Full Flower Moon and Pink Saturday

Jumat, 08 Mei 2009

Welcome to all Pink Saturday participants. I am combining my Pink post with some photos I took in Concord today. My friend Lori Lee and I decided to do lunch and shopping but first we visited this cemetery. We both love to look at old gravestones.

The carvings are so beautiful on these old stones.

Many of them were very ornate and I loved all the angels.

The full moon name of May is the Full Flower Moon. Quite simply, May brings bright brushes to paint the earth canvas with infinite flowers. In the full moon light of this month, the flowers are said to grow at night, and even dance in honor of the moon. (info from What's-Your-Sign.com)
For my pink post I focused on the profusion of pink flowering trees I saw this week. Winchester had some beauties.

This was taken along the path of the Duck Pond. Don't ask me to identify the species.

Again, lots of pinks at the Duck Pond.

Some of the pink blooms were so delicate.

But one branch was so heavy it almost hit the sidewalk!

Peaceful scene by the Pond.

Another shot from Concord. It was a gorgeous Spring day. I introduced Lori Lee to Nesting on Main, my new favorite shop. Sunshine after a cloudy, rainy week, warm temperatures, a fabulous day to take off from work.
Thanks to Beverly of How Sweet the Sound for coordinating Pink Saturday. Click on the Pink Saturday button on the sidebar to see a list of participants.
Happy Mother's Day to all of you hard working moms. I hope you have a relaxing weekend.

Routine Keeps Us Sane

Senin, 04 Mei 2009

My sister once said, "Routine keeps us sane." I think the two of us might have been complaining about the lack of excitement in our lives.
One of my favorite routines is seeing my sweet Molly sitting in the dining room window waiting for my return home at night. She perches herself on the tea chest and befriends
the peacock lamp while she waits to see my car pull in the driveway.
By the time I reach the back door, she is there to greet me. I can hear her purring as little brother Oscar stands in the background.
I am home and happy to be with my furbabies! What a nice routine.

I Love Rockport

Jumat, 01 Mei 2009

One of my favorite places to visit in the Summer months is Rockport, Massachusetts. This place has it all. It is a quick drive for me and I often go there with friends after work. I can be there in time to have dinner and watch the sunset.

Yep, this is the view from my favorite deck. I usually wrap up the evening here on the deck of Helmut's Strudel shop. There's nothing like a cool iced coffee and a warm from the oven apple strudel with powdered sugar on top, throw in a gorgeous sunset and you have the perfect ending to your Rockport visit. However, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

If you're careful, you can make it to the end of the rocks. There's a great view out there. Just make sure you wear your sneakers!

The harbor is so serene at this time of day. I could sit and watch it all night.

No trip is complete without a trip to the Country Store or as I call it the penny candy store. I always have to buy those caramel bullseyes! They have some funky gifts there too.

This is a lovely place to eat with an outdoor deck facing the ocean. It's called My Place by the Sea and it can be very romantic especially by candlelight. Personally, I like to go to Brackett's Oceanview. It looks like a little storefront but inside it's quite large with a picture window showcasing the ocean. The restaurant is fabulous and a good value on your food. I recommend the shrimp roll and clam chowder combo. Call ahead so you can sit right by the ocean.

A little shopping is in order. Clothing, jewelry, artwork, and crafts. It's all here.
Plus the shops are so darn cute!

All the shops look so colorful and inviting.

You will definitely get that New England seacoast feel here.

The pastel colors of the sky make me crazy. I can't stop snapping shots of the boats, the clouds, the water!

Someone told me this looks like Cabot Cove from the television show Murder She Wrote. I think she's right.
To all you armchair travelers in blogland, I hope you enjoyed your trip to Rockport. I can't wait to go in person. I think there's an apple strudel with my name on it!

Sunday Brunch at Aroma Cafe

Minggu, 26 April 2009

Today was a gorgoeus Spring day. Actually it seemed more like Summer. It has been abnormally warm for the past two days.

My sister and I decided to go to Sunday brunch. One of our favorite places for brunch is the Aroma Cafe in Reading, Massachusetts. It's located right in the downtown area at 607 Main St.

I love the decor in the place. The color purple is predominant. The wood color plays off the shades of purple. Isn't the floor cool?

Here's my breakfast. My sister got the same thing. It's our favorite, even Linda, our server knows it. She said next time she won't even bring us menus. So it's called Eggs in the Hearts. It's two eggs over easy inside herb buttered toast. The cutout hearts make the dish visually pleasing. The lacy potatoes, delicious. Some of them are browned to perfection. And nice colorful fruit salad gives the plate color. You wouldn't want too much beige would you?
Great food at this place and excellent service. Linda is the best! Weekdays, I sometimes go there for a Vermont Goat Cheese Salad. The salad has mixed greens, roasted red peppers, toasted pecans, red onions, goat cheese, and ranch dressing. Yum!!

On the ride home, my sister commented that just the other day there were no flowers in bloom and now we have blossoms everywhere. Since she was driving, I was able to take a photo of this blue house with pretty white blossoming tree.

Here's a closer look at the delicate flowers on the tree. Spring is here, indeed!

Paul Revere's Ride

Senin, 20 April 2009

Listen my children and you shall hear

Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,

On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five;

Hardly a man is now alive

Who remembers that famous day and year.
He said to his friend, "If the British marchBy land or sea from the town to-night,

Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry archOf the North Church tower as a signal light,

--One if by land, and two if by sea;And I on the opposite shore will be,

Ready to ride and spread the alarm

Through every Middlesex village and farm,

For the country folk to be up and to arm." Excerpt from "The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere"by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

Today is Patriot's Day, a Massachusetts holiday. I planned to go to a battle reenactment but I canceled my vacation day and caught up at work. I am posting some photos from a fewyear's ago. My friend Pauline had a Paul Revere tea at her home. She lives on the Paul Revere ride route. How's that for a historic street?

Here's the tea group anxiously awaiting Paul Revere's appearance. I think Karen wants me in the photo!

First William Dawes and his entourage rode by.

The horses were beautiful and don't you love a man in uniform?

There he is on his white horse. Paul Revere!

He actually slowed down for us and gave us a photo opportunity.

Amanda offered the men in the entourage some refreshment.

The smallest member of the group was quite excited.

There's Paul, happy to oblige the camera. To read more about the Midnight Ride

Easter Weekend

Selasa, 14 April 2009

Saturday morning I took a little trip to Concord. Aren't the flowers cheerful?There's my favorite store. Oh, I'll just take a quick peek. It's been a month. Maybe there's something new.

Oh yeah I stopped outside Nesting to take a photo of this bike. Cute!

Here's a view from the alley way. It was kind of a dreary and chilly day. Actually the sun was in and out.

The pussywillows make an egg shape. Pretty, huh?

Window box outside Nesting and a view of Main St. All fake flowers. It's been too cold for anything to grow in these parts.

A selection of mirrors at Nesting.

I would love to have this table and chair set.

They have lots of signs with interesting quotes.

I left Nesting and went to La Patisserie in Winchester. I was looking for some Easter desserts.
These were too cute!

Oh yum! I had to get a few of these. 1 purple, 1 yellow.

Chocolate eggs all in a row. One for me please!

Back home, I put the frame and the Easter postcard I bought at Nesting on my table. Such a sweet face on the little girl.

This was how we started Easter mornng. A standoff between Molly and Oscar. the kitty litter was about to fly!

First, church and then over to Dad's for Easter Brunch. I made an overnight french toast. I assembled it the night before Easter and baked it on Easter.

We all visited Mom at the nursing home. They had a dessert buffet with a chocolate fountain. Mom loves chocolate! I get my chocoholic tendencies from her.

Back home again, Oscar was doing all sorts of tricks. He's quite the contortionist. He has the longest legs I've ever seen on a cat.

Oh, he wants some attention. He loves this spot when the afternoon sun hits the kitchen.

He's looking for food. He's always looking for food.

Molly says, "Where's my baked French toast?"
Sorry Molly, no carb overload for you.
That's it. End of the weekend. It was great but short!

Pink Saturday- Oscar and the Bunny

Jumat, 10 April 2009

I'm participating in Beverly from How Sweet the Sound's Pink Saturday. To see other Pink Saturday posts, click on the Pink Saturday button on the sidebar.

Oscar discovered his Easter present BEFORE Easter. The ivory bunny with the
pink ears and polka dot bow was just way too interesting. Oscar simply could not wait until Easter morning to make her acquaintance.

Oscar gets cozy with his new friend. Sacking out on the couch, the two became fast friends.

It's just about bedtime. I think Oscar is going to have a sleepover with his friend. Don't worry about Oscar's sister Molly, she got into the Peeps and is quite content herself!




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