Maine. It was a picture perfect evening. Not too warm and not too cool with wonderful moonlight reflecting on the ocean.

We walked the beach and listened to the sound of the waves. I just love the smell of the ocean/beach. The breeze was gentle Saturday night.

Before the beach walk and the illumination, we took in the sights of the town. The temple was so charming on the outside.

Some of us checked out the antiques store.

Of course, there had to be ice cream consumed at some point! Check out the Graham Central Station flavor. I was curious but I didn't order it.

He's making my sundae.

And there it is, peppermint stick ice cream with hot fudge sauce and whipped cream.

Some of the cottages just had lights, no lanterns. It was still very pretty.

Some of the streets were lined with scallop shells with tea lights inside them. So adorable!

The young man who owned this cottage came out to talk to us. The cottage had been in his family for generations. I'd love to see it in the daytime.

These were my favorite lanterns. Probably because I love animals. Or maybe because they were so unique. I consider myself a lantern conoisseur and I have never seen anything like them.

We spoke with the woman who owned the lanterns and she said she got them in Singapore! She lived there for 32 years.

The lanterns are made of cellophane.

Her name is Pam and she lives in Ocean Park. She posed with us for our group shot.

Luminarias lined this cottage's steps. The little candle jars were decorated with tissue paper on the outside. The homeowner's children had made them.

This cottage had more of the traditional type lanterns.

They were so pretty when illuminated.

A Highland band entertained the crowd and walked up and down the streets of the town.

A cross and lights along a fence leading to the beach.

A couple stood near the entrance to the beach and they gave free candles with a little card. Everyone lit their candles and put them in shallow holes in the sand.

We lit candles and said prayers for our friend's mom who had passed away a day earlier.

The candles stayed lit despite the seabreeze.

One of the homeowners opened up his garden to the public. It looked gorgeous even in the evening light.

Another evening garden shot.

This one gets the most whimsical and most labor intensive award.

Although, we arrived too late for the Strawberry Shortcake Festival, we had no regrets. We all had a wonderful evening.

I wish to thank Don for giving me permission to use some of his photos for this post.

Pretty in Pink Saturday

Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2009

It's Pink Saturday and today's post is designed to create the illusion of coolness. This post is for all of you who are suffering from extreme high temperatures and unbearable humidity in your part of the country.

This sweet pooch is pretty in pink. Her family left her outside a Starbucks while they ran in for a hot drink. Windblown is a good look on her, don't you think?

I watched her through the window as I drank my hot chocolate on a snowy Sunday afternoon in January.

I couldn't resist her charms so I went outside to play with her. She promptly snubbed me. Yep, she started barking and growling at me! So I took one more photograph of her and then
her family came to fetch her. And I went back into Starbucks, just happy to have photos filed away for a future Pink Saturday post on a lazy Summer's day.

Thanks to Beverly of How Sweet the Sound for hosting this event. Click on the Pink Saturday button on the sidebar to see other Pink Saturday participants.

Fabulous Gift Idea

Rabu, 29 Juli 2009

I was reading some of my old Romantic Homes magazines and I came across an idea to share with you. If you keep your old Romantic Homes, check out the June 2005 issue. I've used this idea a few times and I received accolades for my creativity!

You can create an easy hostess gift with just three items. You will need a tea towel or linen towel, a bouquet of flowers, and some pretty ribbon. Wrap the flowers in the towel and tie it with the ribbon.

Here's another variation. You can use a men's necktie and add pearls for a sophisticated look.

I usually have tea towels on hand to give as gifts. Sometimes I give the tea towel bouquets as hostess gifts. I gave one when I was invited to a BBQ. The hostess always has plenty of food on hand so I thought it would be better to bring flowers
than food.

If you use a printed towel, keep the flowers simple.

I think I'll use this one as a hostess gift at Thanksgiving. Some autumnal flowers
will look lovely in this towel.

I also like to use some humorous towels for my bouquets. I think this one might apply to me!

I know this one definitely applies to me!

If any of you make a bouquet, let me know I'd love to see how it turns out.

Vacation Day in Rockport

Sabtu, 25 Juli 2009

Last Thursday, I took a vacation day from work and my sister and I went to Rockport. Even a day trip can feel like a mini vacation when you are relaxing by the ocean. I took so many photos I decided to make mosaics so my post wouldn't be too long.

The day started out very dreary, but, there was still beauty all around us.

A while later, the fog lifted and the sky was still overcast, but, we didn't mind- just look at the vibrant colors of the flowers.

We started out at the Bean and Leaf Cafe. There's a porch at the back of the cafe
and as we sipped our coffee and tea we watched the ocean. Some people read the morning paper or just relaxed.

I happened upon La Provence and of course I had to go in and check it out. I bought some colorful dishtowels and I plan to make them into kitchen curtains.

We went to our favorite place for lunch, Brackett's Oceanview. The view from the large picture window is spectacular. We had fried shrimp rolls and they were delicious. The room that leads to the dining room is so pretty. It is furnished with antiques, even the restroom is elegantly decorated.

I loved the little shop called Sycamore Hollow. Their merchandise displays were so interesting. I could have blown my budget in that one store if I'd had more time. Luckily we had to get back to the parking meter before we got a ticket. Actually that's happened to me before so we were mindful of the time.

The last stop was Helmut's Strudel Shop. Normally, we sit on the deck and enjoy a hot apple strudel but my sister needed to be back home in the early afternoon so we took it to go. I did take a photo from the deck so you could experience the view.

We took a five hour mini vacation and we enjoyed every minute of it.



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